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Everything posted by desperado

  1. graemlins/cry.gifgraemlins/cry.gifgraemlins/cry.gif Locked [ 05. October 2004, 02:47 AM: Message edited by: The Pikey ]
  2. Bwahhhahaha, Sam has respect around here, damn, that's funny. You must be mistaking this board for RaceClub. Damn, gotta wipe the tears from my eyes laughing at that one. Thanks for the laugh though, been a long day and the chuckle I got out of that statement sure brightened the day. As far as the E-battle with Ken, gee I din't know that making up bullshit stories, no matter how funny had any relevance on him being an ass and gaying up my other thread. RiceBoy, NO ONE actually knows what my shit will run. You ain't been around long enough to understand the 6 second comments, so again, don't worry about it. Sam, if you remember correctly, the night we were going to do it, it was raining and you had pssted that you wouldn't do it in the rain, we agreed about that on RC and we never got back around to setting it up. I am not saying ant EITHER of us bitched out, it simply never happened. PM me and we will work out the details. And again, I am NOT implying to ANYONE that you bitched out, but I damn sure don't appericate you saying that I did. Do you actually know him??Cuz im guessing if you did you would know hes no riceboy.Hes got plenty of power to back up his shit talking.Ive seen him snap an axle( Well that might have been because he drives a DSM not because of power )Sorry back on subject you suck at smack.[/QB] Snapping axles on a DSM is not some thing to be overly proud of, if he's scratching at 10's then that is. But breaking a DSM, hell Ben is selling out now that he's gone through 4 clutches and I am not sure how many trannies. I am not picking on Ben here, so I don't want anyone to get that impression, but he's a good mechanic, he knows his shit, and if he was breaking one that much, anyone else breaking parts on one don't impress me. It says to me that there are serious problems with getting the cars to run anything close to a respectable time. If Riceboy is in the low 11's I am impressed with that. Once again, this bullshit is getting old. And I am simply at a fucking loss to understand the motivation of the few on here that have singled me out to fuck with. But whatever, have fun with it. But I have better shit to do than worry about this bullshit.
  3. Hey riceboy, fast enought to beat you so don't fucking worry about it. Better to know what the fuck is going on here before opening up your hole with 17 posts under your belt.
  4. Bitching OUT?????? HUH???? I believe I missed something, I was at Geero's numerous nights after saying that. Never saw you, so what's upZ??
  5. Not really, just a Jegs kit. http://www.jegs.com/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/ProductDisplay?prrfnbr=4133&prmenbr=361 I figured that you would know that right off Kenny, being a big nuts, badass drag racer and all. I am almost shocked that my 1/4 mile hero has never seen a tube chassis steering column.
  6. The metal is .08. In saying that it was old server case is a bit misleading. People got the idea that it was home computer case metal. That's not the case at all. The firewall is 2 side plates off a midrange computer system (weigh about 5 lbs each uncut) the floor is something else, but equally thick. As far as the scuffignand painting alu over steel, it still will not weld to the steel cage, so that means putting abunch of tabs and riviting it all together. And I don't care for that. The other nice thing about welding is that if you cut a piece and it's a bit off, you can still welds it and fill the gap. With aluminium, unless it's a aluminium to aluminium joint, the piece is ruined and will need re-cut.
  7. The metal is .08. In saying that it was old server case is a bit misleading. People got the idea that it was home computer case metal. That's not the case at all. The firewall is 2 side plates off a midrange computer system (weigh about 5 lbs each uncut) the floor is something else, but equally thick. As far as the scuffignand painting alu over steel, it still will not weld to the steel cage, so that means putting abunch of tabs and riviting it all together. And I don't care for that. The other nice thing about welding is that if you cut a piece and it's a bit off, you can still welds it and fill the gap. With aluminium, unless it's a aluminium to aluminium joint, the piece is ruined and will need re-cut.
  8. Oh yeah, VenomSS, you did bother to post and comment about something that you had not part of didn't you. It don't take a crystal ball to figure out who will post in here, and what will be said, it will be the same shit as always. And what's really funny is that being said, they will still post, even though not doing so proves me wrong.
  9. 1. I have problem believing that, but ok. 2. OK, I will conceed this to you as well, seems you must have went out and bought a Verbal Advantage clone then. You got jipped. And I didn't bring up the 6 sec thing, you did over in the Tech section, where you once again gayed up my thread with your bullshit. Still don't see how I am being unoriginal, I am simply commenting on what you have said. Other than the opening remark to get you in here. I didn't want to gay up my thread in the Tech Section with this bullshit. 3. Are you completely convinced of that? 4. I wasn't the one that said I made as much in the time that it took you to type that out as I make in an entire day. But with your statement, and your vast intelect, it couldn't have taken more than 10 minutes of your time to put that together, so that would mean that you are pulling down $1,747,200 a year. Now that being said, since you make in 10 minutes what I make a day what the fuck are you doing driving a TSi??? Once again, you have made a stupid comment, and been called on it. I would love to see the check stub for a weeks wages from you are proof. But I don't figure that will happen. Maybe I should bring this up in every post you make, somehow linking it in to what you are saying. Seems that's ok for you to do. Better yet, I figure I will just say FUCK YOU, try again. And leave it at that.
