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Everything posted by Spidey2721

  1. windows doesnt sort porn.
  2. you have to add their google wave addy. i posted mine earlier spidey2721@googlewave.com
  3. so if i visted and they know i played wow would they arrest me too? thats just nuts. reason number 768 i would not go there.
  4. spidey2721@googlewave.com like the feel of it so far. if you have it add me. anyone figure out how to import contacts yet? might not be a option yet though since the other person would have to have google wave also.
  5. spidey2721@gmail.com if anyone has anymore. thanks!
  6. i do have to agree on michigan. although weird observation... mich drivers seem to be bad once they are out of their own state. weird.
  7. um you have to be kidding. indiana is my least favorite place to drive.
  8. i still love finalgear and the rips are great but, that ninja video is nice. edit: just got done watching epi 3 and its a great one. no spoilers but its a fun one! i thought so anyway.
  9. guys this is not dodge in an way. the winner get a challenger redone by a private group to resemble the roadrunner drawings. the drawings them self were not even done by dodge.
  10. I want the hpi savage.
  11. http://media.peopleofwalmart.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/544.jpg give me your best caption!!!
  12. Well i know the service manager. i am interested in what he thinks about it.
  13. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1968-426-Hemi-Superbee_W0QQitemZ120496968583QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUS_Cars_Trucks?hash=item1c0e2dd387 that is pure hotness though.
  14. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Concept-Car_W0QQitemZ180435219454QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUS_Cars_Trucks?hash=item2a02c6f3fe mm k? do you have to buy the challenger first then send it to em?
  15. its was half dark and raining out at the time. i will see if i can find out though. its at a dealer right now. towed there. i think i going to tell em i want the broken parts. i will see what i can find maybe take pics. it wasnt always taken to same place for everything.
  16. get a call from my mom today. said she was at a gas station and couldn't drive her van. long story short i go over to look it over and expecting to find bushing completely wore out/gone. nope. crawl under rear end and the damn axle is snaped in half right in the middle. if she had ran over a crub or a parking block maybe i could understand but nothing like that. i do some research online and this is not uncommon with the 99-00's. i would think something with a major part like that, ford would recall. sure its at least a grand to fix. uggg she reallly did not need this. if it would have waited another day it could have killed the entire family on interstate on turkey day. wtf ford?!?! makes me not want to invest anymore of my blood sweat and tears into my car anymore. thanks for reading my rant.
  17. how long can the speaker take that though? good stuff though.
  18. i will say the defense isnt the worst in the league. they cant shut down on the run much though.
  19. i hope you dont mind my new sig.
  20. alright D!! hell yea its good to be a Bengal fan!!! Who Dey?!?!
  21. keith rivers is out for the game. jj might be out also. i hope not though. the backup did not show anything in training camp. wish we wouldnt have lost pressely to tampa. good to see people not afraid to support their team before the game! Who Dey?!?! ohhh edit: i forgot, maurice purify was signed to the roster from the practice squad. looks like carson will get his wish to have him on the field. i look forward to seeing him play.
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