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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. I divorced mine so whe wouldn't be upset about how I proposed to her.
  2. Why not? All racing takes place in Mexico. :gabe: And lol@the complete ridiculousness of this thread. Norm (Littleguy) made a good point that greg seems to be ignoring, now.
  3. Who will be the first Camaro driver to sport this?! And lol @ paging somebody. I say this accidentally all the time only to have my younger gf tease me about being old. "Nobody pages people anymore, Christian." :megusta:
  4. I would've loved to have shown up with a bib and some steak seasoning to just start sprinkling on them. lol Well, not every person. But alot of them. :gabe: Just because you are of a certain species doesn't mean I think you have any more or less right to live as the next living thing. Just becuz you're human doesn't mean I give you anymore or less respect than I do anything else. You'll earn it like everything else. No free pass here. And, of course, obviously, I make it a point not to run anything over.
  5. Ive been wanting to try one of these to see the extent of the 3Dness. Good luck with sale.
  6. Pretty crazy. All it needs is an alligator for maximum win.
  7. Breaking news? Christ. I'd run a person over to help an animal but this is beyond ridiculous. I guess they'd better start attacking God or Mother Nature, too, since everytime it rains it scares the fish. :fuuuu:
  8. Love a proper Rat Rod, but I don't think the Camaro's quite doing it right. Now, if he's just going for his own look, then more power to him. It's interesting but not for me. I love the Beemer. Very steampunk. I love good steampunk shit.
  9. lol That's alot of answer for me missing the "Supreme" part. However, long winded or otherwise, you are correct, sir. It was not a Supreme.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MybLkDp3IEY
  11. haha I like the first pic. Now, onto a more serious note, this is what he's probaby selling. http://tinyurl.com/3d4fd2k You many be suprised just how damn great this stuff works for replacing your stock one and hardly anyone will ever be able to tell.
  12. Yours sucks, I had a 91. MOre PowaHs. THere's are some Buick guys around here, too. You guys can hook up and grandpa around town together. :masturboy:
  13. The one thing that bothers me is its not so much 'the industry', but just the random assholes that work for them when it comes to physical abuse. Those animals are the owners livelihood. Hurting those animals hurts production and quality. If I own a car dealer, I dont want my f'n workers doing things that destroys the quality of my cars, either. Livestock are no different. Oh, and vegans and the like who push this propaganda (not that there aren't problems that need to be divulged) are a bunch of f'n bigots and hyporcrites. If you are one and take offense to this, plz feel free to contact me for an adult conversation on the subject. I'll be sure to cut out the cussing and sarcasm.
  14. ImUrOBGYN


    True. It's only slightly more understandable than the series of clicks and beeps the cocaine addled brain of a Columbian can produce.
  15. ImUrOBGYN

    Poon Dune

    Dated a super skinny girl like that once. Certain positions were actually painful. Boney painful.
  16. ImUrOBGYN


    Ahh, to generalize. :megusta:
  17. ImUrOBGYN

    RIP Ahmed

    My sincere condolences.
  18. Welcome to CR. Went thru a bit of an Olds phase myself many, many years ago. I got away from the v8's when the Olds Quad 4 came out. I had a Calais 2door with the 190hp Quad4 and 5sp. Nothing to sneeze at back in '91. That and my little tweaked out TR7 ate alot of 80's Camaros and the like back in HS. lol
  19. You handled it well. I know what you're saying about a change in how you handled this situation. You often find it's just not worth escalating the situation. It also helps when the neighbor bitches out like that. I find that calms me down, as well. lol
  20. Are you kidding me? Do you know how much Red Bull costs?
  21. ...'let these'...uh... 'people know who I am!' I'll be at HD tonight since QSL generally lets out as Im getting into town.
  22. Ive dealt with this before, as well. Cbus has their drivers so trained for the lower speed limits around here that when people can actually speed up, they dont. Seriously, you guys have ridiculous speed limits and levels of traffic enforcement... but I dont need to tell you, Im sure.
  23. Welcome. I have nothing for the v8 and the supra falls between the two... So, wanna race your v6 against my RAV? I'm serious, btw. Nice cars... always been a mopar fan. Welcome.
  24. Shit like that's just annoying. You know Red Cross calls my gf multiple times a day trying to get her to donate blood. EVERYDAY. Which she does on a regular enough basis. (She has highly sought after blood... I dont remember what type offhand) Even holidays and late at night these assholes call. It's ridiculous and I don't know how she puts up with it. Seriously, you guys would be amazed when these people call. :fuuuu:
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