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Posts posted by gillbot

  1. Holy shit this. What a perfect opportunity to talk about people taking better care of themselves, totally pissed away this past year. There are people at my work that won't work in close spaces with others because they are high risk, yet they haven't lost any weight nor done shit to improve their lifestyle and become less "high risk".


    I just find it hilarious people are all on board with this pay for vaccine scheme but there are literally bigger fat fish to fry. Pay for smoking cessation, losing weight, cholesterol, the list goes on and on for things that could make a much bigger impact but they can’t skim money off the top that way.

  2. Mind you, it isn't as if all Ford F-150s from now on will need to be plugged in. Not even close. The majority of F-150s sold will have gasoline engines for the time being. But the fact that customers will be able to buy an F-150 with an electric motor instead of a gasoline engine is a major milestone.

    This is the key. Most are hesitant to stray away from ice but the phasing to electric will build confidence and allow people to seemingly switch at their perceived pace. Plus it builds the impression of an ice safety net while early adopters “test out” the electric counterparts.

  3. I just did the internet equivalent of writing a long letter airing my grievances, and “throwing it away” by deleting before posting.


    I will just say I agree with both Greg and Wags.


    Thank you for the therapy, CR :)



  4. They call them bag holders, sometimes if you hold long enough it pays off but most don't have the patience for that.


    Almost everyone I know in Doge got in early so they are in for the long haul. Most have cashed out what they originally put in but that's nothing compared to the "value" they are currently sitting on.

  5. It cost me nothing to hang onto it so I may ride it out and see where it goes.


    Hard to tell really, again $0.01 was a pipe dream when I bought it, which I did mainly as a joke at the time. Never thought we would be here.


    This is the same thought that everyone I know in Doge has though. "Let it ride since it was cheap early and hopefully it'll be as big as Bitcoin!!!" What happens when the long term investors are the only ones left and there's no hype to keep driving it forward?

  6. I've read stories in the news lately of people who bought in at like .0002 or some other ridiculous number and they are up to life changing amounts in the millions and still holding for the LOLs.


    My buddy has a ton of doge. He got in at the very beginning probably in that range and he’s in for the long haul. He said he cashed out enough so that he bigot his initial money back. If it rides up to $10 he’s golden for retirement, if it crashes he’s out $0.

  7. I avoid the woulda coulda shoulda by keeping to a rule of day trading only. I pretty much exit positions within 10-15 minutes making off with around 1% profit and never keeping positions overnight. I miss out on huge gains but I missed huge loses as well and keep the gains very consistent at 1/2-2% per day that I trade right now a few times per month however I'm working to move into full time day trading.


    There's so many times I would have been rich if I just held but the risk would mean blowing up my accounts and being ruined in one move so it's far to risky. Not saying I haven't done that in the past.


    Exactly , they don’t show you all the stories of people loosing it all because everyone thinks they are going to become a millionaire from their $500 investments

    Hindsight is a SOB ain't it. Otherwise i'd still have apple, Intel, Microsoft and many others from WAY WAY back in the day.

  8. I'm thinking she better sell it and buy something nice. To get to 1,000,000 the value would have to reach $2.5 each. Right now she's the only person thinking it would go that high, most are hoping for $1 and if it goes to $2.5 quickly it will crash just as fast from all the profit taking.


    This is one of the problems with all this Robinhood stuff going on. People have no clue they they are in a casino and don't know when to take profit and run. Unrealized gains are worthless but you still feel good and it's gonna feel bad when the value starts dropping from a high. That's what drives the waves in the markets and what I prey on as consistent daily gains as a day trader.


    There are some pushing for $1 on Doge but expecting to ride it up to $10. It wouldn't surprise me if it got there but the rollercoaster and risk isn't worth it.


    I said the same thing years ago when I had a few whole bitcoins and now i'm kicking myself for dumping those "useless" things. I think that's what is driving a lot of this frenzy. People had bitcoin and now they are buying all over the place hoping for the next big long term ride.

  9. I'm not sure the free market is screaming to pay such high costs for EV's right now.


    This is what's holding me off of a purchase right now. I'm not willing to pay the price for what they have out right now. Others are, and i'm glad they are an early adopter but i'm poised to wait and see how the tech moves forward.



    Also still curious how you are running 220v with just 2 wires..... :gabe:


    2 hots and a ground since on a true 220 circuit you don't need the 3rd for neutral. Many 220v hot water tanks (and other true 220v circuits) use 10/2 (or #8, #6, etc.) with ground as the neutral isn't needed.

  10. You want less of a reach? Or should I say something more able to be accepted because people choose not to see what they don't have to experience?

    Only 66% of American housing units have access to a garage or carport. Would you install your charger outside? Take out the rental properties such as apartment complexes that are not going to invest in the infrastructure to have chargers at every parking spot in their garage/carport.


