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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Anyone leaving from Delaware around 830pm or later and need a large Puerto Rican to guard their passenger seat? lol Really, Id prefer to ride in the MR2 with Sean and Erica for the coziness and my love of merts, but whatever. Im out of their way.
  2. bwhahaha Someone mentioned size differences above and I was going to mention that the centipede would win since it takes up the whole f'n screen. Like he said, all of them are poisonous. Some are stronger than others and some people react differently than others. Almost all spiders will cause some kind of reaction.
  3. Shit, I've wanted to go out so bad today but nobody I know likes to hike thru the woods and shit. Plus, I would need a ride today to do it or Id be out there now.
  4. Anything we do that benefits the community will be recognized by businesses and consumers alike which will lead to leaders in our community and the media to recognize it, as well. This way, maybe we're not the first ones to have fingers pointed at us when something auto related goes bad and maybe, when we'd like to do something that involves public and private property and/or involves the public, we're more likely to get a city that approves and a community that is willing and open. What goes around comes around, anyway. Besides, if nothing else, you do good things to do them, not because you expect something in return.
  5. Didnt see it mentioned but use this as a test for unsprung mass. Tie a small weight to the end of a leash or something. Swing it around. Now, tie a big 5lb weight to it. Swing it around. Notice how much heavier it gets as you swing it? You're exponentially increasing the mass of the object as you swing it out and thereby having to increase the amount of energy needed to maintain it. This is the same on your car. It's said that for every pound of unsprung weight you remove, is equivalent to removing 8lbs of static weight. Of course, that wont come into consideration when the car isn't moving, however, once you get going it equates. And of course, nothing improves every aspect of a vehicle's performance except removing weight. Unsprung weight is weight + bonus.
  6. I need a new stereo so much for the Supra. I've had my current pioneer for years and years. Still works great but the volume control is super iffy, now. Oh well, I can afford your helicopter, I cannot currently afford a new stereo. Chalk another up to interest and no deal. Good luck.
  7. Im down for something if you guys have it in Delaware within walking distance. lol Supra's up in Dayton while I was in St Louis. Now, Im back but gf is in Illinois with RAV due to a family emergency. Im sooo bored.
  8. What a nice first reply post to get things started. lol It sounds like an excellent idea. When do we get started?
  9. Snort the white powder in the bottom of the envelope, too. That's to give you the energy to go cash it! Wow, what a thoughtful mailer!
  10. Here's another up of the vid. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wX661AN9B7o
  11. lol Hilarious. I've pissed in some ridiculous places I wont even get into on here.
  12. I'm a donor. If there's anything left worth using when Im done with this body, they can have it. I mostly just like the idea of being 'inside someone' else even after Im dead. :gabe:
  13. I always leave my name. There's not a single thing I'll say on here I won't say to someone's face. Nice or not. lol Everyone should self-test themselves. If you can't say it to someone's face, you shouldn't say it at all. Save you alot of trouble. That being said, I rarely if ever neg rep someone. I generally either ignore the comment for it's lack of worth or I say something about it immediately if it's worth the time. I do give out good rep tho.
  14. Fine, cash it then give me the cash. Geez...
  15. Screw it. Take it to one of those check cashing places and cash it. Then put cash in your bank. :lolguy:
  16. That was based on some old rumors. They've already stated that it wasn't them and that Sony was no longer on their lists of targets.
  17. For the amount of money spent on that house, I could probably buy a small, private island. Or just a nice f'n houseboat. But, this is real life people and I cannot afford either. However, I will be stealing said boat and traveling to said island. Either way, I establish the new nation of me. Problem solved.
  18. I caught that, as well.
  19. Nice house, but waste of money. They're just f'n zombies. Some cheap ass corrugated tin will work fine.
  20. lol Glad I waited till the end. Love jumping spiders.
  21. Supposedly, they're redoing the network to better protect form this ever happening again. Anyone else also notice the sheer coincidence of XBox Live's little event the day this shit happened? Hmm...
  22. Interested in smaller jack stands and fender covers. Where are you located? Im without transportation more than likely until this weekend.
  23. I have some of those small, glass liquid stank vials. My senior year in HS, we laid waste to a KKK rally outside of Hearne, TX. This was one of our tools. http://www.poopprank.com/stink-bomb/stink-bomb.jpg
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