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Everything posted by desperado

  1. desperado


    As far as the tow truck towing the tow truck, been there, I wrenched for a towing service in high school, and one of the drivers scattered the 350 that was in the tow truck. So we had to tow the tow truck home. It's all sorts of fun to put a heavy duty chassis, with a tow bed (ass loads of weight) on a 1 ton chassis roll back and try driving it. It gets a bit tippy. This was out on 270 wasn't it, on the south side by 33 exit. But it's not nearly as embarassing to have to tow your own tow truck as it is to have to call another company's tow truck out to tow your busted truck home. Been through that too.
  2. Sorry Adam, gotta steal this!!! happy birthday to a weiner Your ass couldn't be any meaner, you sit and harrass ColumbusRacing but there are no women you are chasing, makes one think you might be queer, who give a fuck though, lets go get beer. For writing this poem, you just might ban me, but it's just for fun, I hope that you see, So have some fun on your special day, maybe get a chick and roll in the hay.
  3. So you have a license for buy R-12 now??
  4. NO NO NO, It's a joke yall. But this car is real and is for sale at www.racingjunk.com as an exibition car. The truck is still in the driveway and I have begun to work on it again. At this point I have raised the cab 3 inches and I am getting it solidly mounted to the chassis, as it was mounted with screws before, and no that was not my idea. Once the cab is fully mounted I will be working on getting the nose to fold forward, as well as still bw abole ot lift it off completely. After that is done I will be putting in a new firewall, back wall, and finishing the floor and trans tunnel. A new dash, a bit of wiring and work to the bed and I will be good to go. I am gonna drop te 355 out of that TA I bought in it for the time being and spray it lightly (150 shot) just to get the bugs worked out of it, and get some time to build the big motor for it.
  5. what are you looking to pay/trade for em. have 3 245/45/17 Goodyears. 60 to 75 %
  6. Wackiness: 20/100 Rationality: 50/100 Constructiveness: 40/100 Leadership: 4/100 You are an SEDF--Sober Emotional Destructive Follower. This makes you an evil genius. You are extremely focused and difficult to distract from your tasks. With luck, you have learned to channel your energies into improving your intellect, rather than destroying the weak and unsuspecting. Your friends may find you remote and a hard nut to crack. Few of your peers know you very well--even those you have known a long time--because you have expert control of the face you put forth to the world. You prefer to observe, calculate, discern and decide. Your decisions are final, and your desire to be right is impenetrable. You are not to be messed with. You may explode.
  7. Well, the Camaro is history, as is the S-10 and the tunnel ram motor. Traded it all for econobox Metro. This car has some slight mods, and I will be racing anyone brave enough to put up the title of their car against my Metro. Mods are really small, Gutted interior, Metal dash, fire suppression system, exhaust modification, Big Ricer Wing (sort of) Motor swap, J-34, actually not a swap, the 3 banger is under the hood still, to get it around to the races, and for ballast. So who's got the balls to run me??????????? And by the way, anyone know where I can buy jet fuel???? http://www.foornet.net/images/jetcar.jpg This is some insane shit.
  8. SO....... are you trying to convince us that is tire smoke and not just oil burning off in the exhaust????
  9. desperado

