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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. ImUrOBGYN


    Ooh, ooh, me, me!!! :marc:
  2. Top feed, side feed, low or high impendance... Sorry, not familiar with dsm's enough.
  3. Get my ass beat. Especially, since I'm assuming I've fucked something up on me physically or at least mentally. Would you rather have a dick on your forehead Or No dick at all?
  4. I fuckin loved Shatner growing up. My own starship flying through space fucking my way through all the primary colors and every shade in between. Gotta say I was sorely disappointed when I found out he turned down the chance to go into space in real life. All heroes do is disappoint. Shatner shitting out of space, Bruce Lee dying young, and Godzilla is a small Japanese man in a damn suit. Unless your a modern day Godzilla fan, then it's just a pregnant, bitchy she-dinosaur.
  5. Ha. Crazy to have a tree fall on you while driving your car.
  6. Mosquitoes. Won't work. The US isn't technically in a war. We're running a humanitarian support mission for the UN in conjunction with our allies. See? Not a war.
  7. ImUrOBGYN


    I enjoy fishing quite a bit. Day or night. I lost my secret spot recently to development and I'm in search of one, now. THere are a couple little spots I like to go on the river and Delaware lake. I actually plan on trying to get my master angler pin this year. Probably start off with carp as I know there are some huge ones right here at Blue Limestone park, they're both easy and fun as hell to catch. Also, it'll give me a good confidence booster before moving on the the next qualifying fish. @SPankis - They have some decent size carp like the one you're holding in two kinda secret ponds behind blue limestone here in Delaware. THere are actually 3 ponds but most only know of the 1 they stock trout in. I will say this, I haven't seen a carp here that even comes close to matching the sizes we used to catch down in Texas. 40+lb carp are not unheard of and I've both seen and caught bigger. Corn/maize is what I generally use, though I've used prepared baits, especially strawberry flavored doughs and corns. Works well for buffalo, too, however I don't even know if you guys have Buffalo up here.
  8. I've done this before. Good stuff. This past Sunday, however, I did it with a small piece of leftover steak and a lightly toasted large, plain bagel. I've never noticed this thread before for some reason.. Or at least I don't recall it. I like to make some good dinners and I really enjoy making desserts and breads from scratch. Been planning on some homemade oatmeal raisin bread and another real cheesecake since my gf bought me this new springform.
  9. Ha! And I've got plenty of things to make me feel old already.
  10. All I could think of was, "Finally, someone picked the damn thing up!" I'm amazed how many people can't be bothered even for a second. I know sometimes people are just so lost in thought, they don't 'see' things like that. We're all guilty of it, but I also know damn well some people saw it and just didn't give a shit. It pisses me off when I goto a little fishing spot or something and find people's trash everywhere. I take a bag with me, not only for my trash, but others I find there, as well. How can you leave trash in a beautiful, natural setting like that? I just cannot understand the selfishness/laziness/disrespect, etc. /rant
  11. Haha Nasty. But I thought of this when I saw it. http://www.magicexterminating.com/UserFiles/Image/earwig.jpg It's an earwig. My problem has been for the last couple weeks, I keep waking up early in the morning to piss and when I lay back down, (sometimes a little before but all too often just after I've laid back down and gotten comfortable!) and I have to shit. So, off I go to shit. Now, it's like 3hrs before I need to wake up and I can't go back to sleep, now. THis is a problem when you don't sleep more than 5 total already.
  12. Looks great, man. Loving the color choices. I'd probably eventually paint the bottle, too. If for nothing else other than to make it less noticable to 'nosy folk' and authorities.
  13. For anyone who plays GT5, I would like to add you if you will provide BSpec drivers for remote racing. If you do not know what this is, you basically share your bspec drivers online so others that know you can host races with one of their drivers and any drivers from their friend list. All drivers earn xp and money. Sometimes, at home, I like to set the ps3 to gt5 server mode, switch the tv to something else to watch while controlling bspec mode through the laptop and reading or playing something else on it, too. Anyway, set your drivers to online and plz add me or vice versa. I already have 4 drivers available and I can make 2 more. Plus a couple custom tracks (Cant be used for remote bspec racing) though I think you can only share one track at a time.
  14. ImUrOBGYN


    I would be really leary of buying a house I know has termite problems. I would be sure to get one hell of a professional with p[lenty of experience hunting for termites. They have means of testing for them without destroying a wall. Honestly, I can't figure out why they couldnt use skinny sniffers and tiny, little holes at the most. Or maybe thats what they do. I dont know. GOod luck.
  15. I like the white car w/snow pics. Oh, and Mitsu say they're not necessarily discontinuing the Evo. Just possibly going in a different direction or be 'reborn', now. Something tells me considering where they're going with their future lineup, it'll be hybrid.
  16. I dislike them both. Now, they're just both in one place where I can stay the hell away from them. I only have to use half the energy ignoring them, now.
  17. You can try skipping the loading of the cd drive or at least change the order your computer loads in the BIOS. Also, if you have an external hard drive and it's not formatted, it'll need to be before you can use it.
  18. Sounded like fun. Stuck at home with no transportation, however.
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