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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Ha! Holy shit this is almost my story to the T. I did the same thing but I realized what a load of crap it was before I gave them money. They told me I didn't have to join in the beginning. Yet, they kept pressuring me. I noticed how all the union workers, from the other baggers on up, were all incredibly fucking lazy. They used to brag about how it was damn near impossible for them to get fired. Anyway, one day, a customer slips or some shit on some spilled liquid. All the baggers/peons, rotated on clean ups, cart gathering, bagging, returns, etc. I was eventually blamed and fired even though both bosses, hell, everyone, knew it wasn't my responsibility. It was simply being pinned on me. The non-union worker who actually busted his ass. Shit, I didn't even know what had happened since I'd been bagging and cart gathering. I was told by one of the employees a few days later that if I returned and joined the union and apologized, I could have my job back. Apologize? For what? For contesting a wrongful fire? For contesting an obvious ruse? And I had to join? I told them to shove it up their ass. I then went to the Krogers the following day and told the boss to shove it up his ass, too, and to hand over my check. Of course, I never shopped there again, either. There's my 'longer than I thought it would' be story.
  2. That's too bad. Sounds like they just decided to stiff you and back out of the deal. If you have a signed contract, that seems to me to be a theft of services. Have you tried talking to anyone else other than that particular lawyer? And doesn't Ohio have a service for business owners that help them with these kind of cases?
  3. So, uh, you think he prefers Bud Lieutenant, then. Not Lieutenant Bud? And are you sure his last name is Bud? Because then, it makes even less sense. (Yes, I'm being facetious. )
  4. And will it be forced induction? (Probably not due to weight/packaging issues. )
  5. Not completely true, but more often than not. I'll use myself as an example. I have no college degree. However, what schooling I do have, came very easy to me. I started at a lab in CA entering req slips. As with any job I've ever had, I quickly become bored once I'd learned everything for my position. To make a long story short, I moved through 4 different depts and 6 different positions, not including getting my phlebotomy license, all progressive/"up the ladder" positions (including those positions originally requiring degrees) before transfering to their IT dept with computer knowledge learned from a year of 1988 HS comp class. You'd be amazed what jobs I've held in IT since then due to my self teaching, sheer curiousity and drive. But that's another story. Since that job at Westcliff in Cali, I've continued to hold multiple lab jobs. My last was working for Sexing Technologies in Texas. It's a genetics lab and one of a kind in what they're doing there. Yes, I worked there with no degree. No, I didn't do scrub jobs, either. I pulled the same shit I did at Westcliff and everywhere else. I absorbed everything and took it upon myself to learn whatever I could. I eventually became a person who knew more about many things than many of the PhD's I worked with. It's not an easy path. I do find myself competing quite often with younger, degreed applicants. Not as many empolyers will take a chance on someone with experience who's going to require more pay than someone who young, just starting at and at has a degree to show they have some "sticktoitiveness". As time goes on, I find myself more and more on the losing end of this battle even when I state I'll take a lower pay, etc. Then, they just think you're using them for as long as you need. Damned if you, damned if you don't. This has caused me to seriously rethink my returning to school sooner than I'd planned and only to open my career options, not to do what I actually want to. I guess that'll have to come even later.
  6. A proper IQ tests doesn't test your schooling, so to speak, but your inherent intelligence. Sorry, if I'm not explaining that properly and that I'm too lazy to look up the proper explanation.
  7. Gotta admit, even the crappy stills look pretty cool. Seems to be a new approach to an old technology. I'll wear the glasses for this. 3D TV revolution: Sky promises images that leap out of the screen http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1097097/3D-TV-revolution-Sky-promises-images-leap-screen.html
  8. A hoax? Probably. Time travel? A possiblity? Time Travelers Exist, Swiss Watch Ring Found in 400-Year-Old Chinese Tomb http://www.collegeotr.com/college_otr/time_travelers_exist_swiss_watch_ring_found_in_400-year-old_chinese_tomb_16969
  9. I don't know how much actual new material will be involved as far as scripts, etc, but I'll end up watching it, anyway. Hell, I grew up on these guys and my step dad looked just like Chong. lol http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20081216/en_nm/us_cheech;_ylt=Auh25yJ7SoslO3Ct6m8ObJZb.nQA
  10. None of these tests are "male" acurate. None of them test my penis.
  11. lol That is pretty funny. What's not funny, is that from the looks of the bail amount and her being released, it was probably just marijuana. Of course, I could be wrong.
  12. You know that guy was shaking with adrenaline.
  13. Stupid. As soons as the last guy took off, I knew he was cutting that wheel too much. And he ran. He better get his shit together because there's no way he's getting away with it.
  14. I've had that saved a long time. It's an excellent site.
  15. Yes. I knew there had to be something in there. I was a bit disappointed you couldn't do anything in there, though. I like to park cars and block traffic in a major intersection. I then stand on top of a car in the middle and using careful timing, I'll drop grenades on the top of the car at my feet, switch to the rocket launcher and time the shot of the rocket launcher at my feet just as the grenade goes off. You get great airtime and huge explosions. I experienced all kinda of crazy crap and glithces in the time it took me to beat the game twice and find all the pigeons and jumps. YOu can pull off some great ramp jumps with grenades out the window. Little harder to time, though. I'd spend a couple hours just trying to figure out little tricks and shit.
  16. Though there is no denying his douchebaggery, he was probably under contractual obligation.
  17. Your mamma. Actually, I didn't understand your post. I see you were asking Trowa if he was that smart in HS. Not comparing Trowa to a HS Einstein. Seems I may've failed reading comprehension. Yeah, that's what I heard. I share many of the same beliefs about our education system and one of the reasons why, at one point, I was having problems in school. They thought skipping me ahead a year would help. I did improve back to A's, but not because they skipped me.
  18. Your mamma's pussy's so big and has swallowed so many illegal aliens, it has it's own border patrol unit.
  19. Had it happened, too. I do have a few possible excuses for it, though, as it's happened quite a few times with me. Even with different clocks. After a few times, I wasn't so sure it was the clock's fault. Here are my possible reasons: (Having a hard time thinking/talking right now thanks to this bearded fuck (can't remember his name) yelling at me on this Mighty Mendit infomercial.) Okay, he's gone. 1. You set it for pm instead of am. 2. You just plain forgot to turn it on. 3. You shut it off and forgot about it. 4. It went off, you slept through it and the snooze alarm. (If your clock has one. And some only go off once, etc. If yours snoozes, how long does it znooze for, can you adjust the time it goes off for and/or the duration?) This is a plausible explanation if it catches you in a deep sleep or REM cycle. 5. It's a piece a shit and doesn't always work. 6. Someone's sneaking into your house and turning it off while you sleep. You can try just using a different alarm clock to wake up to for awhile if it's a problem, though you did mentioned this was a rare occurence.
  20. I heard GM and Chrysler were talking merger again.
  21. lol The redhead guy's name is Nick Swardson. He's a hilarious comedian and also plays Terry Bernadino on Reno 911. A hilarious gay rollerskating prostitute. Reno info: Often seen around the jail and other local establishments engaging in questionable activities. When confronted by the deputies, he offers silly, implausible explanations (i.e., when making a phone threat to cut somebody with a knife, he explains to the deputies that the victim is made of cake). At the end of the film Reno 911!: Miami he is revealed to be very rich. Despite his blatant homosexuality, he vehemently denies being gay, and at one point introduces the deputies to his fiancee Seeeeemji (pronounced "seemy" and played by Christina Applegate) who is completely oblivious to his sexuality. Terry is considered the most famous of the side characters, and has made more appearances than any other side character. PS - I trim my bush, as well.
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