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Everything posted by NWill

  1. NWill


    It depends what you're looking for. Yeah, if you go look at the Festool line or a new 5hp Cabinet saw, it's expensive. But it's on par with everyone else. They don't really sell any cheap brands there so don't expect HF prices on anything. However, their "Boardroom" can't be beat in my opinion. They have a ton of various cutoffs by the pound. A $5 piece of wenge or bocote there would be $30 at Woodcraft. They do have all kinds of cheaper stuff that you never knew existed/you need. That goes for Woodcraft as well. Go check one out sometime. I know both stores by heart and still spend 30 minutes minimum every time I go to one
  2. NWill


    It really is. I go a few times a week. It's bad
  3. NWill


    Rockler or Kreg T-Track on sides and combo T-Track/Miter in front. I got them at Woodwerks
  4. NWill


    Very nice! I started mine almost a year ago and still haven't finished it. http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20160227/ea3c20370c43e8ea6520a18a425009f2.jpg What's next on your list?
  5. I got the pedal fixed. It was just a blown fuse. I'm open to possible trades as well.
  6. NWill


    I'd trim the edges with some 1/2 x 2 strips. You can get them in various sizes at lowes in oak, poplar, etc.
  7. NWill


    Woodcraft for sure, I'd call Woodwerks. Pretty sure they do. They also have big ON/OFF switches for $25. They are nice for router tables. Then put a splitter on the cord and run one to shop vac, one to router.
  8. NWill


    Not as cool as that, but the Centipede folding sawhorse and a circular works great.
  9. NWill


    I was looking at the one he posted. That's quite a bit of time in those joints.
  10. NWill


    The issue with chairs is they are fairly labor intensive. You'd be much better off finding one done and then modifying it to the size you need. Unless you want a 2x4 frame with a flat plywood seat..
  11. NWill


    Post up a picture of what you're thinking
  12. NWill


    I usually use my router for dados. Just get or make a good straight edge, not Bora. I have two and both are junk. Something like this works great https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjUiLaYzIvLAhVEGD4KHU8rDugQjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Flumberjocks.com%2Fprojects%2F69021&psig=AFQjCNGIAqNnra36HDKVxFpLzHfBsguKYw&ust=1456238159993839
  13. NWill


    I jointed top and sides of 2x6's then used biscuits and glued them up. A few passes with the sander and it was good to go.
  14. NWill


    I actually didn't use my planer on that table. I used my jointer on the 2x6s and then glued them together. I would have used my planer for some of it, but I didn't have it yet. I have the Dewalt 735. It can do up to 13" wide boards.
  15. NWill


    Finished the coffee table a while back http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20160221/78cd0edceee5a21dd9407a55e15db9e0.jpg
  16. NWill


    Their website could be better. This is it http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B001PTGBS0/ref=mp_s_a_1_18?qid=1456068390&sr=8-18&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=wixey+digital I love that gauge though. I'm actually using it right now
  17. NWill


    That looks great. How is the compressor?
  18. NWill


    Nicely done! Get yourself to Woodwerks and pick up a Wixey digital mitre guage. They are $45 or so on amazon. $15 at Woodwerks. They have random awesome deals sitting in 5g buckets. They are dead on and amazing for setting up your saws
  19. 270W between westerville and 23 was a parking lot when I drove past 20 min ago. I'd find another route if anyone is going that way.
  20. NWill


    And here is what I mean by two holes from the 2&1 nailerhttp://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20160214/78b40cd7bf2eab3d9c796ad6378a9852.jpg These were just 1.5" 18ga brads
  21. NWill


    Nice! Also, if you're not aware, check out hfqpdb.com for future HF purchases. They typically have every current coupon for them.
  22. NWill


    Hey, its a 20g!. It still does get used a little bit though. It's currently rolling between bedrooms as I finish trim. I grab the pancake if it's more than a 15ft roll to the next spot. A pancake will do those easily as well. +1 on the cordless impact
  23. NWill


    If you get just the nailer you should be fine. Just avoid anything "2 in 1." To me, compressors should either be huge or tiny. I like the $99 porter cable pancake compressors as they are easy to move around the house. I also have a 20 gallon that barely gets used. It's overkill for a nailer and too small for any other tool I own/want. But, that's just me. Get whatever suits your needs, just don't expect a 10g to run an air sander, etc. If the compressor is just going to sit in one place though, might as well go as big as you can.
  24. NWill


    Nice. I have Porter Cable, Bostich, and Paslode nailers. I also have a couple $20 HF ones. Just use good nails and they work fine honestly. Just don't get the 2 in 1 brad/staple gun. It leaves two holes regardless of fasteners. Slightly annoying but they work. And any cheap compressor will keep up with nailers.
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