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Posts posted by gillbot

  1. This. I'm only going to check the news like twice a day. It's getting very tiring.

    I logged out years ago, liked it so much I deleted it completely and never looked back. It's somewhat refreshing now not to have to check in there all the time.

    Finally some good news: Talked to my manager in our tier meeting this morning, he had a call with one of our China groups and they are back in the office, the virus is started to subside there. Nice to hear it right from the source and not the news.

    A lot of our production is back to normal as of a few days ago, we're just hoping the US can follow the same curve.


    completed day 1 of work from home, did fuck all, 10/10 would recommend.


    Ive been working from home for years on and off. These last 3 or so days I’ve gotten more done than ever in a normal work day. It’s crazy that now everyone in our group is working from home they know this and are leaving me alone to.... actually..... work.

  3. Right now we are grounded, basically no travel. If there is a business need, we will be allowed to go but unless it’s damn important it’s a no.


    Hard to maintain industrial equipment remotely but we’re trying to do what we can. We’re prepping for the eventual slam after restrictions are lifted by building control and monitoring panels now to be used/installed later. My only hope is I don’t get canned before that wave hits.

  4. One of my Air Force friends lives in Austin and he says the California invasion is real and he hates it. Same thing going on in Phoenix. As long as our shitty winter keeps those nutbags away from Columbus, I'm staying here... :lol:


    What winter? :confused:

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