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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Like an onion? I find it hilarious that some of the same people in here who will disregard and talk shit about 'conspiracy theorists' and the government having the power to hide things or manipulate the public on a large scale yet, they'll claim this huge Obama cover-up is 100% true without a second thought. http://www.ohtheprofanity.com/images/tees/irony.jpg
  2. No way that's legit. My EVO 3D never crashes with explorer and facebook is for gays. And we all know one person can account for everybody. lol That's probably why.
  3. Stop the world. We have something in common. We both like bowling but suck at it. lol
  4. 2:15 - Love the double camera action, what was he doing? haha 6:13 - I agree. What the fuck was this guy thinking? Cuz I know what went through his head last. :lolguy:
  5. Are you sure? Also, the link is only showing an example of their software that you can buy. It doesn't really provide any information.
  6. These were my exact thoughts when I read this last night. Be Korea. Be China, the New Korea.
  7. Anyone know how? If so, does this seem like an approximate frontal area for say the 2010 RAV4? Im not sure if I arrived at this properly. 20.03ft squared I do have the Cd, (suprising at .31, .01 better than my Supra), but frontal area can be different even between two cars with the same Cd.
  8. That gives me an idea. For any of you who think you're prepared, I can be hired as a crazy assailant or zombie, etc. to attempt a break-in and theft or assault on your person(s). Please, no live ammo.
  9. lmao I agree with you on this one. I tend to call them soda's, however. I was also born in California. Im used to the term coke from living down south though the first time I ever heard the words soda pop or just pop was from an old man in Texas.
  10. I have no idea what's going on right now. http://images.wikia.com/southpark/images/8/85/Toweliehigh.gif
  11. Anyone see that cat jump in there at the end?
  12. West coast doesn't have rust issues though you're along the ocean, however, the east coast does. Probably more to do with the humidity. If we're talking south coasts, of course and not northern coasts.
  13. It's a real thing as was mentioned above already. People just get their wires crossed, so to speak. Like miswiring a car when you build it and instead of the engine starting when you turn the key, your brights come on instead. A rough analogy but you get the point. lol Like people who taste colors, etc.
  14. Looks like my response from the other dumbass police officer thread works just as well here:
  15. Holy shit. Can they fucking fire this guy, now? How many jobs with less power and responsibility would this guy have already been fired from and yet, he's still fucking there to pull this shit?! Motherfuck...
  16. I only scanned, so I apologize if any of this has been repeated. First, this is not anything new. Jobs loves suing people. He is well known for his anger and angst. He even claimed "thermo nuclear war" on the big 3 and sued them in almost every country; HTC, Samsung and Motorola. HOwever, after 2 years of pursuit, they've accomplished almost nothing. As a matter of fact, the only two suits that were upheld were easy get arounds. Samsung simply widened the frame on the Galaxy Tab and HTC removed a tiny software feature that allowed you to click a phone number in an email to bring up a list of options. At this point, Android is now the top smartphone platform and Samsung is the largest manu of s.p.'s. One 3LP's big patent attorneys was quoted saying that Apple basically needed to watch their ass and instead of suing everyone, start trying to make some royalty deals instead of trying to completey crush his competition as fiercely as possible. It only gets harder when you start losing these court cases and it's only a matter of time before they begin to crumble a bit. Of course, that's not the way Job does things but with Apple's new leader (dont recall his name) the way things run may change a bit. Moral of the story: Android isn't going anywhere and competition only makes products better.
  17. ImUrOBGYN


  18. Nice. I can see the exact crater I dipped my balls in.
  19. It's to get you to drink more. Back to the topic: How in the fuck can you tap a proper black & tan? It's already wrong right off the bat. Fail from the fuckin first. Yeah, 'start' probably woulda sounded better in that last sentence but I was on a 'f' trip there.
  20. I cant luk at aklhdh alk;dshfa;kdkalkskldkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk...............................................................................................
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