  10. I realize who you are referring to. And like I said, you are taking the time, you sit there wondering what to say next. Hoping and praying that I will post so you can swing from my dick and make dumbass remarks about everything I say. You calim I nutswing, What do you call the shit that you are doing? You and a few of your homo buddies have made a life out of thinking up shit to say to me. When you run out of shit, you repeate the same old shit over and over again, once again because your not creative, or original, I am figuring that if I did a web search, this shit is all off someones else's board that you are copying and pasting on here. As far as the money thing, believe me, if you were doing that well, you would be driving a lamborghini and not a TSI.
  11. I must say that we have been quite busy atempting to come up with this shit. But you really want to know the funniest part. This fucker is waisting ALL this time, and effort, trying to come up with this shit, and for what, to make fun of me. I OWN YOU BITCHES, for no other reason that you are concerned enough with me that you go to the lengths that you do to attempt to make me look foolish. Here's the thing, you have tried so hard that you have only made yourselves look stupid in the process. Ironic ain't it.
  12. I am still trying to figure out how when I was born in 71 how it would be possible to be conceived in a 1972 Chevy Pickup. Not that I am real attentive to details, but that sort of blows a big hole in the story. Knowing that Ken is no where that creative, I figure that it's actually HIS story of conception, and being a bit embarrassed of it he trys desperately to pass it off to someone else. And besides, mama lost all her teeth long before I was conceived. So you need to keep guessing. As far as your POS cars, I don't make habit of poking fun of cars, if it's what you want, that's fine. The fact that I see a 4 to 1 ratio of women driving TSi's doesn't mean alot to me. Neither does the fact that many of the ones I see driven by me have some funny rainbow sticker on the back, but I am not sure if that is relevant either. I do know that I have never seen one go 6's though, since that does bear some sort of importance to you. Though I am not sure why.
  13. Yes, I bet he does wish that. And we all know thats all the farther it goes, wishing. But it takes all kinds.
  14. Don't make me lock your own thread because of you graemlins/nonono.gif You may have not liked his tone, but the advice was valid. Relax Scott peace [ 04. October 2004, 09:19 PM: Message edited by: The Pikey ]
  15. No no, it's a work in progress. Biggest reason for using metal as opposed to Aluminium sheet is number one cost and number two, can't weld aluminium to the cage, which is steel. One of the pluses to steel, and painting it, is no glare. Running the Camaro, with JUST a Aluminium dash is a bitch in bright sun light. I get ALOT of reflection into my face off it. I couldn't imagine the whole interior being bright aluminium. So the idea is to weld it, grind and sand the welds flat and paint the whole thing. That should look good and not be real reflective.
  16. No no, it's a work in progress. Biggest reason for using metal as opposed to Aluminium sheet is number one cost and number two, can't weld aluminium to the cage, which is steel. One of the pluses to steel, and painting it, is no glare. Running the Camaro, with JUST a Aluminium dash is a bitch in bright sun light. I get ALOT of reflection into my face off it. I couldn't imagine the whole interior being bright aluminium. So the idea is to weld it, grind and sand the welds flat and paint the whole thing. That should look good and not be real reflective.
  17. I am considering trying to setup an A/F gauge on both the Camaro AND the S-10 once it's built. I assume that they connect to a O2 sensor, so I have questions. What O2 sensor do I run? What voltage is fed to the heated style? And is the heated considered to be wideband? What else do I need to know to make this happen or is there some other easy way of pulling this off?
  18. Here are some shots of the interior. http://www.foornet.net/images/interior1.jpg http://www.foornet.net/images/interior2.jpg http://www.foornet.net/images/interior3.jpg http://www.foornet.net/images/interior4.jpg It's a little rough, a little rusty, and the first pass welds suck. But it's progress.
  19. Here are some shots of the interior. http://www.foornet.net/images/interior1.jpg http://www.foornet.net/images/interior2.jpg http://www.foornet.net/images/interior3.jpg http://www.foornet.net/images/interior4.jpg It's a little rough, a little rusty, and the first pass welds suck. But it's progress.
