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Everything posted by Spidey2721

  1. wtf i dont see the big deal. its simple and fast... course then people bitch cause its simple and fast. fill it out, send it back. poof its done. then you plop your but back down and do more important things like read this bullshit i'm typing.
  2. wait what? i can build a computer in like no time. its cake to do. build is by far the easy part.
  3. i have found rubber in my beef o roni three times.
  4. loving the house and railing design though.
  5. he has to be convicted though. which i hope he is. i would say they have to own up more now in the nfl though then when they are getting free rides in college.
  6. pft dude you dont think the colleges dont cover of all sorts of BS them star god like athletes get into?
  7. ahh nothing like crushed cars get the links flowing ;-) all good stuff.
  8. Spidey2721


    quotes tell the tale.
  9. http://www.autoblog.com/2010/03/18/video-mr-unstoppable-force-this-is-mr-immovable-object/#continued
  10. i just... well... nothing. absolutely no comment, its just a huge massive angry WTF MATE!
  11. Yip i am a happy man. he seemed like the safest and smartest choice outta the group.
  12. yea i have to see a Bengals coach/owner say THAT. i will agree though, there are better choices then t.o. out there. need someone though.
  13. just as long as the pwn the division at home and their house again... then all is right with the world. ;-) Who Dey!?!?
  14. need someone. might be willing to give it a try for a year. since no football in 2011.
  15. yea call and talk to the over all store manager. explain the whole situation to him. tell him to either return the fridge, or replace all three doors. dont call corporate. lowes corporate sucks ass.
  16. eh shit happens. x-box is in its death throws.
  17. it was one of the worst performances i have ever seen. the effects, lighting and setup was amazing though.
  18. imho. i believe they can figure a area that he will land in. nasa can tell you where something entering from space will land. he has a drag chute but that should be able to be taking into consideration. agreed that once he open full chute that it will vary. although not in a seriously large distance.
  19. well iirc it (the idea) was thought of back with the sr 71 and spy plans reaching that high of a altitude. they need to know what would happen if they had to eject. i could be wrong but i think i remember correctly from history channel.
  20. anyway to rig a air horn to go off? them can be some damn loud sob's!
  21. i have nothing of use to add to this thread other then to say i love your sig! oh, piece of candy. LMAO! i love that epi.
  22. i hate quitting smoking. even more so when i dont want to. i mean i truly do enjoy have a smoke. yes i KNOW its bad for me. so is waking up in the morning not that argument here. reason i quitting is the damn government decided to double the price of a pack of smokes. (makes me wonder what they are going to tax the shit out of next) pisses me off to no end. i am on the patch and it does pretty well. although i still find myself really really wanting one at times. anyone else in my boat? any of you that quit have any tips or tricks you can give me? thanks.
  23. misprints are NOT always worth more. depends on different things. also their worth is what a person is willing to pay for them. oddly enough my favorite era of comics 80's isnt worth ass much as some of last years comics. take the dark phoenix saga for example. a HUGE series back in the day. now i could have gotten the whole series for cheap at the last comic con i was at. (yes i go to comic cons people what of it :-)) depends on what you have and condition. now dont get me wrong if you have amazing fantasy 15, umm incredible hulk 181, or say tales of suspense 39 yea thats worth money. if i was closer i would give you a hand. if you want you can catalog everything you have and let me know. i can then go thru and tell you some key issues that may be of worth. although again it depends on condition. also how are they kept? are the boarded and bagged? or are they just loose?? oh yea and a lot of the prices guides are not worth a dang. the big print books are not too great. you can pick up a issue of wizard though. its a good ballpark guide. in the end though its what ever you can get out of em. sometimes more sometimes less. p.s. hell i have a 85 300z sitting in my driveway i might trade you for em. it dont run though. edit: i will try to think of some good 80's comics that would be of good worth. umm the drug issue from spiderman would be a good one. gambits first appearance was in the 80's. i will do some thinking and see if i can throw together a list of good ones to look for. i say 80's because the new muntants 51 you mentioned i think was in 87.
  24. being assaulted i would think he should be ok.
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