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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. The problem is their beauty is only skin deep. They get you with a lot of flash and pop, but eventually that all wears off. Not to say that they aren't improving by leaps and bounds each year, just that they are not there yet. They offer alot of options for the money, but to be honest, that's not nearly a big of deal as it used to be seeing that they are starting to get awfully proud of their shit reflected by their price increases.
  2. This. lol Hoes in different area codes. There was a woman I used to visit whenever I passed thru. Probably not very helpful for this particular thread, however. Is it Nashville that doesn't let any chain stores, like McD's, etc in their city, or within downtown or some shit? I remember going thru after hearing about that and I really liked the idea. Kept things from looking cookie cutter like some other cities... ahem, Columbus.
  3. Exactly. I'm sure they may've advised him to do it but told him it was at his own risk and cost. The fact anyone would even question if it were CTD's fault completely disgusts me and hopefully people can understand why or I give up all hope. lol It's crazy how people behave. There are so many things you wouldn't just jump into given little to no experience. You don't decide to fly and immediately jump into a jumbo jet and scream, "I'm a pro!", then promptly crash it. You don't decide, I got into a fight once in middle school so I'm heading directly to the championship fight in the UFC! Or, maybe you do and you get lucky somehow and do get to "jump ahead". Well, when it inevitably all collapses in on itself like so much dying star, you'd better take f'n responsibility for yourself. I don't know the exact situation of the gentelman who was unlucky enough to wreck his exotic (no matter the mods). But it made me think about what I commented on.
  4. Pretty cool, man. And a good mentality about it all, as well. I've lived in many places, country and city, we're I've had to deal directly or indirectly with them. In all my years, I've only had a problem one time. And at that time, I was a ways out in the woods near a den with one of my dogs. (I hadn't realized it at the time.) If they're not being a threat, let them be.
  5. Most people just clean their shit for Spring. Hence the term Spring Cleaning not Spring Buying... However, what do your current end tables look like (or whatever tables you'll be dumping. Especially, if it's a kitchen table and/or chairs.)
  6. Everyone's attention is on my sex doll when I walk into a room with that, too.
  7. ImUrOBGYN

    april 20th

    How's it feel to close a thread without actually locking it? PS - This post doesn't count, ya bastard.
  8. Yah, it was a ways in and then not a whole lot of it comparatively.
  9. And here I though everyone was entitled to their own opinion... Because they are NOT! You are on the right track. People are entitled to their own informed opinion. Nowadays, we cater to the "loudest cryer" basically. To hell with common sense and informed opinion.
  10. When you feel it, you feel it. Diggin her signature dance move. lol
  11. I use Comfort Dental Gold Plan. I goto a Comfort Dental in Delaware, OH. There is also one in Marion, Springfield, and Whitehall. I did a decent amount of shopping around (quotes, etc, as I didn't have dental insurance) before settling on this place. They were literally thousands cheaper. Their Gold plan will save you a buttload and my personal dentist saves me a shitload on top of it by always cutting me discounts, etc. Call up a Comfort Dental and ask for info or look it up yourself. Hope it helps. BTW, if you find something better, be sure to let us know here. Thanks.
  12. No kidding. I've seen it before but still couldn't stop watching it over and over. I can almost hear its guttural roar. So angry that it's been found out its species is using our cell phones to take over.
  13. Ding, ding, ding! You are correct, sir. Black Ratsnake, Eastern Ratsnake, whatever. Same thing. It's y'alls largest snake AND one of the most beneficial animals in the state. Especially one that depends quit a bit farmland. They are very helpful in controlling, you guessed it, rats (and various other rodents, of course.)
  14. I don't accept your apology... I'm only just now figuring out what's going on. haha Welcome.
  15. Great pics, beautiful pups. I hope they find a good home.
  16. Somehow, I feel that Korean shed builder could utilize this drill bit.
  17. