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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Yeah, they do need to definitely get all their fucking ducks in a line.
  2. I agree. And a little style. No cream cheese, though. Makes it look a little 'ricey'.
  3. He tried out the chair and stuff but not the toilet paper and toilet.
  4. lol No shit. Thing came quick. They should've uploaded that in 3D.
  5. Crazy. Looks like a blast. I'd hate to be responsible for smacking an innocent, though.
  6. lol Happy Bday, tomorrow, btw. Can I go if I no longer own a firearm? I can bring a pellet rifle and conceal my slingshot. Come get some!
  7. This. Been there, done that. :no:
  8. My theme song for the day: Devil's Got a Hold of Me - Travis Barker http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x510v85Gazw
  9. Then you proceeded to justify it and find amusement from it. If you can't understand why that upsets people, I don't know what to tell you other than you'll be here after 6pm tonight. Murder isn't uncommon, either. It doesn't mean it doesn't upset people or that you won't be ostracised on a public forum.
  10. Here's a little insider info about me. I care about all death. Everyone's death. Even each creatures.
  11. ImUrOBGYN

    Thank you cpd

    I miss a Friday and what happens... And that guy you are refering to couldn't stop acting like a jackass last Friday. lol
  12. I plan on going outside and watching cars just start crashing and planes to fall out of the sky. I figure that's a good indicator it's begun. lol I can't wait. My old "Christian" neighbors live a couple houses down, now. I can't wait to ask them why they didnt get to go. (PS - Tey're fucking assholes. I'd go before them simply based on a name technicality.) lol Speaking of which, that's what Im hoping for. If this goes down, I get in on name alone. haha I gotta lot riding on that. :gabe:
  13. You don't compare cruelty to driving or accidentally calling the wrong girl and using the other girl's name. I doubt it. Just becuz you survive society or dont do time, doesnt mean you're "fine". Cruelty is cruelty. I dont give a shit if it's a cat or a dog or any other living creature. I've taught my child better. Years ago I dated a girl with an older brother in Houston. One night, I pop over to their house only to have this fuck tell me about earlier how him and his friends lit a cat on fire and watched it scream down the road. I dropped his sorry fucking ass on the spot. I kid you not. The fact he thought I would find it funny apalled me. I rarely if ever judge anyone on an internet forum, but you sir need to get your mental priorities in order. If you can't understand what's wrong with it, you're more fucked than you realize. One more thing. Growing up in a small town is a bullshti fucking excuse. I grew up in small towns, much smaller than you can imagine. I also lived in Los Angeles and other big cities. I found more things to do in a little town as a kid. Oh, and my friends and I NEVER tortured animals.
  14. ImUrOBGYN

    Tonight 5/20/11

    Ill be out at Home Depot in the RAV. Supra comes out tomorrow.
  15. I dunno if I can compare that to some bored guys. I've spent half my life bored but I'd never do that to occupy my time. What this really tells me, is that these kids need to be either locked up or put through some intensive therapy since this is how most violent career criminals behave. It generally always start with animals, but like any 'fix', eventually it's not enuf. Then, you get a group of guys like those eastern europeans who stabbed and tortured that guy on tape for no f'n reason.
  16. Exit was awesome but won't make up for the lapse of judgement or spotter.
  17. I'd say your post was slightly misleading. Just a tad, now, calm down. In other news, PSN itself is fine.
  18. If the end is here, why are you bothering selling shit in the first place. lol As intelligent as they believe they were, it wouldn't take one long to figure it out. Plus, you have windows. Hahaha, I was saying something similar, yesterday. Awesome.
  19. So, who's being taken in the rapture tomorrow and can I have your stuff?
  20. Sux. Had two dogs get a hold of skunk in the backyard a couple summers ago. On top of that, it sprayed our a/c unit, too. Then, without thinking, my gf turned on the a/c and the smelll flooded the house. lol Holy shit, it was bad.
  21. This thread's still going? I've already robbed 3 of your houses while you were still discussing this. :fuckyeah: Guns and alarms are futile against a breaking and entering Puerto Rican. Just like your women's resistance.
  22. Welcome. What these weasles don't understand is how great that rx8 is to drive on a windy road. They'd like to think their cars handle, too. Anyway, welcome to CR. I also took the time to notice it's the paintjob you like on the car, not the whole car. Reading comprehension is a challenge for many here, as well. lol
  23. I popped back in here with the same question. Glad you're enjoying the FJ. Now, when you get your new tires, you should come up to Delaware. Nice offroading spot here by the house. You can try not to get embarassed by a RAV. (Shouldnt be hard in the FJ. lol)
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