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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Firstly, this was your contribution? Secondly, though he never came out and said it, if he's in here asking about how to handle it, he's not comfortable at this point taking it on with only his current "manual belt adjusting" limited knowledge. It wasn't a slight towards him, nor was it even the point of this thread or my post. Completely irrelevant, thus my wonderment at your post. Im sorry if you felt his ass needed protecting, so, I'm going to be a smartass, now.. but with better punctuation. lol He has not made another post in this thread. How do you deduce he needs defending?
  2. Gotta picture of the helmet?
  3. That's pretty cool. Love to try it but I can't imagine how much it would cost to actually purchase a unit. It may've been on the site, but I didnt look that well.
  4. When they're gay, they're called Phillipino.
  5. Not gonna be able to make it. Honestly, I freakin forgot all about it till just now. Now, had I not gone grocery shopping just 2 days ago there... lol
  6. ImUrOBGYN


    Home Depot off of Sawmill. NW.
  7. ImUrOBGYN


    What's Nova? What's their 'thing'? I was almost interested in dinner there the way you made it sound (and because of location ), but I'm not leaving early to goto Cane's. Edit: Holy crap they make a beer battered burger. My heart skips a beat just looking at it. The burger is cooked to order, then battered and deep fried – served with two onion rings on top and a mix of two cheeses to hold it all together. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3227/2690505942_df7eca823a.jpg?v=0
  8. Shit, that's right. It's why I originally didn't post that recall. lol
  9. I didn't know you worked there! My neighbor works in the deli. Older lady named Kathy. I live less than 5min from there. I'll try to stop by for a bit.
  10. Welcome to the site, man. Try to ignore the idiots that pour in and out. Or enjoy them. Whatever.
  11. ImUrOBGYN


    teehee Accident? I'm sure I'll be at HD at some point.
  12. This is one of the best points here as I got caught up in arguing about silly shit, too.
  13. I saw this one, too. Except hers did have ABS. His Contour may not, though.
  14. That looks a bit like my super old Samsung.
  15. I agree with all said above, however, if that doesn't pan out I have another idea. I know the Cougars and Contours share many parts. We didn't know until after the incident, but there was a recall or tsb or something for some damn brake component that I cannot remember for my gf's old Cougar. Something similar happened to us, too. Very scary, VERY FUCKING dangerous. I was amazed hardly anyone ever heard of it and I can't imagine that there wasn't at least one bad accident out there due to it. I can't seem to find any info on it, now. It was a washer or some shit, I feel. Dammit... Pointless post if I can't remember the details. I'll check back if I do.
  16. Saw this vid last week. The following day, Im behind a sedan in the Supra and a squirrel pulls the same shit! Sedan straddled it and luckily I was ready for a body to come flying out and swerved to miss it. Could not believe the squirrel survived and was missed by both cars.
  17. That would be a good idea. Or one really strong hanging net like the ones used in highwire acts, etc. Make the holes big enough to fall through to be rid of temptation. But you're right, someone will 'use' it eventually. lol Can't save everyone.
  18. lol Fucking, Brian.
  19. Our will be $20 a month. That's too much. Maybe if I could stream whatever movie I wanted whenever I wanted, but that's not the case. Half the time shit isn't available for streaming and we do not watch near enough movies to justify $20/month. However, our sub is currently gifted, so why do I even care right now? :fuckyeah:
  20. Sure didn't sound like it had issues with the way the guy was talking. Who runs a broken a car in a situation like that, anyway? Maybe Thorne would take his subie with only the rear wheels working...
  21. Having to retorque the motor isn't a motor problem but an assembly problem. I find it amusing you have to keep being derogatory toward me in every post. Not to mention, your incessant assumptions about what I know or don't know. Even worse, you want to argue with someone who's been messing with 7M's for over a decade. Dont fucking tell me I don't know what they are capable of. You're the ignorant fuck who ran your mouth in the beginning. I really don't want to continue to clutter this thread, so if you have something useful to say, you can say it in pm's or to me in person. I have a feeling it wouldn't have gone this far if it weren't online. That's not a veiled threat, either, mods. However, I have a feeling he wouldn't have ran his mouth like this and things could've remained more civil. As it stands, I've wasted enough of everyone's time arguing this. That's the net!
  22. Here, Brian. You dropped your pokin' stick. lol http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS6EkyKwjiCdU7qjT3lLcGv-WexwakaGXjDk15hO_a7WhN3EUR2uw
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