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Everything posted by excell

  1. excell

    IPV6 - anyone?

    No, and I know of no-one using it outside of core backbone infrastructure.
  2. I was serious. Have a good looking car. If you're going for crazy looks, you can't go wrong with hot pink. On black, would have been titties. Green brings to mind baby poop.
  3. <Anthony> IT'S A FUCKING FORMULA! </Anthony>
  4. 50% of one of the best decisions GM has made since choosing to bring that platform here as G8. It could be 100% of one of the best decisions if they made civilian models.
  5. Never had a deposit. If you want your money back, switch suppliers to someone who won't charge one. Hit the PUCO website, find a company you like, and call them to see if you can switch without a deposit. Columbia will no longer be your supplier and they'll refund the deposit. At least, that's the way it's been explained to me.
  6. All right lanes had traffic, dummy. I'm extremely sensitive to leaving the left lane open for passing, which I was doing, and cruising in the middle lane(s). However it's sweet to know you're of those fucking idiots treating the merge lane like it's a personal speedway. I'm sure those attempting to get on and off the freeway appreciate your own personal brand of inconsiderate. So you can stop lecturing people on the finer points of proper passing since you're admitting to a classless gross negligence of personal consideration, and an exponentially more dangerous action.
  7. Hilarious. That's gotta be the same guy, how many other douche bags driving a dark Lancer with fucking ugly block lettering could there be? Nice to know he's a repeat offender.
  8. No shit. 10mph over the speed limit is a perfectly reasonable passing speed. I wouldn't even be bothered if the dude wanted to go faster. It was the shoving up the ass so far I couldn't see his headlights, and the passing on the right before I had more than a car-length to get over that really pissed me off. There is no excuse for driving like that.
  9. Actually they were all in a line doing like 60, and when I cleared the line I didn't even have time to move over because he passed me on the right. No shit the moment it was safe to get over, he cut the dude in the right lane off to go whipping around me and proceed on at the speed of light. Hence why I said, kiss my fucking ass. Dude was a dickhead.
  10. But is he allowed to any track fucking meets? Because 9000 miles an hour would be useful for those!
  11. Are you the guy with green wheels? Because if so, I *love* everything about your car but those. Should have gone with hot pink.
  12. Lettering all over the rear glass said something about "Mitsubishi" and I couldn't make out the rest. Why couldn't I make out the rest? Because the douchebag driver, after stuffing the front of his turd so far up the ass of my Saturn the plastic began to weld to his hood, flew by and toward downtown on I-670 at 9000 miles an hour. I was doing 75. Kiss my ass if you're on here.
  13. I was thinking about hitting NTB after the game.
  14. Good for both of you on the weight loss. lol @ Chris diet. I'm 170 now from 141, but it's because I've been lifting. Up to 200ish on my bench. Still wearing small/30's. :nod:
  15. A young man's parents were trying to figure out what their son's future career would be so they decided to give him a test. They took a twenty dollar bill, a Bible, and a bottle of whiskey, and put them on the front hall table. Then they hid, hoping he would think they weren't at home. The father told the mother, "If he takes the money he will be a businessman, if he takes the Bible he will be a clergyman but if he takes the bottle of whiskey, I'm afraid our son will be a drunkard." So the parents took their place in the nearby closet and waited nervously. Peeping through the keyhole they saw their son arrive home. He saw the note they had left, saying they'd be home later. Then, he took the twenty dollar bill, looked at it against the light, and slid it in his pocket. After that, he took the Bible, flicked through it, and took it also. Finally, he grabbed the bottle, opened it, and took a whiff to be assured of the quality. Then he left for his room, carrying all the three items. The father slapped his forehead and said, "Darn, it's even worse than I could ever have imagined..." "What do you mean?" his wife asked. "Our son is going to be a politician!" replied the very unhappy father.
  16. I love the term "idiots" because you see, to an idiot like mikehaze I'm an idiot. Even though he's really, actually the idiot. Get it, idiots?
  17. It's always okay to disagree. The only people who have a problem being labeled idiots, at least in this situation, are the ones who should be labeled idiots. Idiots.
  18. Fact: The word 'politics' is derived from the word 'poly', meaning 'many', and the word 'ticks', meaning 'blood sucking parasites'.
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