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Fiji ST

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Posts posted by Fiji ST

  1. They mentioned the Transportation Bill this morning on NPR, complete with no front plate.


    I think this has a chance. There's a lot of other items that I'm sure the State government would want to see.



    I personally don't have a problem with the 10.7cent gas tax: it's a use-tax that will hopefully provide funding to infrastructure improvements. If you can't afford higher gas prices, get a more fuel-efficient car or take the bus/ride-sharing option.


    More taxes, great......


    I guess it's a fair trade to pay a little more for fuel and not have to run a front plate. Does this mean that vehicle registrations will be less too? Seems like it's more since we have to pay for two plates, but it's been a while since I've had to register a car in a different state.


    Also think it's funny to see that electric vehicles will have to pay a flat fee. :lol:

  2. So, I literally just got an invoice from my prop mgr on one of my rental houses where they had a fridge/freezer in the garage:


    When it's really cold outside, the freezer thermostat can act up causing the compressor to stop. $75 service call later and the tenant learned that nothing is actually wrong with the fridge.


    It was their fridge in the garage (house fridge is my responsibility). Yeah...they're eating that fee.


    Interesting. The reason I want to get it checked as I don't remember this being an issue last winter, as well as it's been enough time that it hasn't worked it seems that I now have a fully defrosted 15 lb. turkey.

  3. The creator of FinalGear.com, Alex "Viper007Bond" Mills, passed away yesterday. He is the reason Top Gear got so huge outside of the UK, whether anyone remembers or not. FinalGear.com is where EVERYONE got Top Gear back in the day before it was widely distributed. Thanks for everything, mate. My friends and I watched Final Gear rips constantly all through high school and after.




    That site was my savior in college too. So sad.

  4. There's two points to consider:


    1. No one cares about driving anymore. It's become a necessary evil for most. People do it out of the need to survive and the less involved they have to be, the better for them. Look at the youth. I can't tell you how many of my younger family members could care less about driving. When I turned 16 in 2000, I couldn't wait to get my license as it meant social freedom. Now, kids can video chat with a small group without leaving their houses. Hell, my wife's younger cousins only got their licenses because their parents got tired of having to drive them everywhere.


    2. Automatics have gotten A LOT better. There's more gears for efficiency, plus they shift a lot faster and smoother than the old four/five-speeds. Driving my wife's ancient CR-V compared to the CX-5 we're looking at is a night and day difference. Smoother, much quicker to react, no hunting.


    The end is nigh people, especially with manufacturers pushing forward with automated driving.

  5. What do most of you guys do? I see a few put in what they do.


    I love my job about 80% of the time. I became the Internet manager 3 years ago and it's a much better experience not being strictly commission-based anymore. Byers is a great company overall and I've got some good, stand-behind-you bosses that I didn't have when I worked at MAG. I'm also spear-heading some new ideas to help us grow. It's nice to see your concepts starting to come to life.


    I also love Ford. They make some kick-ass products (genuinely mean this too). Because of the loyalty that Ford owners have, I've got a long list of life-long customers that have become friends of my family and won't buy or deal with anyone else but me.


    The downsides is it's become a mad race to the bottom. Everyone is cutting everyone else's throats. "Transparency" and "Automated" are also words that everyone throws around and demands us to be, and even when that's all in place, it still isn't good enough. :yuno:


    The funniest thing about all of this is I went to school for journalism and this job is a lot more fun, rewarding and fulfilling than most of the journalism jobs I had before.

  6. I see you're in Dublin. A buddy of mine cut down a bunch of ash trees a few years ago and kept all the wood. He lives between Bethel and W. Case off Godown. I can reach out to him if you have a way to pick it up. I don't know if he has a truck still, but I can put you in touch at least.
  7. Should get a couple grand back this year again. Thank god for the kid. Kinda nervous about filing in 2020 though as our household income will jump up quite a bit with my wife's job.
  8. Earlier this month, I asked CR if I could get some help finding a dirt cheap car for a woman at my church on a very tight budget.


    A longtime CR member let me know of a perfect car candidate for the right price that a family member was looking to get rid of. I reached out to the contact, and after explaining the situation, they offered an even greater discount. My friend was incredibly appreciative. It was a rough situation, where we had been letting her use one of our cars, and I was worried we wouldn’t find anything she can comfortably drive. Happy to report I’ve got a little bit of work to give her a nice, new daily driver.


    I truly appreciate the efforts of some great people on this board: a little help, some good news, guidance here and there....really makes this a valuable resource in my world.


    Thanks to everyone that works to help others through this site. :thumbup:


    But what is it??

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