When I was kid, I would never throw away many of my toys. I'd save the parts. I got a "banana boat" from Dairy Queen (the container a nana split comes in), and using a small electric motor from a Stomper (look it up ), aquarium sealant (I used to build my own aquariums, etc), the prop from a cheap, broken plastic plane, and a bit of fishing tackle and created... Well, it's obvious what I created. I used to fish for sunfish in the shallows for shits and giggles. Gave me something to screw around with while my real poles were in the water and was fun while swimming. I was a kid. A poor one. Cut me some slack.
It looks like the guy in the vid could use some more thumbstick practice on his Xbox or PS.
Just owning the cheapy helis, it's amazing how much you improve in flight control (insert jokes here) in just a bit of time, practice and patience.