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Dr. Apex

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Everything posted by Dr. Apex

  1. Will do, but if I'm going to be out in the heat on saturday it will only be because I'm racing(C&C is early enough). Sunday I should have a couple hours free for Good Guys as it "should be cooler".
  2. Hardtop = Good to go. At least for NASA and SCCA it's legal, don't see why it wouldn't be here.
  3. Still waiting to confirm a ride, hope to make this even though I will be hiding in the Ranger with the a/c set to antarctica just to keep from melting when not running/working.
  4. Also it's only demonstrated in a steady rain fall, rain doesn't fall like that by any means and I could see that i7 grenading itself after about 3 seconds of trying to "predict" actual rain drops in infinite different sizes, shapes, and coming from all directons. Pretty neat though and maybe they will figure out something from this that might actually work.
  5. If I don't find someone to drive with at the autocross saturday I will show up.
  6. Love the ISX 15 in my truck, just eclipsed 130k and not a glitch. Last one had 684k on it and was rock solid as well.
  7. ORLY?? Didn't you get a sample of my taillights last autocross out??:lolguy: Nice ride man, the 3v's can make some good power. Stick to the asthetic stuff until it's build time, don't waste money on stuff your going to just change out by next year or something.
  8. Dr. Apex


    108 today, you bitches don't know hot.
  9. Possibly the most intelligent thing I've heard anyone say on this board, bravo!!
  10. I will be at the next event on the 7th, pending I find a ride. Either way I'm in town that weekend.
  11. So we have a playoff, how long before people start bitching about the setup of this now?? I will reserve my opinion until after the 1st year or so and see how it goes.
  12. BTW, CPD has the new Caprice(or whatever they're called) patrol cars, saw one last weekend at HD.
  13. If we had a "Like" button on here it would be used for this statement. I personally wouldn't buy a car knowingly without it's original engine unless I know almost everything there is to know about said platform and it's powertrains or it was some kind of aftermarket swap I know was done by a reputable person. I am not against swapping an engine in an existing car like mine, then you have control over what happens and what goes into it. I'm looking at doing this on my car if I do decide to keep it much longer and I know what goes into it will be a far better engine than what it has now.
  14. Sounds like operator error.
  15. That's Texas for you, I've lost 2 windshields and headlights on my truck to hail down there, when it comes to hail they're not kidding when it comes to "everythings bigger in Texas".
  16. Good, we don't need any trolls around anyway just FYI I'm showing up in your car, TIA.:gabe:
  17. I could care less about the semantics of it all, he's an astonishing player hated only because he's not the most gracious, caring, giving guy in the world who's worked his ass off to get where he is now. I will never understand all the haterade torwards him.
  18. I'm back from AZ for the weekend, I shall be out.
  19. Just to be clear: I drove a Genesis Coupe 3.8 Track, nice to drive, not a nice place to be inside. The Equus had a vastly better interior than the Genesis Coupe IMO, still no european car at all judging by just the touch and feel of the cars to even how the door shut. The Equus was Lexus "tomb quiet" like with the doors shut though. The real test of any make is the long term which is why I mentioned reputation, Honda and Toyota earned theirs not by "Saying" so, they let their product do the talking. Hyundai has a vastly larger problem to overcome as they started out building complete turds of disposable automobiles and are now trying to rectify that, and are doing a pretty good job if you ask me. You have to admit, they're not afraid of trying new things and are making some damn good looking cars these day, from the Elantra to the new Azera which I just saw and loved the look of.
  20. Or be like most any Audi owner and ditch the car as soon as the warranty is expired!! I drove a Genesis coupe, 3.8 track model last summer. It was a nice car to drive, handling was there, good power, etc, but they are still really lacking in the interior dept. The plastic felt as cheap as it looked and there was nothing inside that seemed to be of any real quality. Having been at the Detroit Auto show this year I sat in a new Equus after having been in an S-Class, though it was impressive for a Hyundai it still didn't hold a candle to the Benz, or BMW, or Lexus. Hyundai has no doubt made great progress but they still have a long way to go as reputations take a long time to build and theirs didn't get off on the right foot.
  21. Def see the vet as people have said. It sucks there comes a point where you could spare the dog a while longer(if that is an option for you) but at considerable cost which is where my dog is getting as well @ 13 years old. Good luck as it's tough when you have any pet around for a length of time.
  22. ^Avoid the 3.0, abysmal fuel economy even for a Ranger and it can't get out of it's own way. Of course IMO you should avoid a Ranger entirely, but that's me.
  23. It's possible I could make this event, have to wait and see.
  24. Had 3 dsm's long before the rustang, makes me an expert in nothing but I still will never mess with a 7bolt.
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