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Posts posted by gillbot

  1. I agree with you. I just believe there are far more people that got it, are getting it, have it now, etc. and are staying home to fight it off. Not everyone is running off to get tested. You should only be tested if you are going to the hospital because you need that level of attention. Otherwise, stay at home and fight the good fight.


    I agree and I think the media is skewing the results, but at the same time I somewhat understand because otherwise it would be business as usual and it could be much more rapidly spread. If stupid people weren't stupid, this could have been handled much better overall, but, 'MURICA BITCHES!


    I plan on staying at home as much as possible and will battle when I need to, from home if/until an ER trip is required. My pulmonologist called me and told me to stay the fuck at home, so it must be SRS.

  2. This is what I've been saying for a couple weeks now. It's been here, there have been cases that have gone unnoticed, and people have been fighting it off. I don't doubt that it's serious, but the death rate and recovery numbers are not nearly as bad as it's being made out to be.


    While I agree on the face of it, my fear as one of those who may be higher risk, i'm not willing to risk going out and finding out if this is the same or different.

  3. Werd.


    Be a healthcare worker, bust your ass working a shitload of overtime every year, work even more during this outbreak, receive zero hazard pay, make above the cutoff because you worked so much, and no stimulus check for you. Thanks Obama.


    I’m sure there are many others out there who have busted their asses and aren’t getting this. There are also many more who are still busting their asses who don’t make shit anyway but they will get it. Don’t like where you are at, change jobs.

  4. Anyone disinfect your cars yet? Are you doing anything different to keep it virus-free?


    My Jeep has been out twice since all this so not much there. Only took it out into town and didn’t get out due to crowds. My wife took hers to the store but it sits for days in between trips so aside from what she’s touching she lets it sit.

  5. I think he was just stir crazy..I've been stuck here with my wife for almost 2 weeks and am not far far off of biting someone to death..lol


    We heard gunshots down the road, we just figured someone out that way was bored plinking in the yard or just decided to skip the divorce. Though, this way gun fire all around is normal since it is WV and heavy wooded areas n all.

  6. My guess is that they still want paid, so they are pushing ahead with their duties until told otherwise.


    This represents what I think is a major issue with the current order and its exemptions, basically labeling entire industries/companies as "essential", without clarifying which activities should be included or excluded. A ton of construction that shouldn't be continuing is ongoing, just because so many companies are using the exemptions as a free pass to continue business as usual (+ hand sanitizer and a "don't get close to eachother" pep talk/email).


    This is the biggest issue. So many people are looking for loopholes to continue operations forcing people out when they really shouldn't be.


    GM LOL https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/trump-criticizes-gm-ceo-mary-barra-for-wanting-top-dollar-for-producing-ventilators/ar-BB11NQWf?ocid=spartanntp

  7. I can only imagine what hell is going to break loose here in WV. They can't handle daily operations or demand in the hospital as it is, let alone anything like this. Our local hospital is already so overcrowded that simple services and even doctor visits are terrible.
  8. Carb, there may also be a solenoid that closes to prevent gas until the ignition is on. These are prone to fail, I disabled mine. If you are brave you can attempt to clean the carb or you can flood it with cleaner and hope for the best.


    EDIT: if you are "hold my beer and watch this" brave, just manually get some gas into the air intake and see if it'll fire over that way. If so, likely the carb isn't letting gas in properly.

  9. Thats a bummer man. Its a virus, not a boogeyman thats going to get you in the middle of the night.

    Maybe I 'm not scared enough


    I wasn't concerned until I got wind it's respiratory and those with underlying conditions are affected more.

    Sucks man.


    I've always tried to have the mindset that I can only control whats directly inside my sphere of influence. So I just focus on getting that as correct as possible. That tends to keep me mentally relaxed.



    We'll get through this. The human race has survived much worse.

    Yup, i'm sure we'll power through and I hope you diseased fuckers stay away from me for now.

  10. I've never been much of a worry type person but for some reason this shit has me shook to the core. It's just terrifying shit to have to wake up to every day and the nightmare gets worse every day.


    I’m with you there. In the beginning I was all meh... now I’m like :no:

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