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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Just playing devil's advocate here, but if that's the case, why wouldn't the state do more to inform and educate the public, especially the family, if nothing else than to help absolve liability? And of course, I don't expect you to have the answer for the state. I'm just thinking out loud... Well, in text form.
  2. Haha First of all, that's kinda awesome. A little advice, as well: If you have to ask why, just admit you don't understand and move on. Seriously, it gets tiresome listening to various 'cliks' hate on other automobile 'cliks' just because it's not something they understand or would do. Guess what, you and your friends, etc probably fall into that category, too in other's eyes. Enjoy the ridiculousness of others! The fact it's not something I would do actually makes it even more interesting for me to experience. Second of all, just wtf is this supposed to mean?
  3. Awesome. When I was kid, I would never throw away many of my toys. I'd save the parts. I got a "banana boat" from Dairy Queen (the container a nana split comes in), and using a small electric motor from a Stomper (look it up ), aquarium sealant (I used to build my own aquariums, etc), the prop from a cheap, broken plastic plane, and a bit of fishing tackle and created... Well, it's obvious what I created. I used to fish for sunfish in the shallows for shits and giggles. Gave me something to screw around with while my real poles were in the water and was fun while swimming. I was a kid. A poor one. Cut me some slack. It looks like the guy in the vid could use some more thumbstick practice on his Xbox or PS. Just owning the cheapy helis, it's amazing how much you improve in flight control (insert jokes here) in just a bit of time, practice and patience.
  4. What Littleguy said^ haha I'm glad someone keeps popping in here with actual experience and knowledge to comment.
  5. Eh, I can fly $20 heli around and through the house without crashing it right up till the battery drains... or until the dog leaps into the air like so much crocodile from her 'hiding' position behind the couch. Ever since I was a child I've wanted a badass heli with a camera and a little bb shooter on it. Thinking on that now, I can't possibly imagine I wanted to do anything good with it though I don't recall necessarily wanting to do bad with it. My other choice was a r/c submarine with a camera. I thought it'd be cool if I could tow some bait with it, too but that would likely result in no more sub unless it was huge.
  6. You heard about it. You don't think they wouldn't have been well-informed? Please keep in mind that I'm not debating this situation in particular, only using it as an example. This... I don't even know how to respond to such a ridiculous blanket statement. I don't necessarily agree with the lawsuit so I'm commenting, or attempting to comment, on your first two sentences.
  7. I've met him, too and he was real nice. However, I'm not sure he knew at the time that I'm Puerto Rican.
  8. I agree with this^ I'd also like to add something many do not seem to be considering and that's the family of the man executed. Regardless of what we believe the inmate deserves, that inmate often has parents, siblings, and/or children and whatever various loved ones involved. They don't need the further suffering if nothing else.
  9. Hey, man. You should come out to the karting thing on the 31st.
  10. Awesome, man! I'm very excited for you. Can't wait for the nicer weather to check it out.
  11. The more I look at it, the more it grows on me. I would drive it in a heartbeat.
  12. The series is a collaboration between the producers of Eastbound & Down and the producers of Archer. Haven't gotten to see it, yet. But plan on checking it out. I'll give it a few to see how it goes.
  13. I really expected a lot of shit talk for this car when it was posted here. Gotta say I was surprised at the remarks thus far... That is until I realized it was LS motor swapped. You LSNut riding pieces of shit.
  14. Haha Right?! I'm still in even given the date change.
  15. How can they? Don't you know there are far too many traffic related tickets to hand out and unwarranted pull-overs to perform. :megusta:
  16. I wasn't aware carrying a firearm was what made you a badass. :gabe: Also, I'm not sure if some of you are aware that race and/or size has nothing to do with being a badass, though I guess the definition is open to interpretation. I noticed some of you are super quick to judge a book by its cover. A serious mistake that I'm surprised some of you still haven't learned. (I'm obviously not referring to the joking around in here which is funny.)
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