You have to take EMT-Basic first. which should only last 10 weeks depending on where you go.. After that, you can take EMT-Intermediate.. or skip intermediate and go straight to medic. EMT-Basic is just basic life support.. You CAN take vitals, you learn a lot of anatomy/physiology. Take vitals, etc. Paramedic is a lot more advanced, you can start IV's, give medicine intraveneously. You learn the Anatomy/physiology a lot more.. if you want to work for a private ambulance company, you would make 10-11 an hour as a paramedic depending on where you go. If you want to get hired on at a fire department, you would make a lot more.. it is definitely harder to get on a fire department though. your best bet is to take basic, get on a volunteer department to see if you like it, then take medic and try to get on a private ambulance company..if you have any other questions, IM me