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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Ha, Norm (Littleguy) was telling me there's a huge billboard with this near his house in Houston. I haven't really heard too many people talking about it. At least it's on a Saturday. Who knows what I'll be doing. And keep your cocktail wiener to yourself. Sinner. :no:
  2. AKC does not recognize the American PitBull as a separate breed. It is possible to register as an American Staffordshire Terrier but you'd be an asshole for doing it. lol The American Pit Bull can be registered with the UKC as it is recognized as it's own breed. There's also the APBT registry and one other I don't recall offhand. My female APBT is triple registered in those I listed above. Very high quality, extensively recorded lines. Of course, I haven't looked into any of this in quite some time. Things may've changed. I no longer really follow along as I don't show dogs, therefore, Im not concerned with papers.
  3. Same. Between 9-10. And as long as its no further south than our normal meet. You all should come upto Delaware, instead. lol We can take a nice little drive, some late night fishing, losing to my RAV (working out Supra kinks), some GT5. Your choice. :masturboy:
  4. So, wait. Someone got stabbed and the worse charge was aggravated battery?
  5. Can't stand that show simply becuz of the host. That fuckin dude gets on my nerves. And he's a huge pussy. :fuuuu:
  6. Haha, you could be in Texas with him enjoying the months without rain and the fact the whole state was practically burning down this past month. lol
  7. You did get props for finding a good mexican restaraunt down there. You can close your eyes and walk into one. lol My gf and I were just talking about missing some good, real f'n Mexican food last night! Right before we went to Red Lobster. :/ Haven't had good Mexican food (unless I make it) since we moved to Ohio. Oh, this is a car thread on a car forum... Sweet Volksghini.
  8. Holy shit. It's like his body would just turn off. lol
  9. You remind me of "My Name is Earl". lol Win. haha You've ruined Santa for me. Though, if I were into 'bears', Santa might be a good choice. Haha You win the white trash competition. You're definitely looking rough, there. I may have to do something stupid looking next week. Can't do it now, as it's too late in the week and the gf would kill me this weekend. lol
  10. This is actually behind the news I listed last. Dunno why Wired waited so long to publish that.
  11. I think of Trump as more of an excellent promoter spending his father's money. Having said that, I can't wait for him to run. lol He did not look happy in that vid. haha
  12. I watch this every week, too. I crack the fuck up at all the little sounds affects they make the bugs make.
  13. Latest: Hoping to have everything up by the end of May. Things will start coming on sooner, tho. THey also talk of a bit of compensation, too. http://ps3.ign.com/articles/116/1165399p1.html
  14. It's technically labeled as a Sperm Collector. The same term I use to introduce some of my ex gf's.
  15. Thank you. I tried saying this in so many polite words on the first page. You've saved me the breath, so to speak, this time. PS - You know, Im not sure I've ever met you. But I do know I agree quite often with what you post. We'll have to meet one day. Whether you like or it or not. I'm not asking.
  16. ImUrOBGYN

    Dear Cr

    Mosquito season is starting. Gonna have you race up and down my block once everyone's inside for the night. Sweet. Then they're both as fast as a RAV.
  17. I commented on this in another thread. They are voracious eaters of other insects. I've never lived somewhere I have so few spiders, etc in my garage thanks to these little guys. lol Im sure it's the same one. No. Not even a little. lol
  18. ImUrOBGYN

    Dear Cr

    I hate you because I'm not on the list. I get no love and I get no hate on CR. I'm a Toyota.
  19. Pretty tired of it myself. Of course, down in TX they cant get a damn drop.
  20. Weather warms up a bit and it'll be time for those, as well. Just like the ones in Alice In Wonderland.:masturboy:
  21. Wouldn't be a secret then, would it?
  22. Just saw this Jones. I was offered a ride already. Waiting to hear back a confirmation, a "for sure", if you will. And you will. I may still have to give you a call but for god's sake, don't wait by the phone. I know you don't really have to do that these days, (much like people don't receive 'pages' anymore, they receive 'texts', as my decade younger gf keeps telling me), but I know how you can be!
  23. Nah, I got rid of all that stuff years ago when I had my daughter. Long story, but Im sure you can get an idea. Only thing I have now is a nasty ass pellet rifle. I mean nasty as in mean. I have a set of 12's in a box. bwhahaa
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