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Everything posted by Ziggy1647545504

  1. I agree with not financing a toy, but if the motorcycle bug has bitten you, here are some Harley alternatives for you to check out. Kawasaki Mean Streak Suzuki M90 Yamaha Star Warrior Midnight Warrior Any one of those offer arguably more bike than the Sportster at similar, if not less, cost.
  2. Have you considered a Mean Streak or Warrior?
  3. I've got a 32" inseam, and the only Sporty I could almost get comfortable on was the Custom... The Custom gets a little more chrome, a slightly bigger tank, and factory forward controls. The bike just felt too small to me though. Found a VStar that suited me a lot better, and I could pay cash for it!
  4. I've had seat on a couple of Sportsters, and honestly, didn't like them. The bike just feels too small to me. I will admit that I would one day like to own a Street Glide, but the thought of dropping $19k on one really turns me off. Before you spend that kind of coin on a Sportster, consider the reason Harley offers (offered?) to give full paid price when you trade if you upgrade to a bigger bike... For the money, you can get a really nice V-Star or Boulevard.
  5. Better yet, get this one... If you're looking at the Sportster because it's an entry level Harley, better to buy a used one for less money. That is of course, unless you want a Sportster...
  6. If you're gonna buy a Sporty, get THIS one instead.
  7. Liam's father, a die-hard University of Michigan fan, already is dreaming big things for his adopted son. "I want him to be a football player. He could be the next Michael Hart," Neil Hoekstra said, referring to U-M's star running back.
  8. My local test center had a print out of the tests they have you do. It was just a matter of going in and asking for the copy. I can tell you the 4 tests I had to do (and I think they're pretty uniform) were: 1) Cone Slalom and U-Turn - Low speed, I think 4 or 5 cones, spaced pretty closely, I think 6-8 feet apart. Start on the left, end on the left, then a sweeping turn to the right to line up for the u-turn. Accelerate toward the u-turn box, (u-turn was left to right) make a complete 180* turn within the confines of the painted lines, and stop when facing the way you came without putting a foot down until you come to a complete stop. 2) Low speed 90* turn between lines - Just like it says, accelerate to 5-10 mph, make a left turn between the lines painted on the lot, make another left, then stop with your front wheel within the confines of a painted box. 3) Swerve Test - Start with your front wheel on the painted "T", accelerate to 15-20 mph toward a painted white line, pass between the cones at the line, and swerve to the outside of the cone on the left or right (which ever direction the examiner tells you) and come to a complete stop. 4) Panic Stop - Again, start with your front wheel on the "T", accelerate to 15-20 mph, toward the white line, pass between the cones, and stop as quickly as possible. The last two are timed, to make sure you go fast enough, and the panic stop acceptible distance is determined by the size of your bike. I think that's a pretty good representation of what the testing was, I just took it in November, and honestly, it's gotten a little fuzzy since then. At my local testing center, they only did MC testing one Saturday per month, and I had to schedule my appointment about 3 weeks in advance. Best advise I can give you, is practice, practice, practice! The cone weave is tough, but I had the worst time with the right hand U-Turn within the lines. The rest of it is cake.
  9. I envy you the ability to saddle up and ride like that. I'm lucky if I can stretch a trip to Blockbuster into an hour on the road. If you get the chance, take a ride through DC. It really is an impressive city to see. My parents took my sister an I to Delaware on the bikes once... Same kind of deal, got on the bikes, and hit the road. I think we were half way there before they decided where we were going.
  10. Is there a firm date yet? I wanna go, but I've gotta go out of town for work next month.
  11. Congrats on getting under contract. Sounds like you're really excited. Cool that the bank stepped up to move the property.
  12. Those days have gone the way of the solid, reliable work ethic and the notion that you get what you earn, no more, no less. The current generation of people (gross generalization, I know) entering the workplace have no loyalty to anyone nor any company. I've heard stories around my workplace of managers getting called by their employees' parents calling and giving them hell over a disciplinary or performance management documentation on their "little boy" or "little girl" and it just pisses me off. My son is 9, and every time he starts getting mouthy, or takes an attitude, I remind him that I am his Father, I am bigger, faster, stronger, and smarter than he is, and that makes me the boss. My son is a good kid, and we frequently hear comments from acquaintences, friends, and family about how well behaved and mature our kids are. The thing that gets me is most of the time those comments will come from people whose own kids run their house. They say things like "I wish my kids would listen like that." or "Wow! Your kids are so well behaved, how did you do that?" I have yet to be straight up and tell them that if they would quit being lazy where their kids are concerned, and start being parents, their kids would learn to listen too. I get closer every day though.
  13. Mike took really good care of my wife and I the other night... It was definately worth it for us to drive up from Cincy for my Storm, and my wife's Curve. Thanks Mike!
  14. I think a running, mechanically sound, clean appearing motorcycle is almost always listed for at least $1,000. The thing is, people seem to confuse "hard to find" with "rare and desirable". People get in their head that once a bike reaches the point that you don't see them around any more that somehow all of the ones they once saw are being snapped up by collectors. The reality, of course, is that there really aren't that many people that WANT to ride a 1984 Yamaha Seca 750, or Kawasaki kz400 (both cool bikes in their own right, but nothing I'd pay more than $500 to own).
  15. I have my car and bike insurance with Progressive. Here's the thing, your motorcycle policy will almost always be its own policy. Some companies may give you a multiple policy discount, but you're still going to have a dedicated policy, policy number, and deductible associated with your motorcycle. My parents have Allstate on the house and cars, and Progressive for the bikes. Don't think that you're tied to one particular insurance company because that's where your car is. A lot of the smaller insurance companies won't even insure motorcycles. Do your homework, and shop around for the best coverage for the money. It would help when shopping to have an idea what you're willing to spend on insurance, then shop for the best coverage at that price point.
  16. This is exactly what Radio Flyer needs...
  17. DAMN! That's steep! I paid 210 for the full year on my SV. *Edit* Just saw you're 18 years young... Maybe you should get an older, less sport oriented bike to ride for a couple of years to demonstrate to your ins. co. that you're not the crazy risk they think you are.
  18. I've got 2 215/60/15's with 55-60% tread left if you want 'em. $20, and you come to Cincy to get them. Not really what you're looking for, I know...
  19. That's an Impala, no Chevelle. Looks pretty good in pics, but the floors are probably rotten. I've always liked the big bodied GM cars of the 60's. Prefer the '67 fastback roofline to the '66 body though.
  20. Anyone willing to pick up a couple of stickers and a wristband and mail them to me in Cincy? I can PM my address if so. I just can't get back up there this weekend.
  21. I got a big chunk back from the Fed, and a smaller, but significant chunk back from the State. Two kids and a mortgage make a HUGE difference in tax returns. I've got to change my W-4, I claimed 7 for most of the year last year, and still got a $4k Fed refund.
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