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Everything posted by ttemper

  1. The car is a 1994 eagle talon TSI FWD 5speed, 6 bolt swap. The car has 93,000 miles on it. It was purchased about 2 months ago from someone in Columbus. The good: All new belts :new gaskets Turbo has little to no shaft play. A new ecu was put in today, along with an Idle air control valve. The oil return line was replaced on the turbo less than 300 miles ago Interior is in good shape(I have plenty of pics if anyone is interested) Car runs strong, and is definitely fun to drive. The bad: The front fenders need painted, and the hood has a minor blemish on the front right tip. Once again, I have pictures. The front bumper needs painted. Air conditioner does not work. I put 2 lbs of freon in it, and its still not working. The reason I am wanting to sell it, is because I'm barely able to make payments. I had a job lined up, that didnt fall through.. So im stuck barely paying the monthly payments, living paycheck to paycheck. I'm only asking 1800 for it, which is what I owe. The price is somewhat negotiable, but I dont want to get screwed too much.
  2. ttemper

    sales tax

    its 6.75% in good old fairfield county. A couple of months back, Fairfield county had a levy to increase the sales tax to 7%, and of course, it was voted down. The end result=100 county employees were laid off. graemlins/thumbsdown.gif
  3. Not to hijack your thread, but i went to high school with a girl that strips at kahoots. she goes by the name of "carson"
  4. http://img295.echo.cx/img295/391/deadbaby7ic.jpg
  5. I became a firefighter for the chicks.
  6. ttemper


    OH NOES!!!11!!!
  7. a fire extenguisher wouldnt have done him any good at that point.
  8. thomas, your car sounded badass when i rode in it. it made me want to sell the talon, and get a wrx.
  9. I know they're requried, but, my car doesnt have a holder. I'm really not worried about getting a ticket for it, as long as no points are added, and its under 110 bucks. I know quite a few people have gotten them, whats the consequences of failure to have one? EDIT: will they still ticket me if i have the license plate in my front window?
  10. ttemper

    Hey Orion,

  11. Ok, here's the scoop. The car is a 1993 Cavalier with approximatly 190k on the car. A new engine was put in shortly before I bought it 4 years ago. The guy that sold the car told me how many miles the new engine had, but I cant remember. Within the past year, I have put new breaks, and a new drum on one of the rear tires. I have also put $400 into the head. A/C puts out cold air. The body has a couple rust spots on the bottom, but what 12 year old car doesnt? The drivers seat is a little worn from me getting in and out of it so much. The tires have 80% tread left. All in all, its a nice car, and it would be a good beater for someone. Asking price is 995, or OBO. If you have any questions PM ME! P.S. I can get pics if interested. Thanks, Trent
  12. http://img44.echo.cx/img44/6766/wrong7dy.jpg I dont have photoshop, so i cant do it. yes, i realize mspaint works but i dont feel like messing with it. have at it.
  13. Fairfield county is a corupt system? you fucked up, you pay the price. quit being stupid and irresponsible and you wouldnt go to jail. end of story. im also having a hard time believing you're going to jail for such petty crimes. are you leaving out something?
  14. I have a 30gig Creative zen that could be yours for $100. ive had it less than 3 months. has all the accessories/leather case. The headphones that came with it sucked,and ended up breaking. however, i will throw in a pair of altec lansing AHP-512'S.
  15. ic still available?
  16. Yeah, thanks a lot for all the info! I've never been on my own, so i was a little apprehensive, since i dont know much about the area.
  17. Anyone know much about this apartment complex? Whats the management like? Does anyone live close thats had there car/apartment broken into? I am moving there in less than a month and would like to get as much info about the area as possible. TIA Trent,
  18. 3 honk would work too
  19. I went to a bachelor party, the strippers were shooting ice cubes out of there pussy as if they were trying to hit field goals. Good times.
  20. my car is 11 years old, and i got approved for a loan on it. Granted, ive been banking with them for a long time. im sure there are certain variables that come into factor. just check into it, thats what i did. whats the harm?
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