    R134a & R12

    Bwahahahahaha, OK, now that we have all that out of the way. Yes, I did it on the cheap, split the difference on the low side and put 134a in with R-12. The compressor lasted about 2 weeks and locked up tight. There is something with the 134 and the oil, or the mixing of the two oils, that broke the oil down. I was told that the 134 will kill the mineral oil viscosity, but whatever happened it was bad. As far as R-12 being expensive, and these bullshit numbers that I see you all spouting, $30+ a pound right now, and if you are caught with it without a license to have the stuff, you would be better off with 10 pounds of coke and a bale of weed, cuz the drug charges are less than having R-12. As far as it being a scam, or some shit that makes R-12 so expensive, it is, but its alot bigger than you will ever understand. Here's the short version, invistigate if you want. 1195 the patent ran out on Freon, or more importantly, cloroflurocarbon (sp) based chemicals. This was owned by DuPont, they quickly paid for a bunch of research to prove that freon was causing the hole in to ozone layer to grow, a few B rated movies and some well rehearsed speeches by some scientific terrorists, that all screamed louder than Chicken Little that the sky was falling and we were all fuckin doomed. And the shit became the second MOST controled substance in the USA, second to plutonium. Even the possesion of non weapons grade Uranium would have not carried as big a fine or as much jail time. DuPont went quickly to work and created 134a that was a direct replacement for R-12 that did not contain the ozone eating chemical. To add insult, it has been 14 years, no one has mentioned the hole in the ozone layer any more, it's still there, it gets bigger and smaller as time passes, and its is been found that it responds to the sun spot cycle, more spots, smaller hole, less spots bigger hole. It has also been found that the hole is about ten thousand years old or older, so we didn't put it there. And the biggest kick in the teeth, R-22, which also contains ozone depleting material is now back on the Autozone store shelves, labeled as ozone depleting and no longer requires a license to buy. WTF????? Off the rant. I did it, it will work long enough to get it to blow cold to sell it. If you are keeping it. Don't bother, unless you want to replace the compressor.
  10. desperado


    I know that I talked to a couple people about tires, can't remember names. One was 4.6 that had all the fun getting home from Norwalk. If you can, please bring those with you tonight. Sorry about dropping this in here, but I need it to be seen
  11. Hmmm, sounds like you are pulling out the press in studs. Jegs sells a pinning kit if you don't feel like going ot the trouble of tapping and facing the heads for screw in studs. But that is my best guess.
  12. desperado

