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Everything posted by excell

  1. Uh, you basically just used a lot of words to agree with me that Chicago had no chance. Then you went onto a separate tangent about opposition to his decisions which I spoke nothing about, so before calling me a moron you may want to comprehend what I actually said. Here - I'll clarify it for you using a common, easy to understand old saying: The man is damned if he does, and damned if he doesn't with people looking for a reason to damn. Clearer now? So to summarize for you simple folk: Chicago had no chance. Obama chose to support the bid because if he didn't, he would be vilified. They lost, and while he's still vilified by most idiots who don't support him, it's much less so than if he hadn't done anything at all because those idiots would surely have included Democrats as well. He took the lesser of two evils. As an aside, if Jesus himself reached down and changed the votes so Chicago won, you idiots would have found something else to bitch about Obama. Oh, I dunno, something kinda like... Case in point "you idiots".
  2. Anyone who thought Chicago had a chance in the first place is deluded. Obama put so much effort in because if he didn't, when Chicago lost, you idiots would be all "OMG OBAMA IS THE FAIL BECAUSE HE DIDN'T TRY TO HELP CHICAGO AND HE'S FROM CHICAGO HE HATES THE U.S. FAIL FAIL FAIL!!!!" idiots.
  3. excell


    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnndddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd I LOL'd.
  4. Location location location
  5. I have a package scheduled for delivery to 43215 on Monday. I know It'll arrive in Columbus at the Trabue facility probably late Thursday night or Friday morning, but not in time to load for Friday delivery. I would *love* to pick up this package Friday afternoon/evening because it has car parts. The UPS 800-number has given me two different answers on if I can do this: 1) Only the shipper can call and request this. 2) Call us on Friday and we'll see what we can do. Regarding #1, I will contact the shipper and ask them to do this. I hope they will. What's the story? If you work there, would (could?) you help me out? Please sympathize with my need for car parts. Thank you.
  6. Pathetic. GM, you squandered Saturn when it could have had a heyday and now good people are paying the price. You suck!
  7. When you figure out what brand/model/wattage you want, shop around online. I got one for a client $300 cheaper than anywhere else shipped from Amazon.
  8. FedEx Smartpost = USPS. UPS Mail Innovations = USPS. Expect the same service quality.
  9. It's not an LS1... but... :nod: http://classifieds.trailvoy.com/showproduct.php?product=2789
  10. excell

    Just an FYI.

    Fuck snow. The farmers are calling for the worst winter in 50 years. I just ordered a 2" lift for the TrailBlazer and Derek and I will be discussing a set of 32's or 33's in another week.
  11. excell

    I graduate

    Congratulations. Hopefully soon you'll just be preparing new solders for a life of moistening chairs instead of fighting in shit-hole sand pits.
  12. BTW, you're a short walk from the Elevator on High Street right now. Not Short North, but they have awesome beer and it's happy hour there until 7 I believe.
  13. Barley's, Surly Girl, Bodega - all on High Street. You'll have to pay for parking anywhere Short North unless you walk from the neighborhood, though. Bodega has free parking in front - but it's only a couple spaces on High Street. Usually they're taken.
  14. Wat. That's the same truck?!
  15. Call for bulk pickup dude.
  16. Hey man, I'm with you. I could really give a damn about it - we're talking 5 year old news here. If anyone still gives a shit about any of it, they're in bad shape. Sometimes you just have to move on.
  17. I love you guys. Been out of town for a couple days, I'll get in contact in the AM. Thanks much.
  18. http://www.hiteparts.com/ for the win. Thread is over.
  19. I scrolled all the way through here looking for pics and instead got complete fucking failure.
  20. Well, let's just all put on tinfoil hats. What with the government secretly activating the mic on my cell phone with the power off and "taking over" general motors to use OnStar to listen in on me. Because those theories are very plausible!
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