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Everything posted by cNeutron

  1. ninja gaiden, grandtheft auto Vice City, Mortal Kombat Deception, and knights of the old republic......whats your gamertag?
  2. dude i called you back.....ust call me when you get this
  3. just call my cell man....sorry i hadnt checked them
  4. cNeutron


    all i know is that i personally think that if the steelers and the pats meet agian in the playoffs which they probably will the PATS will win. Regular season is nothin like the playoffs......New England will win i am calling it now
  5. call my cell and we will work it out where to meet.....288-1100
  6. thanks anthony......are you going to make the banner eventually that all you have to do is click the sponser and it will go to their site?
  7. BUMP.....i need to sell it
  8. i think by the end of winter his car will be wrecked.......his lack of common sense on the road will be his cars's demise
  9. greatest ever.....2nd best music video(kinda) ever......1st by far was sir mix alot "put em on the glass" i remember seeing this when i was really young on the box and this def got me into the boobs haha
  10. ha sorry that you are sick.....prob dont want to hear this but i have never been sick in my entire life....only food poisoning.....ohhh yea and jessica simpson is so hott
  11. its partly under water and gives a weird look to the pic. thats probably the only reason why they thought it might be fake. and the shot is from above with probably not the nicest camera but sweet non the less.
  12. yea westerville....welcome to the board
  13. yea westerville....welcome to the board
  14. def powerbook my dad has the newest one and it jsut kicks ass
  15. If you do the speed limit get the FUCK out of my way!!!! smile.gif
  16. I have a USED Sprint PCS Vision Video phone that i dont need anymore. Its the VM4500 Sanyo phone. The phone it self is in good condition, with very minor scratches. The phone would come with its origional box, home charger and plastic clip. I also have the leather case for it but i cant find it right now. On their website they have a web special for like 170.00 I would hope to get like around 140 ish for it. But throw out any offers that anyone might have. Any questions just IM me or just pm me here. VM4500
  17. I just want people to at lEAST go the fucking speed limit....I hate going down a 50mph zone and people still go 35!!!! Thank god for the dotted lines but sometimes you cant..
  18. Been there got pulled over for that. When i got pulled over the cop just said i could either pay it or take it off and then take my car to the police station so someone could see it was off. After that i went to court and they dropped the ticket. Why 85 bucks though? mine was 10% and it was only 60??
  19. Go BUCKS!!! thats is all
  20. whats the darkest you will go?
  21. both of you are wrong BAM and Family Guy is really good but...... Aqua Teen Hunger Force > *
  22. cNeutron

    Steelers > *

    Fuck the steelers!! But damn they are good
  23. umm whats up with the fat chicks
  24. My friend is really interested in it......im him at strongerfasterua....he hopes to hear from you soon
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