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Everything posted by Browning

  1. Been trying to keep an eye out on tillers online and so far there aren't many. I've seen a few mantis tillers and have heard good things about them but they are tiny and I assume if you're tilling ground that hasn't been tilled in years it will be a bitch to do with one? At home it's easily done with a tractor but I am looking to get a cheap new or used one for tilling ground at my moms for my 4 year old niece to garden again this year. Last year we used her flower bed and only grew tomatoes and cucumbers there so it wasn't needed. This year she said she wants to go bigger and try melons and stuff. Trying to debate on if it's worth getting a used mantis or a really old bigger one that needs work. Maybe I should just hire one of the guys that advertise on cl to come till it up for me? Local hardware rents a mantis type one for $20/day so that';s an option as well.
  2. I can only get one deal or the other, not combined
  3. wasnt compatible together for me. maybe ill try a different email gonna get il big apple tree plus a ton of others lol
  4. might not be it but pull the carpet back on the driver side. Under where your feet go is usually a plug that can come loose. It's usually right under that awful built in mat thing
  5. yw. Gonna take advantage and get some dwarf blueberry plants, 6 or so of the bush cherries, 45 or so strawberry plants and who knows what else
  6. http://www.gurneys.com/category.asp?c=631 great deals going on
  7. Not really a fan but the gf wanted to go. Must admit it wasn't bad and I'd go again. The butcher babies who opened for him were horrible though.
  8. Maybe a little but I've never had a problem where I've really had an issue with fingers swelling. Is there another metal that is somewhat as durable when it comes to bending/scratching but wouldn't require the fire department to cut it off lol? I was actual gearing more towards tungsten because I work on cars and stuff
  9. I tried on a 10 and it wasn't very hard to get off but felt pretty nice but was a tad loose. 9.5 was tough to get off and obviously tighter feeling. Lady said she recommended the 10 just in case I gain weight. Not sure which to go with
  10. The no scratching/bending is a huge plus to me and I'm thinking it's definitely what I want to get. To those of you who have them, what are your likes/dislikes?
  11. It was thought but buying a ring that was once used in a failed marriage just sounded awful to me
  12. thanks guys. I was nervous as hell about doing it it. My plan got axed since we spend 5 hours christmas am in the er with my son for an ear infection, cough and eye cold. Went well though.
  13. got the one I posted in this threadso I'd have something to propose with but we've got something else picked out already which is fucking awesome imo Getting this one soon. http://i.imgur.com/VgpVV.jpg
  14. said yes btw. Almost canceled plans since we were at the er for like 5 hours last night with our 16 month old son. Today was crazy and he didn't feel like opening anything so we did for him as he sat on my lap. After that it was game time. Was nervous as ever.
  15. don't have one but give it a nice rubbing alcohol bath and then toss in rice or a half loaf of bread for a day or two while you find another just in case
  16. http://www.iwatchonline.org/movie/7997-hit-and-run-2012#cfBYjhZSyeBF08Zc.01
  17. http://www.houseofgrafix.net/ Dude from offtopic.com
  18. That's what I am hoping. My lab is a great guard dog and she's actually done this once before almost exactly as she done tonight. Some kids went through our vehicles, stole change and a couple packs of gum lol. This was like 6 years ago. There's been some recent break ins here in town and like always, the village idiot doesn't do much to catch them. The way the house is it'd be easy for some one to vanish relatively quick. I moved to the room my son is sleeping in and will remain here tonight to be sure he's safe.
  19. Upstairs watching game of thrones online trying to relax and wind down when my lab starts going insane, barking like crazy, whining. Ran downstairs as fast as I can, she starts whining more, growling and shaking at the front door. I opened it ran on the porch and didn't see anything but she darted up the driveway with her nose to the ground. Fairly certain some one either tried to open the door or was at least on the porch. As most people with dogs know, they have different barks and you can usually tell when it's nothing or she wants to bite some ones fucking head off. /meaningless rant
  20. they'd also spoil it for me. the diamond in the one I posted is real
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