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Everything posted by NWill

  1. NWill


    Answer your emails, too
  2. http://www.bikez.com/pictures/triumph/2005/22052_0_1_2_speed%20triple_Image%20credits%20-%20Triumph.jpg
  3. http://cache.webfirst.us/images/916-450x800ducati_preloved28-p943-duc-monster-f4-black-28-p943-duc-monst-s4-2bc.jpg
  4. Look at the guys left hand in #4
  5. Mine is probably off 24 hours a week. I turn the monitor off whenever I'm done, however.
  6. I've seen some of Tank's polishing work at IPS. It looked excellent.
  7. If anyone has an extra snowmobile for me to play with, my parents have a place we could use on Indian Lake. I was up there Sunday afternoon and there were probably about 15 snowmobiles, 10 icefishing huts, and a few quads out on the lake. It looked about 12 inches thick under the boat lift.
  8. http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/40061000/jpg/_40061663_rocketman203250.jpg
  9. Kind of off-topic, but were you at UNOH last week Doug? I thought I saw you walking through the 600 building.
  10. Thank god nobody has said beast yet.
  11. Are you replacing the entire valve guide or just doing inserts?
  12. NWill

    i got owned

    Although, at the same time...that pic was funny as hell
  13. It was in the shoulder. Not that it was good place considering the location, but I wasn't really all there from the previous nights festivities. And yeah, I thought about someone hitting it, but at that point I wouldn't have cared all that much...of course until the next day when I realized what just happened. Oh well, the day is done.
  14. Gee, thanks for reconsidering. That was my car. Fuel pump decided to stop working. When I went back a couple hours later it was gone. Apparently it was in an "unsafe" place. When I got to the impound lot it started right up. Guess it cooled down.
  15. I think you just answered your question.
  16. That car has been on ebay 187 times.
  17. The game store near you was in stock as of 4:00 today. It's the one by Planet Smoothie and Qdoba.
  18. Where would be the best place to pick up a V6 from a 2000 Explorer? I have heard bad things about jasper engines, any truth to this? Thanks. edit: jasper is too $$$, anyway
  19. QFT. ps. call me. we need to chill.
  20. I'll sell you an na-t for 20. Do it.
  21. NWill


  22. I used a table saw to work with what I used. It may not be the cleanest cut, however.
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