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Fiji ST

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Posts posted by Fiji ST

  1. Dang...when did the restaurant close, the food was delicious.


    Their chicken and waffles were legit.



    Yeah, this was a mess. The current owner of CBC (brewery) was not the owner when they teamed up with Cameron Mitchel. When the restaurant got sold, and then the brewery got sold they were under completely different ownership. The brewery was in real trouble at that point. The new owner really knows his stuff and brought them back from the brink. The last I had heard there was a law suit going on between them to force to restaurant to change it's name.


    Sounds crappy. I didn't know the brewery sold too. Who owns it all now? Is it still Cameron?


    The only central Ohio brewery poised to go beyond central Ohio with any real substance is CBC. They are selling so much beer that their tap room has been delayed for years now because they are having trouble meeting demand.


    Any reason why their restaurant closed then? It was damn good.

  3. at the end of the day it is a stick minivan. Not a lot of options in a row your own family bus. I think the last 2 stick minivans I ever saw were a 1980's dodge caravan (1st gen) a high school friend bought as a $400 beater and a ford aerostar that a buddy's dad had in college. I heard they made pontiac transports in stick but I think I have only seen one in the wild and it was parked on the street (it may have been an auto with an aftermarket shifter).


    only factory modern van is the VW eurovan and they stopped making them in 2003.


    Mazda5 could be had with three pedals.

  4. I tried to do my buddy's Grand Am back in college. We spent about 3 hours before we said the hell with this. Never again.


    I got the ST done at Professional Eclipse about four years ago. $209 for mid-grade tint and he lifetime warranties his work. He's also got a collection of cars you can check out while you're waiting. Haven't had any noticeable issues since I've had it done. It's so cheap compared to the time spend doing it yourself.

  5. It doesn't shoot like them. It's a polymer striker fired gun, feels totally different but it's still really nice.


    I was using a p320 for uspsa but ended up selling it to buy a cz75 to use instead.


    I went through this phase where I really wanted a striker for ccw. You know, same trigger pull every time, heck yeah. So I bought a Glock and I really hate that grip angle. Then I bought a M&P. That was far better for me and I'd buy another. I then sold it and bought a p320. Yeah, that thing is real nice.


    In the end, steel frame da/sa with decocker is my preference. I'm a cz guy through and through.


    Good to know. I prefer the striker fire. Started really shooting on a Springfield, so that's what my preference was built on. M&Ps are great as well.

  6. Tile. It will be many many years before it is a problem for you again....sounds like youd sell before then as well.


    Could do large format tile to have less grout, or pick a better more resilient color of grout.


    Do tile, seal the grout regularly, keep a squeegee in the shower.


    Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk


    Probably stupid to bring this up and ask, but what do you think it would cost to have someone come in, remove the tile, replace the drywall (because I’m certain it will need to be at 30 years) and put in new tile plus supplies? $3000? $4000?

  7. Saw that on Jalopnik. The rear end is tragic. Can't believe someone commissioned that body work and someone paid to complete it.


    It looks horrendous and the picture with the rear hatch down looks atrocious. Couple people posted in the comments other wagons build using the Taurus/Sable hatch and they look much better.

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