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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Theyve been building those little divinding wall hiding spots everywhere they're doing construction. :fuuuu: I've learned where they're at on my most common routes. Nice thing about them is once you know they are there, you can speed right up to them before slowing down. Just sux to slow down and nobody's there. But, better safe than sorry.
  2. It's not even the pissing me off in the fast lane when I want to go by, it's the fact, for example, yesterday, when you're moving with the flow of traffic and some jackass is doing 55 or less, speed limit is 65, flow is traffic is about 70; its hard to tell they're going that slow if there's not enuf reference. You come up on them dangerously fast. For those other motorists who may not be paying enough attention or were distracted for a moment are now about to rearend the slow car or dart out in front of another to dodge the slow car. I was after 4pm and traffic was slowed. Come to find out one really slow truck (they had no reason) slowing everything up and forcing everyone to go around. After living so many years in L.A./Southern Cali, I've had ALOT of time to observe traffic. So many drivers have no idea what little things domino and create a negative impact on following traffic. Yes, even that asshole who doesn't use the merge lane properly and enters the freeway doing 40fuckin5 mph.
  3. When harassed by large groups of people that's just what I do... with my penis. :masturboy:
  4. Damn, that's too bad. That could've ended so much better with some better fucking training and a bit more law enforcement freedom.
  5. DURPY generally only dl's tv shows. So, DURPY ain't worried.
  6. I actually agree. As I said above, my course of action was not the best. Plus, keep in mind, this burglar probably has come experience at this. More than likely, quite a bit more than you. He's more skilled. You know what happens on CoD against a much more skilled opponent? Headshot! lol bwhahaha My first thought was hire a burglar, lock family in the panic room, then move out and leave them for an island paradise.
  7. I've actually had an intruder situation. No, I did not handle it safely. Yes, I would do things differently... Laying in bed with my wife and ex-gf. (Long story) Costa Mesa, CA. I see someone pass by apt window, 2nd floor on the way to the front door. Nobody should walk by unless they are coming to my door. I assume it's my roomate/best friend. When he doesnt knock on my bedroom door or say anything, I get suspicious. I ask the girls to stay back and I walk into the hallway with a view of the living room. Dark. No lights on. I see someone in the window and call Neil's name at the same time realizing it's not him and take a step back into the shadows. That's right, I'm ninja, bitch. I then rush the guy, yanking him from the window and procede to pound on him mercilessly in the hopes of debilitating him and keeping him from attacking me with a weapon. The girls come into the kitchen and turn on the lights, illuminating the living room. I slam the guy against the front door and begin yelling questions, etc. The guy reaches inside his jacket and pays for it with a huge smash from my elbow/forearm. A wallet drops to the floor... Shit. He was trying to give me his id. Anyway, longer story, shorter. The guy was drunk. Lost his keys and had the wrong apt. Im inclined to believe it now since nothing was stolen and he actually seemed to be going out the window when I arrived. Oh well, whatcha gonna do? Btw, I also had firearms in the house. I obviously did not use them. Why would I with these two natural guns that genetics has given me? :gabe: (I do have another incident, but eh.)
  8. ImUrOBGYN


    Fucking commercial cracks me up. lol Still trying to figure out why he yells mountain top.
  9. Great service, as usual, plus price matching. Quick and out the door. 4 nice, new tires on the RAV. Gonna try 'em out tonight. http://www.yokohamatire.com/tires/geolandar_ats.aspx
  10. haha How could someone even think that's real?
  11. My exact thought/words. lol I've never had a dog fooled by shit like that. It's hilarious. Oh, and another example that dogs are more visual when it comes to us as opposed to using their noses and such. This is why a good, scary mask can freak most dogs out at first.
  12. He shoulda left the damn note on the bike. It's not like the crackhead is gonna get online and see who's been talking about him.
  13. The people have chosen Yokohama and it shall be. Thanks for everyone's comments and opinions.
  14. I've been digging around the internets this morning since posting and think I may be leaning towards the geo's, as well. Gonna pm you about some pricing, too.
  15. And you still spent the money on her. She is just as fast, though. doublezing!
  16. No, they're all meant to handle both worlds. Jack of all trades, masterbater of none, I guess. I will say I have been leaning towards the Goodyears due to their heavyduty belting inc/a kevlar belt but the Yoko's are a good bang for the buck. I currrently have Yoko Geo's OEM's on the RAV but they are simply a highway tire and suck at everything. These Geo's listed here are of the A/T type, obviously. I love hearing some opinions/experience on your decisions, too, plz. Thanks so far, guys!
  17. Two days ago I had a 1/4 kilo package of white jamaican come apart in my ass. I still have the tp if anyone is interested in purchasing. :gabe:
  18. Buying some new tires. They will be 245/70-17. These are the 4 tires I've chosen based on bang for the buck, etc. Hankook DynaPro ATM RF10 Falken Wild Peak A/T Goodyear Wrangler SilentArmor Yokohama Geolandar A/T-S All 4 are considered on/offroad all-terrains. I am not 100% stuck on either of these 4. If you happen to have a standout tire I might be interested in, throw it out there. I really wanted to make this a poll, but it seems the freedom to do so is beyond the responsisbility of your regular CR peon. Thanks in advance for the input all.
  19. I didn't even know it was out, yet.
  20. Meh. Was never even a consideration for us. The AWD system is behind many of its competitors and it's only available with a n/a 4banger. Plus, the v-6 4wd RAV was as much as we would've paid for the CRV with hardly a difference in gas milage. Also, 87 octane for the rav v6. If she's happy with it, that's truly all the matters. Lotta cars better than my old Supra, but Im happy with it.
  21. Dammit, that's what I was trying to thing of. Absolutely. Thought the same thing. Anyway, I simply wanted comfirmation before asking why he would vent it. So, why would you vent it, Linn? Always loved those.
  22. If you're trying those, might as well try the RAV4. Roomy as shit and with the v6 and awd, it's quite quick (quicker than anything in its class) and handles well for what it is. Also, we both have heavy foots and average 24 city and 30 highway.
  23. What I was thinking. He specified "in the area". How many of these have you seen decently modified around here? Got your reading comprehension blinders on... :dumb: Linn, what do you mean by DV? Is that the stock blowoff/recirc valve you're referring to? It'll be cool to see a modified vers of that quirkly ass body style. Interior is fugly, though. lol Sorry, man. Clean is as shit overall, however.
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