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Everything posted by RedRocket1647545505

  1. Price Drop. $1,000. No ammo included.
  2. The girl I'm currently dating has a 3yo girl. It's definitely a different experience. Myself, I've never wanted kids and that isn't changing any. I have just come to accept the reality that as I get older, so are the girls who I'll be dating and that increases that likelihood that they might have a kid. I've come to the realization that you rarely get any 'alone' time. My GF and I are both nurses, working 3x12hr. shifts per week. She works days, I work nights. Her and the baby daddy have shared parenting, which is great for the kid. But it also leads the GF to want the kid every time she isn't working, which is understandable, but it also leads to us not being able to do anything by ourselves. If I want to spend time with the GF, then 95% of the time, the kid will be there. Can't really go out and see any movies or do 'adult' things. Everything I plan has to be kid oriented. It's definitely different and I'm still not sure I even like it. The kid is great. She is extremely intelligent for her age, but she is also 3 years old and being that age, she can be a giant pain in the ass. I get aggravated at my GF sometime because of the way she disciplines (or doesn't...) the kid. "1-minute of timeout for every year of age'' is what she tells me. In my opinion, it should be 1 lashing for every year. But I don't dare state my opinion for fear of momma bear making an appearance. So I find it best to shut up and mind my own business. But it does get annoying when the kid is in a whiny/crying mood and all I want to tell her to do is to shut the fuck up. I constantly have to remind myself that she's only 3 (again, this is new to me). I also get annoyed when her mom feeds into it. The kid's dad is an alright guy. Has a job. Buys her things. Pays for half of the babysitting cost, but I think he hates me; not that I give a shit. The kid, for whatever reason, absolutely adores me and talks about me constantly, even when she's with him. I can understand him being a bit jealous, but I personally think he should be happy for her. It's not like I'm some deadbeat who beats her and her mom. Anyways, if the relationship ended tomorrow I wouldn't be too sad. The kid is great overall, but I'm just not much of a kid person. Never have been.
  3. How much does it weigh? Looks a touch too big for the jeep.
  4. http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/s320x320/399132_10151510151605375_511730374_23498344_1886516904_n.jpg
  5. I'm pretty sure this is his second chance. If I remember correctly, he made an appearance several years back and was quite the pompous ass back then as well.
  6. I think this is a legitimate question. Seriously, not that I could ever claim to have driven any car near the caliber that we are talking here, but I would bet its not as easy as getting in and simply pushing the pedal all the way. Jamie has a serious reputation as one hell of a driver, no doubt about it. You? I've never heard of one serious race you've ever been in. Regardless of whether your car could beat Jamie's or not, I am willing to bet that Jamie could just flat-out, out-drive you. Thorne, you looking for another person to lock in $100 with?
  7. I love me some Cane's but the dude who owns it pisses me off... "I'm xxxx xxxxx, secret millionaire, and owner of Raisin' Canes..." If you keep telling everyone you're a millionaire, then it's not much of a secret.
  8. In before Troy gets shot in the face by some store owner standing their ground. :dumb:
  9. That's from the annealing process, not from repeated firing.
  10. I do that, again for the low quantity stuff. I'm not about to do that every time I load up 1000 pistol rounds, though. Too much work. If all I did was load precision rifle brass, I might consider just a stainless media setup. But, IMO, it really only fills a niche role. For time and effort, a dry media setup still reigns supreme.
  11. I believe that's what it is. Still, it doesn't do a whole lot of brass at one time and the drying part sucks. One spec of moisture and the round is toast.
  12. I have this setup in addition to my dry media tumbler. I only use it for my low quantity, precision rifle brass. It turns out great but is a pain in the ass to use for anything high quantity.
  13. I believe brass will oxidize when exposed to air, so unless you can keep it airtight, it will continue to do so. Just make sure they are clean prior to loading and forget about the rest.
  14. My mom's got several of his paintings and IIRC, they weren't cheap by any means. And that was while he was alive. Sad to see him go, because his paintings really are pretty neat.
  15. Private Security Service Announcement: The bullet that just hit you is a warning that more are coming.
  16. I'm stuck at work right now. Will Call you shortly.
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