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Everything posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. THREAD HIJACKING IN PROGRESS So I have a question on a "recent" trend in dealership service centers: the Tech "Writer". WTF is up with this? Why can't I just talk to the MECHANIC? Yes I know he'll probably be a twenty-something that can't spell there from their or they're - but I don't care. HE'S the guy with the skills I'm there to use, I want to give symptoms directly to the guy with the wrench. Not like these Tech Writers are better liasons to the customer (well maybe they make grandmas feel good). But for me - they're just another layer wherein something can get fucked up. Couple examples: Me: "The passenger side D-pillar trim panel is loose, just at the airbag connector bracket." Tech Writer types in computer: "Customer thinks something in the car is loose and rattling, maybe under the seat" Me: wtf? ---- Me: "The left rear tire is punctured, needs plugged" Tech Writer types: "Check pressure on all tires" Me: *smacks forehead* ---- And so on. Easy straightforward shit, you'd think. No brainers. But inject that customer friendly Tech Writer in there and instant confusion/waste of time. But if you ask to just talk to the tech directly, they look at you like you shot their kitten. ARRG I hate giving work to dealerships. Its the hidden curse of the warranty blessing. Almost makes you want to void the warranty on purpose sometimes. I need another bay in my garage, damnit.
  2. Looking to put a Corsa on the V here while my wife's off visiting inlaws in June... heh... Who in town does quality installation work and maybe has some experience with Corsa exhausts? The Corsa part is a GM certified part for the V so theoretically I could have the nearest Caddy dealer do it, but, after two trips there for minor things and neither time they were able to give me back my car without dirtying or scratching something, I won't be giving them this job. I'm happy to pay for a good shop. In other words I'm not looking for a good deal - I'm looking for a topnotch tech and shop, one who'll treat my car like its their's - which means anal-retentive level attention to detail, and zero tolerance for fucking up. The car doesn't sit outside. The appointment made is when it gets done (not later in the day, or the next day, or the next...). No "creative" mountings. No guestimate torque tightening. Etc. Actually, I'm looking to order the exhaust and hopefully just have it shipped to the installer and then schedule a date. I'll be keeping the stock unit as well. I could do it myself but I don't have: the garage space, a real way to lift the car beyond my jackstands, a decent dolly and actually I have no way to lower and raise the exhaust. And the last time I took shortcuts in an exhaust install I did myself, it landed me in the hospital for 9 days with monoxide poisoning. Gotta love those 72 Cutlas Supersports.... Plus I *might* want to drop the tranny to install a uuc shifter... maybe. Doesn't even have to be an "official" auto or speed shop, though I'd prefer one. Any recommendations are appreciated. (BTW - I'm thinking about going to Chesrown out in Newark. They've got a good rep on the V boards.) thx in advance
  3. Anything from Wynton Marsallis. Bradford Marsallis too, for that matter, but he's usually more up-tempo.
  4. Portman's hair looked great. Her face was pretty in some scenes, not so in others. I liked it. IMO - Cleary above the last two and of the original three only the very first one stands above it. The quiet scene where they were both in highrises, looking across the city in each other's direction, and you knew what was about to happen... that was the stuff of good movie making. Caught the wife and I both, that scene did.
  5. Bad pact. Mini vans are emasculating yes, but at least they're honest utilitarian boxes, and people (after swallowing all their pride) buy em and actually use em for what they're made to do. Better pact: kill each other if someone buys an SUV.
  6. Rane speaks the truth. Whole bunch of fast homosexuals in here (not that there's anything wrong with that). For example, everyone faster than me is clearly gay.
  7. After just noticing this newcomer's ginormous intellect elsewhere, I conclude: Its like every post is a winnar. This man speaks the truth. That goes for any car: If you want to love your shifter, test drive an 03 Cobra. If you want to love your clutch pedal, test drive an 03 Cobra. If you need a bulging left quadriceps, own an 03 Cobra.
  8. Eh - Brits drive about as good as they ride Fireblades... but wait - he's got straight teeth! Essex my arse. He's no limey, somethin fishy's going on.
  9. I agree with Kohones, it is product. But the junk rating also came from GM's problem (and Ford's too) with health care costs. $1,500 (at a minimum) of every new GM/Ford car you buy you're paying for UAW health benefits.
  10. Hummer is in complete freefall and won't last the decade. Though I don't agree with the article on the De Lorean part or the history piece I do agree with two parts: - GM interiors, across the board, suck. Except for the GTO and the CTS, the current interiors suck eggs, all of them. Quality, design and asthetics, they're all poor or mediocre. And none of the interiors I've seen coming are any better. GM has a shit poor pool of interior designers and needs a complete purge of their ranks. They need to look to Honda and Toyota for interior design (not europe though). - GM exteriors... ditto. Curves in the wrong places, bulges in the wrong places, overhang... in the wrong places, creases, in the wrong places - it goes on and on and on. Again - take the designers out and shoot em and get some fresh blood in there with some ideas with some KABOOM to them. Every concept car I've seen out of GM I yawn at (including the Solstice). Thats my opinion.