  20. Steve did his job, may have been overzealous with Bib Papa's post, but with what he did to Glenn, he;s doing your job. If you ain't gonna ban him for gaying everything that he posts im, then the Mods need to edit/delete his posts sohtat his bullshit is kept to a minimum. I didn't attack Steve, you, Kenny and Glenn, well that's another story. I don't have a problem with what Steve did, other than the GAWLEY post that Big Papa made. And he's right, I opened my mouth about something, and 2 of the 3 shitheads that NEVER leave me alone, piped up. As far as the bitching about RC, I didn't say anything about this thread. I am talking about last Friday at Geero's. As far as the morale of CR, yeah, it's going to shit, glad you noticed. And as far as the comment about them being close, and that you are "Waiting on the Trigger..." Quit trying to talk like your some badass or you have some big plan, ban em or don't but threatening to ban em is right back to the 4 year old on the play ground saying he's gonna beat someone up for breaking his crayons, do it or don't, no one cares if you are thinking about it, only if you ACTUALLY do it. GIT R DONE. And Glenn, threatening Anthony with embarassment if he does ban you, I am not sure but it seems that he embarrasses himself without your help just fine. and more over, if he flips the switch on you, it would seem that he gets the best of you, you will have to go find someplace else to run your face, and make your unintelligent, asshole comments. So how do you win??? Your a fucking goof, shut up and go back to work playing with mens butts to make your car payments.
  21. FUck, this thread is gone to shit. Just like every other thread in here. Assholes gayed it up (Kenny, C5Doctor and 98.9%Mouth), overzealous mods cut it up. And then the topic was forgoten so that two guys could sit here and compare pecker sizes. I have but one question, who gives a shit that Glenn ain't any good at the internet. I for one couldn't give two fucks about it. Glenn, I ai't defending you, your an ass, you gayed up my shit, fuck you. Anthony, you helped. Do you have any idea of how fucking tired EVERYONE is getting of listening to you bitch about race club and see you turn into a 4 yr old on the playground EVERY fucking time that a RC member posts anything the least bit questionable on this board. Get over it for Christ's sake. Now, yes, using scrap metal to build a car is redneck, agreed. But I work with what I have around. HoosierDaddy, yeah, you were a bit overzealous in cutting up Glenns (C5Doctor) posts. But, I have to agree, it seems that EVERY post gets gayed up anymore. Sure, me saying that I was building a car with old server cases was flamebait for about three people, the same three fucks that gay up every other fucking thread, Kenny, C5Doctor, and TheVette who incidentally didn't gay up this thread at all that I could find. The reality is that those three are still here. Neither of the admins see fit to get rid of them, so this shit will continue to go on. I thought it was actually over with a few weeks ago when a bunch of em showed up at Geero's but I was quickly brought back to reality when I showed up to a meet and got to listen to someone, same person as always, bitching about RC and IPS. I am truly tired of this shit.
  22. Na, I don't figure it will be certified, too many weld seams for the interior. But then again, they pass cars with rivetted in interiors all the time so I don't know. Biggest factor I see in getting the chassis stamped it the fact that I had to cut into the cage to raise the halo up, I don't know how they will react to the fact it's not one piece of tubing. You asked is the metal strong enough, the metal I used is about twice as thick as what a factory firewall is. So it's quite strong. I will need to reinforce it around the master cylinder but other than that it's fine. I am planning to weld a piece of 3/16 plate front the frame up to the dash tube on the cage. I figure that will be plenty strong. The seats have standoff mounts that are welded to the frame rails already, the bracket for the drivers seat is 1.25 inch box metal, all welded of course. So I dont see a problem with that either.
  23. Gee, I don't know, .08 metal seemed the thing to use for the firewall and shit. So what if it saw use as something else first. It's free! It looks a little odd at the moment. Being White and all. But a bit of grinding a bit of filler and some paint and it will be fine. Hell it may even look good, if not, I'll carpet the thing, that will hide it fine. BTW, for the smartasses and the equally smartass comments, just exactly when was it that you took a car, cut everything out of it, down to the frame and put it back together? Lets see, Kenny, gets car stolen, buys faster car, still can't change spark plugs. Opinion about 1/4 mile time has been noted, several times, could someone pick the needle off the broken record. I think he's just pissed because they took his game show off with the Wammies. But that's only a guess, it could just be he has a small penis. C5Proctoligst, makes enough money playing Butt Doctor with mens asses that he just BUYS what he wants, doesn't have to build shit. Personally I would rather be building my car from a scrap heap than playing with mens asses to pay for top shelf stuff. But that's just me. Berto, well, your right it is a good idea. But I don't know about the 50 fans, well, I don't know as I would try that myself, but if you have any luck, I may reconsider. [ 29. September 2004, 07:02 AM: Message edited by: desperado ]
  24. Damn dude, I don't know what to say. I am really sorry for your loss. I hate hearing about people loosing their dog. Again, sorry to hear about your loss man.
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