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Everything posted by JuicedH22

  1. Maybe you shouldn't be so presumptuous? I found humor in FSU hanging 80 on someone when people in this thread were saying they wanted OSU to do that.... And to add to your presumptuous ways, that is exactly what you are doing about what FSU 'would' have done in different weather...
  2. I wasn't trying to down OSU... But are you really downplaying FSU dropping 80 because of weather? And yea, it was a bad team, that's what you do against bad teams.... Seems really silly to downplay that kind of points to weather...
  3. Considering 5 and most likely 4 are losing, I think OSU is safe for the #3 spot... What about FSU hanging 80 on Idaho... Weren't some of you guys hoping for OSU to do that to IU today? lol
  4. In little guy news... My Bearcats got another W.... It all boils down to the Louisville game now! And if we're really lucky UCF somehow manages to lose to USF or SMU... Need both things to happen to be conference champs 5 out of 6 years. And as far as conference realignment, I just hope we find a spot at the big kids table... The loss of the big east is really going to bother me as basketball season picks up... Living in the powerhouse conference is no more.
  5. I think he wants to talk to GOOD engineers David
  6. Yea, like I thought... iPad app is either old or newer.... At least I'm not blind http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c318/Juicedh22/ec527485a35c6cd9ec9bdf4fe496bb78_zpsf618de00.jpg
  7. Either it's already changed, iPad Google maps is bad, or I'm blind... I saw nothing... Not that I need to see it...
  8. I disagree with what this "means" If you ask me, the guy has lost it. He can never go anywhere in public now, he probably gets death threats on the daily, basically his whole life is ruined... So the man has snapped... Its easy for people to say "see, he's crazy, he got away with murder"... but much harder to look into "why"... My guess is stress/mental anguish has caused the guy to lose it, not because of issues he had before. It seems to me he is just going more and more nuts... I would love for the CR resident psych to give his opinion...
  9. I also just noticed UC is creeping into the top 25, that's been awhile!
  10. So in other news, Rutgers (the team coming to the big 10) got absolutely throttled by my Bearcats... That was probably one if the first games I have watched all year that all cylinders seemed to be firing on both sides. Now for Houston and Louisville (fingers crossed)
  11. Out of curiosity... since you may know... What is the "quickest/fastest LS powered car" regardless of tire... do you know?
  12. Careful, you're starting to sound like you're attached to his "man pedal"
  13. Charlie doesn't use a man pedal...
  14. Thanks guys. I hope to crack into the 12s now!
  15. Don't take this as talking shit, but I don't know that the buckeyes want to play either FSU or Bama, for the sake of yet again getting shit talked about not being able to play the SEC (or ACC-weird)
  16. Have been asked about how it sounds on a few forums,so made a quick clip... No start up.. May have to make another, lol Also, sold the ccw's so rocking the drag pack until the new shoes are on. http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c318/Juicedh22/d11648b416cba5ec73392a4a9667269e_zpscc161636.jpg I do love how it looks sitting on the drag pack.
  17. http://davecullen.com/brokeback/daily/TDS_2008/Reuse/logo_PostOfTheDay.gif
  18. Congrats! Do you know who the father is?
  19. Careful Scott, you don't want to get sued for slander.
  20. Does he even post there, or anywhere else anymore? Even his facebook page has gone silent? Which means he either finally learned to shut up and wait until he finishes and commits to his claims (which is highly unbelievable with his track record) OR he has nothing worth saying (though he never did to begin with really).
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