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Everything posted by supldys

  1. If the beavers can keep playing like they did last night and overcome oregon, they're getting the rosebowl bid. I would loove to see USC handed a december bowl
  2. Negative, that was the best play of the game, that guy pushed boone first, so he laid him the F out. Plus you can't say the NW guy wasn't a cheap shot bastard because he late-hit pryor the very next play
  3. haha this game is cracking me up, its like watching a really drunk guy try to run,but you know he's going to crack his head open on something
  4. I had to watch online, crappy quality but good game until the browns defense took a dive, again. Its about time they started brady, it only takes fans chanting for him, media calling for him, and the starter to be terrible, for 2 years before they put him in.
  5. I'm trying to figure out what you're saying...because both sides are filthy cheaters
  6. yes there should be care for children that are born, but thats up to the parents, not the government. It is somebody's own choice if they want to get an abortion in my mind, but it sure as hell shouldn't be federally funded or covered under insurance like some democrats want. The gov't just needs to get the hell out of people's lives. And as for the coal, 80%+ of my power comes from coal, so they better not start taxing. I wanted to whoop gore's ass when he called on people to perform "civil disobedience" at coal plants, I NEED my power sucka!
  7. Sobe no fear <---ftw Also receiving votes: Amp overdrive Amp elevate Monster java mean bean, orginale (originally big black...wonder why they changed it), or lo-ball Monster Java Russian Rockstar fruit punch isnt too bad Regular rockstar, monster, and redbull are nasty. and redbull cola is disgusting
  8. I had to wait 2hrs in 2004, so I'm guessing its going to be 3-4hrs this year. But maybe they learned from last time...yeah right
  9. Yeah really great game, so were all the big ten games today. But florida v georgia...what a waste of time. and oklahoma v nebraska was another joke.
  10. PS3, you know you want it
  11. Pulled this from the NCAA rulebook after watching the clip of pryors fumble again. Pryor tries to turn around and fall on the ball, Rubin blatently holds him back by his jersey.
  12. supldys

    Discuss UFC....

    UFC is just as fake ass, all the matches are decided before hand
  13. Pittman also got his first start yesterday for the Rams, he didn't do anything as far as touchdowns, but 85 yards, 1 for 18yds. Not terrible. Yeah Ginn looked great, its about time they started throwing to him. Troy looked amazing considering a month ago he practicaly died due to a rare tonsilitis complication. He lost 20lbs and was bed-ridden for like 2 or 3 weeks. He just started full practice again last week, and has obviously made a great recovery. That was a great way to use him too, I hope they keep those plays up, it made nfl actually exciting to watch.
  14. supldys


    yes rax was awesome, are there still any JD ritzy's anywhere?
  15. Well best case scenario PSu goes to NC game, then we get to go to the rose bowl as long as we win out. Which even at the beginning of the season I said I'd rather fo to the rose bowl, less hype, give us a break from SEC crap, and Tressel has never been to the rose bowl, its a big OSU tradition he needs to get in on. And as far as going around, that was a great play call with a bad result. Penn state had no idea pryor was going to do that, because they were saying the same thing you did. The PSu guy, i cant rememer was it bowman?, knocked it out perfectly. If he would have tackled a little higher or a little lower, pryor would have held the ball and had the 5 yd gain, or even broke free. Overall though, yes the play calling has been terrible, but I thought yesterday was a big improvement we just couldnt get the running game going because of their D.
  16. Its hard to beat a team that doesn't make mistakes, I dont think PSU had 1 penalty, and unfortunately they didn't have one turnover either. Pryor had the one big fumble and then the interception. And we had 2 big 15yd penalties on 3rd downs that allowed PSU to keep the drive alive and get scores, FG and TD. I think it was an amazing game, defensive fuckin battle, but just too many mistakes
  17. supldys

    Obama Supporters

  18. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/24386181/ See, just claim ignorance and anyone can do it
  19. supldys

    Obama Supporters

    So berg claims Obama's grandma is the one who admitted Obama was born in Kenya, not the US. And now Obama is going to Hawaii to see her and doesn't think she'll make it to Nov 4th! Obama gonna kill his grammy!!!
  20. supldys

    Obama Supporters

    wouldn't it be great if neither of them were natural born citizens...then we could just start over
  21. supldys

    Obama Supporters

    Even in waters it doesnt matter, a US naval warship is still considered US soil. His mom would have been one major ho for that to happen though
  22. Whatever happened to that Dewmocracy raspberry stuff? it was actually pretty good
  23. Its the spoils system, its been around forever. I mean Jackson and Grant kind of went overboard, but its still around. Expect it from either presidential candidate, if thats what you're getting at
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