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Everything posted by tristanlee85

  1. She is my ex. I am Tristan. She is Trista. And I don't do PHP anymore. I've grown to hate it.
  2. He won't catch on I don't think. Him asking us to give him more throttle has been going on since last December.
  3. I haven't heard a call from him in about a week.
  4. At work one of the guys in shipping isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, though he is a tool. I think he may have ended at 3rd grade. Anyway, we have him quite convinced that whenever our network is slow, he can call up here and request "more throttle" or tells us to "up the gigahertz." We respond with, "I can take some throttle away from so-and-so, but it can only be for a few minutes..." We hang up and wait about 10 seconds and then call him back and say "Alright, we gave you X GHz. Is it faster?" and by no surprise he says that it's running a ton faster. After a while he sort of got the idea that we were toying with him, but he's still convinced we have control over his "throttle" and "upping the GHz in the T1 line" (even though technically we can throttle bandwidth, but don't). After our network admin left last week, I now do the network and ColdFusion/Java stuff so I decided to write this guy a little app so he doesn't have to call me all the time. http://www.plastikhosting.net/uploads/tristanlee85/UpTheGHZ.jar (requires JRE 1.4+) I have it threaded to remove 3% every 20 seconds as well as randomly chooses a number to set the progress value to which is within a range of how much throttle he actually gives himself. This way it looks like it's active and it decreases over time because I told him I can't give him 100% all the time because it wouldn't be fair to other employees.
  5. It's just ridiculous. I've ordered 3 different times online and my order has been cancelled. I was told I had to go to a retail store to order it. I go to the store and the guy tells me I have to do it online... Anyway, after talking with him about the situation, he then tries to process the order online in the store for. Again ,denied. Then they request a fax of my driver's license, social security card, and a utility bill. After getting all 3 of those, they still deny me. They must have all their customer spots full.
  6. Yeh... $400+ on eBay or $174 with a contract...
  7. I swear I don't even know why I am trying to switch to these fuckers. I've been declined 4 different times to start service with them simply because I want the Google phone and they said I have to go to a retail store which apparently doesn't even carry the damn phones. What the hell. I figured they would love to get my money and rip me off monthly, but they can;t even do that. So, off of the rant, does anyone here have the G1 phone yet and if so, where did you get it?
  8. Excellent. I didn't hear any explosions so I am assuming everything is good...
  9. That's terrible. I'll keep an eye out for it.
  10. http://napaonline.com/MasterPages/NOLMaster.aspx?PageId=470&LineCode=CRB&PartNumber=212085&Description=Fuel+Injector+Seal+Kit
  11. I don't know. I didn't tune it. Regardless, I've got the injectors I need. Just still looking for a spring.
  12. Fuel pressure and flow from the pump is sufficient. I am running a Walbro 255. 400bhp at .65 BSFC running E10 gasoline with a max duty cycle of 80% will require 850cc injectors. Those same specs with E85 will require 1291cc injectors.
  13. I got the injectors now. Anyone with a spring?
  14. 1300cc is calculated and I'm not sure exactly what the closest size they come in is. I'm hitting 90% - 95% on my 900cc's and timing is still in the teens. I think the next common size about 1000cc is around 1260cc. I am also looking for a wastegate spring for a 38mm Tial that is around 18psi, 16psi at the lowest. On top of that, I have a set of (4) 900cc's low impedance to sell if anyone is interested. These were originally purchased from Racetronix and flow-matched to 1%. They have seen about 500miles of E10 an 6000 miles of E85.
  15. Thanks for the info. I ended up finding a pair of 82mm.
  16. I'll be out (girlfriend approval permitting).
  17. Bryon got everything welded up for me. The cracks were a bit worse than we both anticipated. I wouldn't make more than 20psi with the wastegate completely unhooked. Now it gets to 25psi in no time. It's amazing what happens when you don't have exhaust leaks. No more vibrations either! I'm going to cut and tack up a brace for the bottom of the collector and then be bugging you Rob to help me weld it up. I'd rather not put any more flux wire into this material.
  18. Working on a little project with a 8.5L and I need 2 or 3 80 - 90mm throttle bodies. I'm not even sure what cars these would come on, but they need to be identical. Let me know.
  19. Don't use bearings next time. It's just another part that can potentially fail.
  20. Well if you can send me a link of the kind of rod you need I can pick that up for sure. I am also getting a blasting box thingy so I can clean this up before we weld. I'll have to get your number from you again. My inbox is cleaned out.
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