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Fiji ST

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Posts posted by Fiji ST

  1. Tim,

    That’s a great story. If you have their information, maybe send a thank you note to their captain. I’m sure some positive praise would be a welcome change.


    Very much this. My brother-in-law works at one of their posts and when they get a positive note from someone, it's HUGE for these people.

  2. I thought car designers were going to start moving away from the giant audi like grill. Leave it to Ford to be about 20 years late


    Probably need the big opening to get the cooling it needs for the intercooler and brakes.



    It looks WAY better than the God awful Lexus "I left my grill in the microwave to long" design scheme. Functional or not, you know you fucked up when your grill looks like a 7th grade student just discovered the "Warp" filter in Photoshop. SMH





  3. I've used Dr. Terry Irwin at Knightsbridge Internal Medicine for years (behind Microcenter, near Bethel and Olentangy River Road). He's been a great doctor. I look forward to my checkups every 6 months, not afraid to ask him tough questions.


    The practice was just absorbed into Central Ohio Primary Care, but from what I've seen it means great new (additional) staff, new equipment, and a different online invoicing platform. Service is still good.


    No shit, he's been mine for 10 years now too. He is awesome. He's got that great "bedside manner" that younger doctors don't have.

  4. I could keep the Tundra and get something cheaper. I have always bought older cheaper vehicles. Just wanted to get something almost new for once. I have one grade school kid.


    Do it.





    treat yourself. If you want a new or newer car with the stuff you want and you're financially stable, GO FOR IT


    The rest who moans about it being a Camry, automatic, or whatever else, don't worry about them.


    I treated myself to a nice-ass Durango even though a 4 cylinder car would do the exact same thing for cheaper and better mpg.


    100% this.

  5. Sony or LG. Preference to Sony for color spectrum and reliability. LG is the better of the Korean Brands but Sony still leads the way for accuracy and width of colors. They are pricey but there's a reason.


    This. My family only has Sony TVs. I've got a 10 year old 40" that still looks great. Hell, I'd still have my old 27" Vega tube TV if I had room! My dad's got a massive 60" HD tube that's 15 years in his basement that still works well and my brother got a 55" 4k earlier this year that looks crystal clear. I can get the model number from him if you want to look into it yourself.

  6. My uncle retired from Chevy making 54$/hr.+ full Medical+full pension. He would often joke that he would fall asleep on the job, and his job was turing 6 bolts on a v6 water pumps (with a preset pneumatic torque wrench). I love him to death, but any trained Monkey would have been happy doing his job for 17.50/hr and half the benefits.


    The UAW is maybe the single largest reason it's difficult fr US Automakers to compete globally



    I wonder what the CEO's pay cut will be?


    So in short none of this surprises me. What I find annoying is the UAW and the press shaming GM. People don’t buy these products and GM has to make changes to keep from going bankrupt again, if you don’t like it run out and buy some cars. The UAW is is going to kill GM, and the media is on board because it’s a god damned union. This is all going to be a political mess until they come up with something else to bitch about.


    1,000,000% this.

  7. I meet all of my friends on this website called ColumbusRacing.com





    Me too....:cry:



    Hey, outside of college, the majority of my friends came from sites like this one and the vehicle-specific forums I used to spend everyday on.


    This was my brother about 5 years ago. Moved back home after living in NYC for a decade. All of his friends had moved away so he really didn't have anyone except a few childhood friends. One of them got him into guns and from there, he's gone to shows, gun ranges, online forums and has built himself a small group of close friends from that one hobby.

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