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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Both of these had me cracking up one after the other. lol I generally catch spiders and throw them outside if I deem them an inside problem. Very rarely, I find myself in a situation where I gotta go for the kill with some tissue. Nothings worse than opening that tissue and not finding a spider when you swore you had it. lol
  2. lol Im seeing that in my mind's eye. I've never shot a goose though I've shot a duck before. I also almost lopped my left pointer finger off just below the first joint while cleaning the bastard. Gotta scar that almost encircles my entire finger still. It covers an old scar from a fucking squirrel bite. lol
  3. MAC 3-step program. http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/MACDouche.jpg
  4. I knew that would be the song. lol Still an awesome song. All I can say about Australia is go. I had an opportunity to move to Australia when I was 19. I had met all the prerequisites and blew it off for, though I wouldn't admit it at the time, a damn woman. No, a girl. :fuuuu: There's still a small opportunity in the future to move to New Zealand for us. If it comes back up at least 1yr from this August (daughter will be 18 ), you better believe I won't miss this chance.
  5. The Aveo is a rebadged Daewoo POS.
  6. Yeah, my fav thing is watching a man that big run like a girl becauze he got punched in the face, too. *sarcasm
  7. They're afraid of RAV's.
  8. Unless it's a cyborg chimp. Then it's just gonna gnaw your jiggly parts off.
  9. haha It's quite possible many of your 'illegals' are contributing more than your homeless. I feel like your statement wasn't really thought through, so to speak. lol
  10. I think he ran mid to high 13's. 7mgte motor.
  11. lol I've been in St Louis running from tornadoes. Literally. Looks like a specie of wolf spider from what I can see. When I was a kid a huge female laden with babies was running across the kitchen floor. (They get bigger than your palm down south.) Fucker had to have used the a door cuz it was too big for a hidden crack. lol Anyway, my mother decided to spray it with bug spray before I could stop her. When she tried to spray it, babies just ran fucking everywhere in an ever expanding circle. lol Good times. To make up for my absence, here's a couple other creepy mother/baby bug pics... Enjoy! Scorpion and young http://photos.merinews.com/upload/imageGallery/bigImage/1179397341962_1179246107436_Scorpbabies.jpg Water Bug with hatching eggs http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2508/3717709171_191bb8979c.jpg
  12. Nopes. Feedback left, Adam.
  13. Guess I'll be the odd one out and say that sux the bird fought the good fight and had to die that way. Oh, and the fact that, even though they're just geese, becuase they're as mean and tough as they are gives me respect for them. The rest of you pussies can continue to run from them in fear and wish you had a firearm to protect yourself from the modern day killer raptor known as a goose.
  14. Shit, this reminds me of the debate I had Sat on whether certain colors are shades or well, colors.
  15. Make for some good fishing, too.
  16. This just isn't true. Some animals are incredible sensitive and trying to breed them in captivity can be difficult, but moving that box turtle's not gonna do a thing. Please, feel free to challenge your teacher or whoever told you this. Hell, I'll give you my email to give to them. Or maybe, at some point, you misunderstood them? Either way, some logical deduction solves this problem Ask yourself this, how are there so many breeders and zoos creating new stocks of reptiles and amphibians? They're not chasing down babies in the wild. I, myself, have successfully bred various forms of reptiles and amphibians.
  17. I'd like COD MW2. Where at in Delaware do you live? I should be home most of the day. Ill send you a pm.
  18. I think I see what you were trying there. Fixed.
  19. Exactly, lazy parenting. I let my daughter watch just about anything she or I wanted. But I also didn't take a back-seat approach to my parenting, either. I never left it up to someone or something else to raise my child and I definitely never blamed any form of media for something my child did.
  20. I dont think he meant let it go back in the road. lol Whenever I find them in or near the road, I enjoy them for a few moments then help them on in the direction they were going but to a safe, happy location. In other words, just put it back in the woods. If you do decide to keep it, don't get a heating rock. It's a turtle. Use either a lamp or undertank heater. You'll need a thermometer to meter proper temps. Temps are very important to an animal who's food will rot in it's gut if not given the proper temps. Always remember, reptiles can carry salmonella and parasites. There are rinses, etc to help with this. Be sure to wash your hands and watch your kids if you have them. Always supplement with fresh foods. Dont just feed prepared foods. Iceburg lettuce is worthless, also. Anyway, box turtles are cool as hell. There is more than one kind of box turltle, too. One of the funniest things I saw one time was walking down a dirt road, hearing some noisies in the leaves and looking over to find two box turtles fucking. lol Funny stuff.
  21. Eh. Not bad but I dont think Im as impressed as some of you.
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