    IT Crash

    Hmmm, I feel for alot of you, but IT has been good and bad to me. I've past 3 years I have been laid off 4 times, including the last one that I did get called back and only lasted from March to May. I have worked for every large VAR in the city of Columbus and have helped to close the doors of many of them. My resume reads like the who's who of resellers that I have worked for in the past two years and of the ten or so companies I worked for there are 2 or 3 still around, and they aren't fairing well from what I understand. As far as the money thing, I got into this 10 years ago, I was making 6 bucks an hour, and was hired as a runner. That lasted two days until the guy I was working for figured out that I knew alot more about PC's than he did. So I fixed em and he ran after em. I watched the rise and fall of the dotcoms, had freinds that were making and spending more money than I may ever see, and watched them ALL go bankrupt. The IT crash got me twice with company closures, one of which I had serious investment in and was owned by a close personal friend. That one was the only one that really hurt. 9-11 and the downturn caused me to be downsized out of my last job. But I am still the webmaster for the ISP that the family that owned that company also owns. I haven't so much lost money in the IT biz. But I haven't gained any either. I am expecting an interview for a state union IT job in the nest few weeks for 20 an hour, that will progress over time to 45 an hour. And with the standard union 4% raise that state employees typically see, the pay rate will be over 50 an hour by the time I make that pay classification. I can say that even with the layoff's and other bullshit, for a guy with NO schooling in computers, and nothing but experience and God given intelligence, I am not doing bad. And by enlarge, IT has been very good to me over the years.
  13. Some of you might remember Buddy Ingersoll's turbo prostock buick that the NHRA allowed to run for a very short time, basically until it bacame competitive against the N/A mountain motors of prostock (500+ CI) then was quickly given it's own class then the class was dropped at the end of the season. Here is his legacy. click here 1650 HP from 3.5 liters with a number of critical load componets (heads and crank) being the same stuff that is contained in the motors that are sitting on dealership lots as you read this. I am not one for the 4/6 banger race scene, I like my big, gas hog V-8's and the carbs hanging out the hood. But NO ONE can argue that these high tech low CI cars are not impressive. So the respect goes out to those that are running something other than the old V-8's. If you can make that fast you deserve the respect.
  14. I am opening this back up. I dind't realize who it was that made to post and thought it was some fool asking a ricer type question. I need to stop forgetting to take my prozac, or upgrade to thorazine.
  15. Thats NOT valve tick. It's compression knock, like a diesel. As far as putting fuel cheaner in th oil, don't it will turn the oil water thin immediatly and ruin the engine. So that's a bad idea. Best to not put ANYTHING in the oil. As far as the fuel, did they fill the tank with 87 or just a few gallons? If it's not topped off, go get 5 gallons of turbo blue racing fuel and a couple cans of octane boost and put it in. THat will offset the K-1 in the tank. If the tank is over half full then its will have to be drained.
  16. And yes,I did forget my prozac again this morning, so what?!?!?! Anyone got some to spare I am out.
  17. You commented that the guy couldn't drive becasue of his 60 foot times. Do you have any idea what a 60 foot time even indicates, besides the time it takes for the first 60 foot of a run. Do you have any idea about what it says about how the car launches? Do you know how to analyze the whole run of just because someone says that if his car doesn't go X in the sixty then he can't drive or his car is slow. That is what I meant by you professing to know about drag racing. And what really gets me is you are asking if your car will beat his and your shit is on jackstands. WTF? SHut the hell up. Get your ass in the garage and get your slow ass car together and lets see what you got. As far as what will a LT-1 do, it really depends on what you do to it, and how long you want it to last. 1000 is very possible, as a drag motor that will run less than a season. 500 HP with a blower all day long, and 350 to 400 through a moded EFI system with reworked heads.
  18. Us V-8 drivers say that you are a pussy!!!!! Either run him or don't. Don't be a fucktard and ask if you have any chance of beating him in your slow ass car. Yes, I said slow, obviously you already know it's slow becasue you are worried about running your buddies car and loosing to him or you would not have ask this question to begin with. As far as you saying that he's not a great driver becasue his 60 foot is 1.882, I am curious to know what bit on knowledge that you have makes you the expert on this guys driving or drag racing in general just because his 60 foot but you have no clue what your car will do against his. You profess to know what you are talking about with drag racing just by the guys 60 but you have to ask us if your shitbox can beat his car. Do us all a favor, learn about shit before trying to talk about it. And don't bore us with smiple shit questions like will this car with these parts outrun my car with these other parts. It's fucking lame, boring and unfucking needed.
  19. What all do you have around as far as tranny stuff? I will also trade it for a car trailer if anyone is interested in doing something like that.
  20. What all do you have around as far as tranny stuff? I will also trade it for a car trailer if anyone is interested in doing something like that.
  21. Hey, I have an Edelbrock carb that would work well on that motor. It's about a year old, I pulled it and the intake that it was on to go back to a holley. $100 and I will tune it to your motor.
  22. Well, I have seen people do shit like that too. How about a mid size skidsteer on a 10K rated trailer with the pintle cut off and a 2 inch ball put on it. It took me a month of cutting heating bending and welding to get the trailer into a usable condition again. Replaced the bed on the truck and jacked the top back up on the truck and put new glass in it. Two new doors and it was drivable again, the skidsteer needed a new roll cage and alot of jacking and welding on the bucket. Vehicle setup, S-10 no trailer brakes. He dropped off the asphalt on 315 doing 50 MPH. It drug it all the way off then, coming back up on the road it flipped. The truck ended up in the median and the trailer and bobcat off the burm. $10000 in recovery towing fee's $4000 in man hours for repairs, and $3000 give or take in parts. All because someone was in a hurry and wanted to tow too much weight with too small a truck. I am damn glad I don't work for that rental company any more. I have pulled semi trucks off the road with a one ton truck, it's NEVER a problem to get the weight moving, it's stopping it and controlling it going down the road that requires a good tow vehicle of the proper size. Sure you can pull 4 ton with a half ton. I pulled 10 ton with an S-10 with a V-6. But stopping it is not as simple. Brakes are very important on a trailer. Also, if you can find one, a gooseneck trailer will pull MUCH easier than a tounge trailer. I have a buddy that tows a big backhoe with a 3/4 ton GMC on a gooseneck. I drove it once, it pulls well, it doesn't fight you or sway around and it stops well. So that's worth considering as well if you have the funds to get a setup like that.
  23. I thought it was a horse in your sig Buck, it still sucks that the moose got it, but it's not as sick as someones horse.
  24. sorry man, wifey birthday is this weekend and I ain't gonna be around
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