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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Big comparo on torque wrenches a short time back including brands such as SnapOn and Pitt Pro from HF. They found the Pitt Pro's were just as accurate. The thing you have to be most careful with is not leaving the wrench/spring tightened up when you put it away. (You shouldn't do that anyway) Even then, it still took the Pitt Pro wrench a stupid amount of time before it affected its accuracy measurably. BTW, a short while back, I picked up a new 1/2in and a 3/8in tq wrench for $20 total plus tax. (Love some HF coupons) Checked them against my old one and each other. Though not 'scientific', they seemed pretty dead on. Woulda never thought to purchase those from HF.
  2. Been watching Fifth Gear? They talked a bit about this car (I think it was this one) in episode 6 of this season. They brought up 3 'affordable' AMG's. Season 23, Episode 6.
  3. I'm far to OCD/anal/picky/whatever. I torque everything if it calls for it. I don't care if its the radio knob.
  4. I'll mention the macbook to them and see what they think. They've done fine with windows for years though.
  5. It's for my girlfriend's folks. Nothing crazy expensive and preferably not Apple as that's not what they're shopping for. Feel free to pm to avoid any brand wars and/or point me to some learning type website. lol
  6. Live sports is a big one for us, too. lol That kinda offsets the cost savings.
  7. Haha, holy shit. No wonder the driver went ape shit if it was stolen. Still, way to stay cool, bro. haha
  8. Opinions? Haven't really looked at a laptop in 2-3 years. It won't really be for gaming so nothing crazy there. Just a good media/browsing laptop. Again, just looking more for a good brand to go suggest to gf's parents. Thanks.
  9. Love this car. Wish I "needed" it. glws
  10. :masturboy: Should be fine, then. The strut/spring is all put together separate from the car, currently. So, plenty of room for however it needs to be done. I think the only time I've ever used a crowfoot was with a prybar and even that memory's hazy. haha Thanks everyone for the help. Seriously saved me a headache, time and money. Time to print out some HF coupons and see what my freebie's gonna be today. lol
  11. Did you just have that thumb in your butt?
  12. That's too bad. She just picked this up, didn't she? Many people seemed to dig it here. Good luck with it.
  13. So, a crow foot can be used with the torque wrench? A regular 'ratchet' style torque wrench? Seems like an odd angle to attach it to and have it read correctly. If it works, however, it seems like the cheapest alternative. Anyone have a 17mm one? I seriously would only need it for five minutes. Both struts/springs/mounts are together now just waiting for that top nut to be torqued and then slapped back on the Vibe. In the meantime, I'll look for one to purchase around here. Update: Will probably pick up a set from HF for about $10-12 later today unless someone has an alternative before then.
  14. Very nice. I especially like the way you captured the Goldfinch's fresh pile.
  15. Congrats, man. That's pretty cool.
  16. Sorry if in wrong section. Does anyone have an open end torque wrench? (More like a wrench, not a "ratchet" type torque wrench.) I've provided a pic below for a general idea. I need it to torque to 41lbs. The nut that needs to be tightened is on a shock piston shaft and you have to use an allen screw to hold the piston shaft while you tighten it or it'll spin. Due to this, I cannot use my ratchet torque wrench. Oh, I live off of Clime near 270 on the SW side. The sooner the better as it's supposed to rain tomorrow evening and then be cold the rest of the week. Thank you. Also, if you know of a place for me to purchase one at a reasonable price (or borrow), please let me know. http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/rsz_pl325449-3_8_inch_split_beam_open_end_torque_wrench_with_graduation_0_25_nm_zps81778974.jpg
  17. Subaru biasness aside (something everyone knows about since the vid came out, speaking of which...), the video is too old to even be relevant except to Subaru's "Synchronous AWD" which is still the same. You are correct, synchronous is fancy for all 4 wheels getting power all the time, regardless of conditions. Having driven various 4weel drive, all wheel drive, and Subaru's SAWD, I will say there is quite a divide between many systems. Not wanting to start a true 'brand' war in here, suffice to say some have their advantages and some are quite superior to others and unless you really dig thru the internet for info on the systems or thru experience, it's pretty hard to learn about them all in-depth. They've evolved pretty quickly. I will say due to the speed of modern awd systems (good ones, anyway), their ability to portion out their torque individually to each wheel (far and away faster than any of them could in 2007) makes that safer than Subaru's regular AWD in most situations, STi notwithstanding. Of course, I'm referring to the general driving public and their so-so driving skills. Not your average CR boy-racer extraordinaire.
  18. There'll still be a lot of clean-up.
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