I went up to Kmart today, for some reason some guy in a dump truck was driving through the lot. Well, he was having a hard time with the traffic, and some goober in a Taurus whipped around him in front of the store, then jammed his brakes and swerved in front of the truck to drop off a passenger. The truck driver laid on the horn, and the guy in the Taurus rolls his window down and flicks the truck off. The trucker honks again, and starts to go around the Taurus. The guy in the Taurus musta been upset about this, cause he jumps out and starts screaming at the truck driving by him. The trucker must've heard him, because he dropped the shifter into neutral, stomps the brake, and gives his motor a long, hard, SMOKY diesel rev right out the exhaust pipe pointing directly at the open-doored Taurus and it's driver.
It'll take WEEKS for that smell to fade....