Just to be clear: I drove a Genesis Coupe 3.8 Track, nice to drive, not a nice place to be inside.
The Equus had a vastly better interior than the Genesis Coupe IMO, still no european car at all judging by just the touch and feel of the cars to even how the door shut. The Equus was Lexus "tomb quiet" like with the doors shut though.
The real test of any make is the long term which is why I mentioned reputation, Honda and Toyota earned theirs not by "Saying" so, they let their product do the talking. Hyundai has a vastly larger problem to overcome as they started out building complete turds of disposable automobiles and are now trying to rectify that, and are doing a pretty good job if you ask me.
You have to admit, they're not afraid of trying new things and are making some damn good looking cars these day, from the Elantra to the new Azera which I just saw and loved the look of.