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Bobby Lee

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Everything posted by Bobby Lee

  1. I had to put the controller down for a while. Waaaay to many nerd parties playing.
  2. Sounds like there's plenty of work for folks like myself. When do I get my turn?
  3. I think I have that for the SNES...
  4. "A Marine with two empty pockets and cold hands is an idiot." Haha... Happy Birthday guys!
  5. WTF... at around 0:33, is the guy floating in space?
  6. Reminds me of this site: http://www.jamphat.com/rap/
  7. Wow... use your pocket protector much?
  8. The objects were "up to 3 ft apart" and the speed of light 186,000 mph. To any person watching, it sure as shit would seem "instantanious." I'm not a believer.
  9. They're farm dogs and have no concept of what its like to live in a house and be pampered. Groundhogs are a nuisance around here, and Baya does a great job of catching them. Cuts down on the cost of dog food too.
  10. I've been rocking parties with Rock Band 2 on my PS3 for over a year now. In all honesty, the online play doesn't matter if you have a full band at a party. All you end up doing is picking songs off your current list. That being said, download a good variety of additional songs to make everyone happy. I feel like Guitar Hero is too limiting when it comes to that variety. I have everything from country (Toby Keith) to Emo/Alternative (All American Rejects) along with all your classic rock and hair bands.
  11. Roth IRA. Then when you turn 59 1/2, hookers and blow.
  12. Molly: http://i342.photobucket.com/albums/o425/leerbowden/Photography/Molly.jpg http://i342.photobucket.com/albums/o425/leerbowden/Farm/080804223.jpg Like all Labs, she loves water. http://i342.photobucket.com/albums/o425/leerbowden/Farm/080804191.jpg Baya, The Terrible: http://i342.photobucket.com/albums/o425/leerbowden/Photography/Baya.jpg http://i342.photobucket.com/albums/o425/leerbowden/Farm/080804156.jpg http://i342.photobucket.com/albums/o425/leerbowden/Farm/08080468.jpg http://i342.photobucket.com/albums/o425/leerbowden/Farm/08080450.jpg Plenty more pics here: http://s342.photobucket.com/albums/o425/leerbowden/Farm/
  13. All these "Fall Colors" picture threads make me miss Ohio.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdXAZJByXBk
  15. Reading this thread and the Forza/Shift thread is funny. There are obvious fanboys on both sides.
  16. Haha... one of my favorite episodes so far. Know what I am saying?
  17. Hilarious... all my life I've been waiting for the opportunity to nail someone with a puddle. Someday, it will come...
  18. Ummm... the Russians have been building awesome stuff for decades. Example: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tzar_bomba
  19. Hmmm... I hadn't considered the whole parts issue. I have a '74 Honda CB550 right now, and I guess I've just taken it for granted that I can still get just about any factory part for it. You're right, dealerships are hard to come by. I'm in NC and the nearest one is about 1.5 hrs away. Thanks for the insight.
  20. Just curious, but does anyone on here have a Triumph? I'm looking into picking up a Thruxton sometime over the winter and was hoping someone could give me some personal pros and cons...
  21. http://i342.photobucket.com/albums/o425/leerbowden/Random/Bumpersticker.jpg
  22. What's the point? His axles are probably still closer to the ground than my truck's...
  23. This... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsar_bomba I think I have Putin's number around here somewhere...
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