You don't compare cruelty to driving or accidentally calling the wrong girl and using the other girl's name.
I doubt it. Just becuz you survive society or dont do time, doesnt mean you're "fine".
Cruelty is cruelty. I dont give a shit if it's a cat or a dog or any other living creature. I've taught my child better.
Years ago I dated a girl with an older brother in Houston. One night, I pop over to their house only to have this fuck tell me about earlier how him and his friends lit a cat on fire and watched it scream down the road. I dropped his sorry fucking ass on the spot. I kid you not. The fact he thought I would find it funny apalled me.
I rarely if ever judge anyone on an internet forum, but you sir need to get your mental priorities in order. If you can't understand what's wrong with it, you're more fucked than you realize.
One more thing. Growing up in a small town is a bullshti fucking excuse. I grew up in small towns, much smaller than you can imagine. I also lived in Los Angeles and other big cities. I found more things to do in a little town as a kid. Oh, and my friends and I NEVER tortured animals.