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Everything posted by excell

  1. Yup. We bought airline tickets and got 5% back on those, just because they felt like it and were running a deal. Booked a hotel and got 5% too under a different special they were running. How cool.
  2. Newegg has OEM Pro upgrade licenses for about $140, which is my volume licensing price. NOTE however that you CANNOT upgrade from 32 bit to 64 bit using upgrade media - to do an architecture change you must buy the full version. $140 is beyond reasonable, you're not a student or faculty the vast majority of which live on limited incomes.
  3. Rattly. The heat shield on the cat is busted.
  4. It's not even time to start foot racing yet. I drove the SVO today.
  5. Love or hate the iPhone, it's much more difficult to take the throne than to be the throne.
  6. :nod: We put *everything* on there now. Always happy to be the people at a large table who pick up the whole check on our card and take cash from others.
  7. We don't keep balances, but our primary cards are through credit unions. We keep our "legacy" bank cards (Citi, Target, etc.) active just for credit purposes, but rarely use them. Credit unions, though they can do the same unjust tricks as banks, usually don't. If you have the credit to open a new account, check out http://www.penfed.org - their cash rewards card is one of the best you can get. The rewards come right off the balance every month, no points, vouchers, rebates or other tricks. So far since we joined in March we've saved over $500.
  8. Where are my manners, Kevin. They fixed up the rear bumper on my wife's Saturn after her buddy backed into it. Didn't have to replace the cover! Got the car back WAY cleaner than we gave it, and you can't beat the pricing. Clifford rocks. Always taken great care of me and mine. This is the second (or third?) repair they've done on the Saturn, so knowing how my wife hits things (or is hit by them) the Saturn will be back.
  9. That, my friends, is why 4WD low rocks. 3' snow bank plowed in front of my driveway, 12" of snow in the driveway, 1 Trailblazer pounded through it and sitting in the driveway.
  10. After our first decent snow last winter I watched my neighbor try to get up his lightly-inclined driveway in his then-new G35. He tried about 20 times, different starting speeds, angles. He finally parked it on the street. That night, the snow plows came through and buried it in about 6-8". He couldn't drive it out, had to shovel the whole thing. A week later, we got a bigger snow. Same effort, same failure, only this time he got stuck at the bottom of the driveway, halfway out in the street. I pulled him out with the Trailblazer, noted his regular radials, and told him how great winter tires were on previous vehicles. Couple weeks later, more snow. He got right up the driveway, first shot. I walked over to joke about it and he had a brand new set of Blizzak's.
  11. Fast fact that will piss you off more: The BMV can look up if you have active insurance, but by law they're not allowed to for this program (and most others). If you have another car with insurance and good plates, no. Example: If I got one of these for my SVO in January, I can come back and show them my Trailblazer as proof I have another insured vehicle to drive.
  12. Even as an Obama supporter I agree that I don't think he deserved this.
  13. No they're not. If it's a hardware issue, Mac's are the exact same parts inside as any other computer. Vista does suck, but I agree with running a few hardware diagnostics. Hell the machines might have a full diagnostic partition on-board. Call your manufacturer.
  14. excell

    Ruger P95?

    I have a P89 and love it. Very easy to shoot, clean, and maintain. Always wanted a P95.
  15. excell

    IPV6 - anyone?

    The uptake is painfully slow. You know most organizations will be dragged kicking and screaming into it. When you have extremely large companies still running COBOL apps and token ring, it's going to be a *miserable* D-day transition for so many. Good luck with the job. Gotta keep us updated, IPv6 is the future whether people like it or not. I'd love to do real work with it.
  16. excell

    IPV6 - anyone?

    You don't know how bad I would love to work on that infrastructure and learn me some IPv6. Making two servers talk to each other on my desk is nothing compared to what you're doing. /envy
  17. excell

    IPV6 - anyone?

    By the way, where the fuck is Thorne, I thought he'd be all over this like sugar on donuts.
  18. excell

    IPV6 - anyone?

    Basically: The internet is kinda like a giant phone book, with each computer connected to it having it's own "phone number" AKA IP address. There are servers that correlate your name request (http://www.colmbusracing.com) to it's IP address ( So, clearly, you gotta have a lot of addresses and most computers and devices on the internet cannot share an address - they must be unique just like a phone book. The internet is widely estimated to run out of IPv4 (I.P. version four) addresses some time between 2010 and 2012 with the end-game being March 2012. IPv4 is 32 bit which allows 4,294,967,296 (2 to the 32nd power) possible addresses, IPv6 is 128 bit allowing 2 to the 128th power, or a giant flying fuckload more than IPv4. Most business and home networks as you know them will not change, and you won't need any updates or other crazy hoobajoob to the average computer - at least not for a while. IPv6 will impact the big companies that bring you the internet such as ATT, Time Warner, etc. first and most because these are the guys taking up internet address space. You see, with your home DSL connection even though you have eight computers, you're only taking up one internet IP address - that's what the router thing does for you. Eventually you'll get an IPv6 address, but you probably won't notice or be impacted at all because new DSL/cable modems will be shipping with IPv6 support and they'll gradually phase it in. That about cover it?
  19. I always regret BUYING anything. I love selling stuff, heh.
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