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Everything posted by Conesmasher

  1. Most look back for 5 years, but only make a decision based on 3 years. 2 speeds, you sound like an accident waiting to happen. Big risk there. Do yourself a favor and SLOW DOWN or see if you can get some point reduction classes.
  2. Conesmasher

    The Real Obama

    I'm tired of politicians period. I don't need experience, I need less bullshit. I want freedom enforced, not fairness legislated. I'm a Bush voter for two terms. I'm not a republican, but I am a conservative borderline libertarian. For the last 8 year we have had a president that CANNOT COMMUNICATE with the American public, period. Most of the voters are distraught because they want to feel like they are being communicated too. I think the president who connects with the people PERIOD, will win. It's not about policies, it's about likeability. The majority of voters don't understand the real issues.
  3. Conesmasher

    I <3 IRS

    Yea, I'm sending them a donation this year to make sure that they are happy with me. I don't want them coming after me. I like donating my $ to this nation, taxes are the best!!! I'm sending my rebate check back to them.
  4. Starting bid is .99 cents http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MESEX:IT&item=320214689850&_trksid=p3984.cSELL.m315.lVI
  5. If you've got a good driving record and a very small claims history, State Farm is hard to beat, very hard.
  6. I'd vote for Clinton, if Romney or Obama don't make it. McCain is more liberal than Hillary......I'd trust her years before I'd trust him. Mainly, I'm a disenfranchised conservative who is sick and tired of the republican party smearing what conservatisim is. My choice in candidates is directly proportionate to their years of experience in Washington. The more years they have in Washington, the farther down the list they go. I'm tired of the status quo politician who sells their soul to special interests.
  7. Fox doesn't suck as much as MEDIA sucks. Montel didn't just "oWn" Fox.....he roxORed every single new place out there who reports the crap. It's not a Fox problem, it's a media problem and the people continue to consume SHIT.
  8. Remember that it's MUCH cheaper on their website than it would be to get from a store...the enV is 80 bucks online, but may be twice that in stores....who knows.
  9. EnV just had a price drop. I think if I had the 80 to spend on a phone, that it would be the one........if you text more than you talk.
  10. DUDE, it's back http://news.moneycentral.msn.com/ticker/article.aspx?Feed=BW&Date=20071218&ID=7955713&Symbol=WEN .....but it's only 99 cents, had one the other week, pretty damn good!
  11. I'll take an B7 with a side of red hair
  12. One day I may be in contact with you for some assistance!! Looks damn good!
  13. Usually 2-3 drinks per day, whether that be beer or wine.....I try to get a small buzz before dinner. Then I quit. Been thinking about slowing down recently.
  14. But for real this time!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izArWUVtMC4 lol
  15. Yea, find out what the limits are. From coast to coast it's about 60-75 bucks
  16. Any long term investment takes time to make capital gains. I think it's an EXCELLENT times to buy now. Don't you wish you would have made your small investment now instead of previously.... Has their situation changed in terms of financials, or is the deflated stock market the real problem. "Be greedy when others are fearful and fearful when others are greedy." - Warren Buffett
  17. ..nothing wrong with that, ya gotta clean the pipes you know.\
  18. What does it matter of the mans background. I personally don't care if he treats women like crap, has horrible habits, thinks he's the best. I truly could care less what he does at the company he works for or with the people that work with him. Behind every well known blown out of proportion leader, there are hundreds if not thousands that slave away in the background doing the REAL work. But I don't see Jobs personally saying he invented the iPod in his basement while working on Lisa. I don't think less of Jobs for being a "theif", I think less of the fools who work for him and don't do something about it. To me, that's the big difference. Steve may not have the talent, he may not have the knowledge, shit he might not have ANYTHING....but what he has had was the ability to be in the right place at the right time and for that I can't fault him. It's like winning the lottery, with more options. I don't see Jobs as anyone, except the guy who speaks once a year for Apple. Sure he might be the CEO, but don't you think he's more of a faux CEO and he's got a lot of history with the company so he acutally represents something....something with age, precedence, and experience....in a technological world that's constantly evolving. He is what you say, a used car salesman.....but he's only as "great" as you want him to be. Let others beleive their own fairy tales, that's their choice. I could give two shits, the hype of him, or the credit that you seemingly think that he gives himself. Just a guy, in the right place at the right time
  19. I just switched back to Verizon wireless yesterday.........and today, I found something that was interesting. In the 4th quarter SprintNextel lost 683,000 customers. Doesn't look good.......... http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story/sprint-nextel-cut-4000-jobs/story.aspx?guid=2F0CCED6-B782-4143-B751-D45FCBB5D25C&dist=SecMostEmailed There customer service really stinks. There "target" market just seem to be shrinking.
  20. Ok guys, I wouldn't consider myself and expert, but I have a degree in finance, so here is what I have observed. Stimulating the economy is EXACTLY like stimulating a clitoris, you've got to know what makes it hot and what makes it cold, what buttons to push and when to push them. The mission that they are trying to accomplish, isn't throwing us back in to a growth spurt, they are merely trying to limit volatility. The up and down stuff is just too much for the typical consumers mind. There is a general downturn in the overall economy, it's not just housing, it's a multitude of factors. So instead watching the economy OVERREACT, they want to watch it shift SLOWLY without great shifts. The idea is to retract into a recession slowly.....all the while, people get scared that they aren't going to have enough money so they save it...........and one day things start to look better and people say, you know what.....things are looking good, let's buy this and this and this and this.....and then you have an economic upswing. It's all cyclical and it comes in waves and what the goverment will try to do is throttle that bandwidth. The stimulus package is only supposed to be 40 billion, while it's not going to cripple us.....it may definitely help, our federal government just needs to quit adding to the deficit, period. If we could stop the government from spending more than they bring in, THAT would bring more stability to our economy than anything else.
  21. I'd bet it's not broke. Wash a cell phone once, called in for insurance and tested it before I sent it and the damn thing turned on!!! I soaked it in the sink ALL NIGHT and to no avail, the damn thing kept on working....sent it back anyway.
  22. I don't really think that you can deny the success that Apple has had over the last few years. And Jobs is the "face" of the organization.
  23. Florida's a bitch Tom.....just think a bunch of old people voting for people who want to protect their social security #'s
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