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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. No more or less than they do now with all the off roading tech it already comes with. Hahaha She needs a very short car.
  2. Pretty cool. "A first look at the intelligent next-generation innovation, a 'see-through' immersive augmented reality view of the terrain, making it appear as it the front of the car disappears."
  3. Looking forward to seeing it come together.
  4. I'm aware of it. Not too worried at this point since I don't host servers, etc. Still, I'm waiting to see what sites I get an email from. Have fun updating and redoing those certificates!
  5. It's been years but I would still love to. Eyesight and reflexes are still pretty good, though! Would have to buy or borrow a glove, however. If there comes a point and you need another player, please let me know.
  6. Eh, I'd hit it. I've hit worse; I've hit better. :fuckyeah:
  7. They don't carry much of big bark, however. So, does she want two dogs or just a dog that kinda fits both bills? That's going to be hard and really the only thing that falls into that category would be a larger dog she enjoys but one that's had a bit of training. More than likely, unless you're buying a puppy she has to take care of, you're going to be looking at adults or young adults. Best thing would be to take a little day trip and have her see some dogs and see what clicks. In short, good luck. There's really an endless supply of great dogs, breeds be damned.
  8. Haha I've had acquaintances like that.
  9. Not sure why this comment (Thorne's) was replied to so harshly? Woot! Post #3000! Should equate to about 10 good posts, total. Way to contribute me!
  10. I've stopped by the last couple Friday nights and was pretty damn surprised at the turnout.
  11. AWD, a few rust spots, never beaten on. http://images2.dailykos.com/i/user/6/Pinto_Horse.jpg
  12. I heard he's pulling the motor and dropping the Stig's into it.
  13. Sorry for your loss. Beautiful truck.
  14. I had a grilled pork chop and a salad. Where did this thread go?
  15. Raw broccoli, I'm guessing? Oh well, my gf woulda flipped her shit if she'd found out I'd gone to that place without her, anyway. haha Shit, I'm still trying to talk myself into leaving the house now that I'm free to do so. I just installed a new stereo in the daily and I still cant quite convince myself to get off my ass and cruise around at least for a bit just to get out.
  16. Same here. Love to see some pics or name and color so I can look them up. Just pm me or you can text me if you'd prefer. Just let me know and I'll pm you my number. I don't want Tim to get it. He's trying to trick me into it by listing his first.
  17. Place in Grove City call Tristano's makes some of the craziest deep dish you can buy. Has even won some awards and the closest thing to a Chicago deep dish I've eaten in Cbus, so far. Eaten there a few times. You can east inside or out. You cannot finish their smallest pan by yourself. Not without wishing you'd die afterward, anyway. It carries weight. That being said, I don't know if I'd be out in time to eat, but I'm down for a night time cruise or meet.
  18. Nice ride. Nice grab. x 6 This should take care of the next 6 cars you purchase between now and the GTR.
  19. Nice job, man. Congratulations.
  20. Isle of Man is like 37mi long or some shit. It's not a track, it's a road trip.
  21. Since the thread title states that I have 50k to buy a car... I would buy a boat. I mean, how in the fuck did I get that 50k?! I need to get the hell out of here!
  22. http://www.fastcompany.com/3028131/this-company-buys-every-cd-dvd-and-video-game-that-you-dont-want-anymore?utm_source Excerpt: "Decluttr takes advantage of that gap. The reason it buys everything is simple, Lauter says: “The first CD you scan in may be another Jagged Little Pill. If we say we’re not going to buy it, you may give up. We just lost you. So we’re going to give you the minimum, 50 cents, because maybe your second one is Green Day’s Insomniac, and oh my gosh, this will sell quickly.” In fact, that 1995 album is one of the hottest on the market now; Decluttr currently pays people $5 for it. “It would be poor judgment on our part if we’d blown you off on your first CD.”
  23. Nobody here has used a manual one that simply attaches to the top of your brake resevoir? It's like a big bucket funnel that attaches and you feel with fluid. This way you can pump the brakes without worrying about pulling in air since you've effectively increased your brake fluid reservoir by however many ounces. When you're through bleeding, you simply put the plug in the bottom of the funnel (it's on a long stick, so to speak, so you don't put your hand in the fluid), and pull the unit off pouring any excess brake fluid back into a container or disposing of it. I know it's not quite the same and you do have to check on it as you go along, but it's far cheaper and still a one man job.
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