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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. LOL, that's awesome. There are whispers of OU being a BCS buster this year.
  2. Even a broken watch is accurate twice a day. Give me time and my ineptitude will finally shine brightly.
  3. Some thoughts: - it's refreshing and exciting to watch this Ohio State team. A fake punt on our 30 yard line? WTF, I love it, even though it didn't work. Seriously, wasn't even mad when it happened and we didn't make it. Our attitude is like fuck it and fuck you, and I love it. - Josh, how was the atmosphere in the stadium? They broke an attendance record last night: 106,120. - Virginia Tech should be banned from all pre-season rankings for at least 5 years. Seriously, GTFO Hokies. - Georgia is a bunch of frauds too. - NC State just has Florida State's number. - Geno Smith is going to win the Heisman.
  4. Just in case any of you needed reminded of how gifted and talented I am.
  5. I'm worried about Nebraska. I can see them dinking and dunking our defense to death. And Martinez running like crazy. Help talk me off the ledge here...
  6. Dr. Pomade


    I heard the clip, and I'm fairly sure he said "47 percent" and then also said something to the effect of, "I don't care about them." No matter how you spin it, that just sounds bad, don't you think?
  7. Dr. Pomade


    Yeah, from a strategy standpoint, I think the whole "47%" thing is essentially suicidal. It makes him out to be some rich bigot that likes to trash poor people as he and his rich buddies smoke cigars at the country club.
  8. Dr. Pomade


    Two of the more intelligent posters on this board having an intelligent, thought-provoking conversation over politics. Retards, really?
  9. Dr. Pomade


    I forgot to say that my last post should have ended with the People's Eyebrow.
  10. Dr. Pomade


    Voting is singularly one of the most meaningless yet powerful things an America can do. On one hand, it feels like, when I vote, it means absolutely zero. On the other hand, my vote counts just as much as any other citizen of this county. Anyone, even the President himself. In that sense, I am just as powerful as any other person in the United States, at least for that one moment. Yes, the sound you hear is my patriotic muscles flexing. Rawr. As for the debate - kind of annoying, just like all the other debates. It's like 95 percent blah blah blah and 5 percent substance. The moderator did zero moderating, and that was likely the most frustrating thing for me. I want a moderator that will actually tell people to shut up, that they're off topic so they can't talk anymore, etc. Too often the candidates just say whatever they want: Moderator: "Okay, could you tell us what you think about the economic policy in Europe and how that might affect the U.S. economy?" Candidate: "Well, let me say this: I will create 14 trillion jobs in 2 months and then I will..." Viewers: *cutting wrists* One more thing: I think the candidates should have to bring a big fucking posterboard to the debate with them that outlines - in like 10 bulleted points - what they would do if they were President. Just show us what you're fucking plan is an we'll be the judge of it, thanks.
  11. LOL @ Color Me Badd reference. Yeah, your stipulations about work and such does hamstring you. Still, though, I think the cake shop is the way to go. My wife and I were checking out the website last night - some of those cakes were awesome looking. She has a talent, and you found a niche - keep with it, that's what I say.
  12. No one cares that she is fat, except maybe the emailer. The problem is she acted like she was being attacked and bullied when she wasn't. She's playing one-upmanship either for ratings or for her psychological needs. Therein lies the problem, not her weight per se. Case in point: no one except her would have known about the email until she starting popping off about it and her chubby-chasing husband decided to talk some shit about it on Facebook. She brought the attention on herself and is twisting facts to make herself out to be a martyr.
  13. The emailer's point was this: you're in a position to be influential to young women, yet it appears as though you're setting a bad example by allowing yourself to remain overweight. The emailer was not just writing to tell her that she's fat. That would be a fairly short email. Dear Fatty, I couldn't help but notice you're fat. Regards, Viewer
  14. Massive improvement over the stupid farm plates. Regardless of how awesome they look, I will never put a front plate on my car. As mentioned previously, I just consider it a luxury tax if I get ticketed for it.
  15. Not ridiculous - I only remembered who he is because you reminded me.
  16. I didn't watch the video before replying before. I'd like to revise my original comment: "Sorry, we don't carry size fat or histrionic." Seriously, wtf? Someone writes in with a well-worded, seemingly carefully crafted email, and all of sudden she is crying foul about being "attacked." Hopefully, she's only doing this for ratings - which is pathetic enough. If not, then she's personality disordered.
  17. As much time as you've spent in this thread you could have helped your wife bake a cake she turned down because she didn't have enough help. Seriously, keep the cake shop and invest all of your resources into it. I'm no business major, but I'd guess that simply staying afloat in Year 1 should be considered a success. Never turn down another order. Ever. If you're doing that, then you're doing it wrong. Don't give us this "my brain doesn't work the right way to make cakes." Do everything that your wife has to do that doesn't directly involve decorating a cake. Need the floor swept, honey? I'm on it. Need me to listen to some customer praddle on about how she'd like a cake that looks exactly like her deceased poodle Mr. Bogangles? I'm your man, babe. When you need to hire someone, get creative with remuneration scenarios. Maybe something like this: "Look, this is a new company. I'll pay you x amount for every cake you make and I'll give you x percentage of the net profit of the company if you work for me for x amount of months and above." Plenty of people out there are looking for work. Hell, my mother-in-law loves to bake and would love a part-time gig. See how easy that was? You post about your business on CR and already you have people wondering about working for you. In sum, keep the cake shop and if you need a cake delivery guy, give me a call - I have experience. Not lying. My first job involved working for Fourbakers in Bexley delivering wedding cakes.
  18. On second thought, maybe I'll just take the wife and friends to BW3s to watch the game, get hammered, and save myself some cash.
  19. Where'd you find the tickets - Stubhub?
  20. I saw the :lolguy: but still wasn't sure - this is where things get lost in translation, I think
  21. http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh186/tilley614/schnauzie-no.jpg
  22. Are you serious? The guy has a terrible throwing motion. I don't think it has anything to do with last name.
  23. LOL, seriously. Everytime he throws it he reminds of a third grader that is desperate to get rid of the ball and just heaves it awkwardly. It just looks all wrong.
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