    Do you even know where I live RIGHT NOW? :lol:


    Overall, I don't think we should be forcing a switch to all EV's and just disregarding ICE but here we are. It's a path that's coming whether or not we are prepared for it. Rather than make excuses for why it won't work, some are willing to embrace the change for the overall greater good and try to make it work the best they can.

  11. The overwhelming majority of homes in US/Canada are fed single phase 240v with phases split to provide 120v to standard outlets, 240v on opposite phase arrangement.


    I can guarantee you there are SIGNIFICANTLY more households (not homes, as this is generally apartments) 208v service which is a Y split from three phase 480v, than there are households without 240v service.


    I seriously don't know of houses without 240v service, with my only guess being houses with 100+ year old electrical systems


    I was simply stating AC isn't always common. I know it is very rare for a house to not have 240v.

    Those are not in every house. Never had to live with just fans? Never thought it was a luxury when you finally got a window A/C for your bedroom and were so happy when it got late and you were allowed to turn it on because electricity costs went down? Never had the unfortunate experience of running out of propane and not being able to use the stove or dryer (or furnace)? Never had a natural gas stove or dryer? Your experience is not the only experience. Thankfully, I feel many here are a little more well off. However, growing up living in a 2 person pull behind trailer with a family of 4, having to walk to my Grandfather's house to shit or shower has given me a different perspective and an appreciation that many of the things we take for granted are not something that everyone gets to enjoy.



    https://www.homedepot.com/p/Siemens-60-Amp-2-Pole-QPH-22-kA-Circuit-Breaker-Q260H/301884038?source=shoppingads&locale=en-US 60A breaker for $45. Yes they can be had cheaper. But much like car parts, cheaper isn't always better and an installer is going to mark them up. In addition, 6AWG is rated for 55A, and at a 105' you need to up size due to voltage drop. So being 60A and 100', I chose 4AWG. Your house, your project feel free to under size as desired. As far as using 2 conductor, I am not sure how you are getting Ground, L2/Neutral and L1 which are all 3 called for in code and in the installation manual with only 2 wires. Technically Tesla recommends a 14-50 plug that requires 3 wires and a ground with a 60A breaker to achieve maximum charging rate on a Gen3 charger. They are capable of running on a 15A circuit but with slower charge speeds.


    Edit: NM

  12. All houses have 240. If they didn't you couldn't use a stove/dryer/air conditioner.


    The breaker was $20 and the 6/2 wire (You only need #6 for a 60A breaker, and only two conductor) was $100. I don't know who is quoting you these numbers, but definitely get a second opinion. There are multiple electricians in the bay area of California installing Tesla chargers for $250. You should be able to buy a charger and have it installed for $1k or less. I did mine myself.


    Unless they use a window unit.


    Plus #6 is on the low end for a 60a circuit, NM-B/UF-B is only rated at 55a. On mine I pulled three #6 THHN plus a #8 ground which is good for 75a.

  13. Not the concern at all, more-so the point. The cheaper and more fuel efficient the ICE car is, the harder to justify an EV is. In my example with my current car, it would take 181,650 miles in my current car to reach the break even point. In your Chevy Spark, it would take over twice as long to break even. (Double the gas mileage, $15k cheaper purchase price) I haven't done the math again but, I am guessing, it would take over 600,000 miles before you hit the break even point. That is if both vehicles could make it that far and have comparable maintenance costs.


    Oh I get ya completely. That's my main gripe with the EV car push, they aren't for everyone and forcing them on people isn't the answer. Hike gas tax or ramp up gas guzzler tax to include all these Karen SUV's. People were buying fuel efficient cars like mad when gas was $5/gal and there was no EV push.


    I can't wait for the flip side to hit when all we have are EV's and the power grid collapses.

    EDIT: Pollution will be worse due to everyone burning gas in a generator that doesn't have strict emissions like a car does. :lol:

  14. My CMax does that, there's a button to set the EV mode. "EV Now, EV Later, Auto". Of course, the absolute top end of the EV range is about 18 miles so they have to be real short trips, but I like being able to force it not to use the ICE around town, or like to force it to use the ICE on the highway so I can use the battery power on the other end.


    Eta: I assume the same system is in the Fusion Energi and whatever else they slapped the drivetrain into.


    Rav 4 Plug in. Oddly enough, your point about around town was what we were looking at too. It was/is on the list for our family. 42-ish miles EV only for around town which is cool. Add to it, when fully charged it clips off 0-60 in 5 seconds thus around town it's fun factor is there. Think back to the older V6 Rav 4 units. I think if more cars did that it would hurt full EV only sales more because for 90% of what people would do it would be a full EV but on long ass drives, you would have both and have no need to stop and charge. Harder to get and commanding $40k+ fully loaded though, they cross into lower level EV Pricing ranges.


    I'm going to have to look into this deeper then!

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