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Posts posted by Tinman

  1. Originally posted by The DropTop:

    But I would imagine the furnace is hard wired into the house. I doubt it has a standard 120V plug.

    Most aren't, you will find a regular three prong 110v plug on the furnace that can easily be pluged into an extension cord run to a generator outside.
  2. Originally posted by 1Quik7:

    i would think that RWD is less, the loss relies on the amount of parasitic drag produced by friction, one way to overcome friction would be to increase the torque applied...in the instance of RWD you have the long shaft which increases the mechanical advantage and thus rotational torque.


    i might be a genious or just plain retarded.

    Are you fucking simple?
  3. In all of this talk about magnesium, you must remember that all of the metals that go into car are alloys. Pure magnesium will burn and do all of those other nasty things, but a magnesium alloy will have much better, safer, and more malluable properties.
  4. Originally posted by NurkVinny:

    Matt, have you set up a lot of 9"s? Not trying to question you; seems I'm needing new gears set up about every year, and I'd like to find someone local to do them all.

    I have done 4 or so in my old Camaro, and 2 in my friends old Nova. Also one 10 bolt in a 94 camaro.
  5. Originally posted by Maro:

    Welding on Cast is not a good idea....too brittle...

    It can be done easily and properly if you know what you are doing. There are some tricks to it, fortunatly I know these tricks ;) I'll call you tomorrow Brian
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