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Posts posted by gillbot

  1. A lot of the kids around here are lured into better paying positions but even then, there is still a shortage.


    Edit: the kids that are worth hiring are getting better pay at manufacturing jobs, and those left to handle fast food aren’t reliable.

  2. before the tariffs and all that I was able to get a Strix 3090 for $1750 now MSRP is $2200 and people are buying them for 4k. STONKS


    Way back, I got my kids each an Asus G11CD with 16GB ram, i5 and a GTX970 for like $300 each. Now they are getting a bit aged and all I can see out there is $2-4k video cards by themselves!! My son asked me about an upgrade and I just laughed, then showed him what current video card prices are like. He said you can buy a used car for that!!!

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