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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. 1. Nope. It's why I was able to build all those crazy looking pieces growing up. I can understand where some people's fear can come from over this, but eh. Oh, and by "up in arms" I really meant people got all excited about it both positively and negatively. My real point was the quick evolution of it all.
  2. I thought the same thing. Here's a great link to photos of various new F1's. There's probably some better links out there but this happens to be one I was looking at the other day. It's an article, but the pics I'm referring to are right there at the top if you don't feel like reading. Just click away. http://www.autocar.co.uk/car-news/motorsport/formula-1-back-10-reasons-get-excited-plus-latest-testing-pics
  3. Since everyone's already mentioned all the good but higher cost ideas, I wondered if you've tried a heat shield in the back of the fireplace? If you don't have one already, it's a great and inexpensive way to not only provide a little protection to the back wall of your fireplace (which makes me more comfortable adding an extra log to my small fireplace) and helps reflect heat out into the living room. It's basically a large metal shield.
  4. Glad to see you're getting the help you need, man. Good luck on the long road to recovery.
  5. Cool vid. Some of those guys were really moving out. Hell, some of those little hatches seemed more balls-out than the evos, etc you mentioned.
  6. Well, you can't expect a homerun your first time to bat. Like most things, it'll get better and cheaper. I mean, hell, people were just up in arms over a 3D printed plastic single-shot gun not too long ago and now they're already doing this.
  7. I love me some archery. I no longer practice or own any equipment, but that's the only way my gf's brother still hunts. I'll see if he's interested in anything as soon as I get a chance.
  8. 36 years ago, today.... Hmm. Oh yes, I was in southern California. If memory serves me correct, we weren't worried about snow.
  9. Thank goodness for integrity. What's the point of competing otherwise? Just stay home and tell yourself you're better than everyone else if you're going to cheat. haha Lying to yourself and everyone else obviously won't be a problem if you're a cheater.
  10. Tires are as round as they ever were yet those fenders just keep getting more square.
  11. Nasty looking. It looks like it'd be shitty for accuracy at distance but they claim otherwise. They definitely won't cost 'practice round' money.
  12. I've had the exact opposite experience that you must've had and prefer UPS.
  13. When are you going to make it RWD only?
  14. Oh, no. It has nothing to do with the food itself. I was exposed to just about everything out there growing up. I can eat just about anything - and enjoy it. It's a time-of-day issue for me.
  15. Bullshit. We all float over on doors and driftwood. We're damn clean when we get here which is more than I can say for some untrustworthy Columbian.
  16. This shit is getting stupid. People are overreacting. What a surprise....
  17. Good job to you and your crew. Dammit, it won't start at :10.
  18. Anything going on after dinner? It's been so many years since I've been to a sushi restaurant, I'd love to go, but will have to pass. :/
  19. haha Alright. Grumpy old man deterred.
  20. Cool. I'll check it out as soon as I got a few.
  21. I just picked up a Nexus 5 last night. I didn't mind signing up for a new contract and the upgrade cost me $35 total. My very close second choice was the HTC One. Beautifully designed. It would've been free. W/no contract, I'd go with the Nexus 5 again due to lower cost. Also, be sure to check Amazon. Their offers are generally lower than if you went straight to the TMobile, Sprint, etc., site themselves. In your no-contract case, I don't know it'd matter though. Something to keep in mind, I guess.
  22. Ah, I love the f'n ISF. How did I miss you having one? lol Help me talk Littleguy into getting one. I've gotten him so close...
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