  11. I read it. And one of my first posts was ~"eh, make it legal or not, I don't care." and proceeded to take my potshots (pun intended). Thats called a thread hijack.
  12. You just want an excuse to light up. But ok. How about Forza, raquetball (ping pong requires too much restraint), and football -shared qb (I don't do soccer - dutch wife and its a household argument: soccer's for europeans, football's amerakun). And I get to say when you're done smokin.
  13. I'm doing no such thing. I'm not even saying it should be illegal. Like you obviously didn't read mine. You need to go back and read my posts again there, champ. You missed all the points - so you're projecting your imaginary adversary onto me. Here's my cliff's notes: What I'm saying is I don't care if its legal or not. Its your life, not my life, not the state's life either. It will hork your life up if you become a pothead, but I won't stop you or even really give a shit. And these posts are as far as I'll go to help you avoid it too.
  14. De Lorean a Gifted Engineer and a Visionary? Jigga wuh? Yeah, and I'm Elvis Presley. DeLorean was a snake oil salesman, con artist.
  15. You're implying - thru this anecdote of you de-stressing and thus being able to study and sleep - that buzzed or no your capacity is equivalent. Thats not true. Anytime you want to get blasted and then see if you can keep up with me riding a bike, driving a car, playing raquetball or some other fast handeye thing, or doing calculus or reciting latin, you're on. (actually we won't do anything dangerous like the fast riding or driving) You won't do half as well as you do while you are sober, so we'll do it twice, once sober and once stoned - and I will record it and show you the next day. What you think you can do buzzed and what you can do buzzed are two different things. Even smart people rationalize. 151 - what I'm saying is that addictions curtail lives and potential. Addictions. I'm not talking about the occasional toke (you're all assuming I've never smoked too- I find that funny). I'm talking about addiction. I find that MJ smokers rationalize their addiction more than even alcoholics. Maybe more than cigarette smokers. Took longer than I thought it would for the "personal definition of success" thing to get raised. I was waiting on that. My defn of success is the defn I hold myself too and nobody else. My defn of reliability and capability is something I hold my self and everyone I work with to. And it shows up real quick when someone can't deliver. For whatever reason. So all the social MJers are molding me into their anti-ganja posterboy to take potshots at (no pun intended), thats fine. I'm not trying to take away your precious substance. Far from it - I'm trying to say- thru colorful writing style: don't fuk up you're own life, but it is yours to fuk up, and I won't stop you and neither should the state. Orion - No thats not it. You're overestimating the requirements for the jobs. I'll just say this - the second to last guy I placed is making 72/hr. The last guy I placed is now making 0. And its relevent to this topic. I didn't fire him. Take it from there. [ 12. May 2005, 01:18 PM: Message edited by: Mowgli ]
  16. Its the rationalizing that always cracks me up. "I know... this duuude... that is King of the World... and he burns a bag a day. Yeah. And he didn't inherit it or nuthin. Been smoking since the day he was born. Yeah. And so I can too and still be a bazillionaire winnar... someday... where's my shoelaces? Um how do I quote on a message board? ..." I hear Tim Hortons pays $6/hr. Go get em, Rockafeller. ------- Sorry if I won't lighten up on your desires to be justified, but as they say I don't buy beachfront property in Utah no matter how many folks get convinced it exists. Its a benefit of getting older: you don't feel compelled to buy into peer pressure. Here's an easy one - ask me why I don't post job openings on this board anymore? ...still waiting on a name.
  17. He went to jail on code violations around his slum buildings - or bar alcohol permit violations. Something like that. Felon.
  18. I'm smart. Exactly nothing would happen. Folks arent naming names because these scholar/laureate/captains-of-industry potheads are rarer than leprechauns. Look, I want everyone in this forum to do well, and if this were some idle conversation at a party I wouldn't even chime in. But bullshit is bullshit - no two ways to cut it. And if people in here are deluding themselves that they're gonna be the one-in-a-million exception who can bang back a dimebag on Sunday and then go in and perform brain surgery on Monday are heading for a real rude life wakeup call come age 50 or so. So I feel oblidged to speak up and chime in. And thats all the effort I'm going to put into it, to be honest. So if a pothead's reading this by all means blow me off if they want - no skin off my back. My lawn will still need mulched...
  19. Did he/she inherit that land? Does he manage it? Did he work his way up to his fortune and then kick back, hire a manager, and leggo the braincells? Or did he self-make his success while rastafized? If you're talking about DeSantis - that guy went to jail. I may be dating myself, it was the 80s - he owned the most - and went to jail. So kudos to the felon slumlord. Way to live the American dream, this Bud's for you. If not him, who? [ 11. May 2005, 07:47 PM: Message edited by: Mowgli ]
  20. I'm not. Thought I quantified that. But I'm not. Agree.
  21. Name one. Name one major company owner, or doctor who is a pothead. Just one. Its easy to shut me up here guys. Name one. I'm standing by my statement.
  22. Always in Dublin in the V - live there. I'm not talking the occasional toke. I don't know one of one pothead - and everyone knows what I mean by that - that is the head of a serious no-bullshit company (and by that I don't mean CEO of BillyBob's Fix-N-Go Speed Shop). Or is a hard charging over-achiever.
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