My last final is tomorrow (today, thursday) at 11:30am. I have already earned enough points (getting a 96%) to get a D in the class, which is passing, even without taking the final!!!!!
I will still be studying most of the night and doing my best tomorrow morning, but the stress is gone!
It has been a long road for me to get here. I started OSU in Sept 2003 after HS, and went for 3 quarters, with a 3.0gpa avg. Started joining a frat and my GPA suffered the last quarter of my freshman year, and autumn quarter of soph year. I took off the following 3 quarters and worked full time. I went back for a quarter, and didn't do well again. Took another quarter off and started back up Sept 2007. I went straight through for 2 years, a total of 9 quarters with a 3.0gpa for those 9 quarters.
My wife has basically supported me for the past 3 years, with me having a part time job for maybe 6 months total of that. She has made me want to go back to college to better our lives, and has done everything in her power to give me what I needed to succeed. My parent's also have helped in unmeasurable ways, paying for a lot of my college outright, and paying the interest on my loans for what they couldn't afford. They also bought my books, and helped me with money whenever I needed it. Thanks and love to both my wife and parents.
I can't begin to explain how happy I will be come Sunday, Dec 13th. I am the first and 99% likely be the only of my parents 3 children to graduate college (both are 30+ and have full time jobs and no drive to do it).
My dad graduated from OSU in 1972, My wife from OSU in 2006, and now me in 2009!!!!!
Thats it, just super excited.