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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Very cool, great find - thanks for sharing.
  2. Here's that video of the Hulk kicking the shit out of the Avengers:
  3. I think I remember reading that the Hulk's total strength has never been measured or even completely tapped - something along the lines that he is simply the strongest mortal being in the known universe, that his strength is capable of growing expotentially, and that the limits of his strength have never been reached.
  4. Okay, hold on, I'm confused. First, who threw the Hulk into orbit, Spiderman or Superman? I wouldn't think Spiderman could throw anyone into orbit. Second, I think I saw a video of the Hulk beating the living hell out of all of the Avengers, Thor included. (Yes, I know the videos don't necessarily equal the comics, I'm just saying what I saw.) In that video, Hulk even picked up Thor's hammer, which was thought to be impossible, right? Anyway, from the video: Hulk > Avengers. Third, there are plenty of things in the Marvel universe that could beat the Hulk. Think of Galactus or even the Silver Surfer. Now, if we are just talking about mortal beings in the Marvel universe, then I think you definitely have an argument that Hulk > any mortal. Fourth, did Hulk actually rip apart Wolverine at some point?
  5. Leo (July 23 - Aug 22) You consider yourself a born leader. Others think you are an idiot. Most Leos are bullies. You are vain and annot tolerate criticism. Your arrogance is disgusting. Leo people are thieving bastards. I've seen this before, and it makes me LOL every time.
  6. Maybe the TPT thing is something that's just new to me? In any event, the noob's random "aka" still seems inexplicable, just like his choices in body modifications.
  7. So I've tried to watch this fucking thing like eight times now. The farthest I've got is part where Sabertooth is talking to some scientist (which I think is about halfway through). I've tried to download it, but that doesn't seem to work - it says the download will start, but it never does. I've tried to stream it, but it always seems to just randomly stop at different points and then won't restart. So, this is me whining. So, what happens? I used to be so into Wolverine and all that nerdy shit (e.g., I know that Wolverine made his first appearance in the Incredible Hulk), so I'm interested in knowing what happens. Ideally, I'd just like to watch the fucking video, but Al Gore and Bill Gates apparently both hate me and are conspiring to prevent that from happening.
  8. WTF are you talking about? You're just randomly making up abbreviations for shit that is never abbreviated ("tpt") and then just randomly putting other abbreviations ("aka") in sentences where they don't belong. "Oh hai guise, check out mah YM (yellow mustang) YMCA yeah and it has 900 horsepower and MCIF (my car is fast) ASAP SOS SSN." Here's some alliteration for your ass: find the nearest noose and insert your neck, noob.
  9. Then it means that, at wide open throttle, you're not only capable of bursting ear drums with your engine note, but also fogging the city streets for mosquitos.
  10. BTW, a rule of thumb in the car community: If you have any variation of "fast" on your license plate and/or in your screenname, then you're probably not.
  11. LOL, CR is fucking brutal. If you don't post pics, you get flamed. But then if you do post pics, you usually get flamed anyway. Baptism by fire, bitches. I heart it.
  12. Whoa, man, that is awful; I'm so sorry to hear this. The hydrants were frozen? Fucking terrible. Okay, so I'm about a size 30 waist, and I can get you some jeans and maybe some dress slacks (for work, maybe?). I've also got some dress shirts (again, for work maybe?), some regular tee-shirts, and sweatshirts. I've got some shoes too (sizes 10 - 10.5). Let me know. Again, so sorry for your losses.
  13. Blasphemy! Nothing is better than the free credit report commercials. F-R-E-E that spells free - credit report dot com baby!
  14. Not sure if it's age that has changed my perspective or experiences. Sure, the both are related, but I think, for me, it's been more a result of experiences as opposed to just aging. A few years ago, it was all about speed, performance, etc. That, of course, was a never-ending cycle of getting faster, blowing something up, getting faster, getting beat by someone faster, getting faster some more, but then getting beat by someone else faster, and so on ad nauseum. Long story short: there's always someone faster. Now, for me, it's about having something that I find fun to drive while maintaining drivability and comfort. Sure, I like to go fast, that'll probably never change, it's just that the urge to go fast has been tempered by sensibility. Besides, I could have a completely bone stock C6 and every girl that rides in it will think it's the fastest fucking car on the planet. Seriously, super high HP attracts way more dudes than chicks.
  15. Black Stig, it's me, checking back in. Glad to see the Strike Force has been assembled. Those Christmas sweaters will surely attract the attention of all available erotic dancers; well played, Strike Force, well played. In the interim, I checked out the Centerfold Club, but I think I got there too late. On another tip, I made haste for Vanity. On the way there, I came across this suspect: http://data55.sevenload.com/slcom/gu/yt/gmiklc/rfqwjijjee.jpg Upon closer examination, I noticed that her Mustang was not a convertible. However, figuring this could be a clever disguise, I opted to have sex with her just to make sure. Of course, having sex with her told me nothing about her car, but I didn't want to leave anything to chance. Come to find out, this girl is named Gina (stage name: "Mercedes"), and she has never heard of CR. Alas, a dead end. So, I moved on. Now I'm outside of the Dollhouse on another tip that our OP is inside. I'll be going undercover for this one. My outfit will include the following items. Wish me luck. http://www.makeupmania.com/products/KA-0160-11-003.jpg http://products.postuptshirts.com/images/uploads/White2.JPG http://www.maximumleather.com/leather/image.php?type=T&id=6433 http://www.perfumeguys.com/images/products/thumbimage/158019.jpg http://goodhealth.freeservers.com/marlboromenthol.jpg
  16. I'm so very sorry to hear about this, and I can completely appreciate the pain and the shock you're feeling right now. Absolutely no shame in crying; that was your father. Let me know if there's anything I can do.
  17. The lean was something I noticed right away. The rules allow that bullshit? Then I guess Beer Pong is just about finding a really tall guy with really long arms that can lean so far he's essentially dropping them in the cups?
  18. Pulling the e-brake on car = very easy for 360s
  19. :eek: Black Stig, it's time to sound the alarm and gather together the Strip Club Strike Force if we have any chance of cracking this case. We'll need all available members to assembly quickly. On the tip given to us by 614Streets, who's a nefarious individual with connections to the underground, we'll start at the Centerfold and work our way from there. Let's make sure we have all the necessary equipment; here are some things we'll definitely need to lure the OP to us, I think: http://lancer.longwood.edu/org/sga/s_dollar_bills.jpg http://www.quitandinha.com/images/300red_bull_energy_drink.jpg http://legaldruginfo.files.wordpress.com/2007/06/image-of-cocaine.jpg http://static.howstuffworks.com/gif/tattoo-2.jpg http://www.californiaclassics.nl/images/chevrolet/camaro-z28-1982-01-01.jpg
  20. Before or after he put a bullet in his own head?
  21. You are speaking truths. There's definitely something comical in the awkwardness that accompanies the dollar dance. "Hi, dollar dance?" "No thanks." "But I'm already sitting on your lap." "I wish you weren't." ...
  22. This thread has now been downgraded to dollar dance status.
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