Also, many know this car is a ode to the Toyota 800 and the AE86, what most don't know is that the 800 was actually the first front-mounted, boxer engined rear-wheel drive automobile. Anyway, of course, they're going to use a company that is current with boxer tech and that they own a sizable portion of to develop a current boxer motor for the new 86. This obviously saves a ton of money and is almost 'in-house'. This isn't exactly unheard of between the two given that Toyota already provides FHI's minicars, for example.
As for the new FR-S/BR-Z, given where I currently live, I'd be tempted in to selling the Supra for one. Maybe, not the 1st year model, though. New car reliability and warranty on top of it.
Littleguy and I talked about owning an "underpowered" car like this one. I agreed with him that if I still lived in Houston or somewhere similar where you weren't able to really utilize the corner carving ability. In Houston especially, it's a land of power and straights.
However, here in Ohio, I know countless roads to lose an entire day on where the curves, banks, blind corners, decreasing radius turns, etc are nonstop and I still haven't run out of new ones, yet. (Seriously, compeletely shocking how few of you really know how many great roads you guys have out here.) Not only would this car be better at tackling these roads than my Supra, especially after a little suspension upgrade, but I'd save more gas getting there and back. There will always be upgrades for more power. Besides, the amount of power you'll need in a nice light car liek that will be alot less than you needed in your T/A, Evo, etc.
I'm excited.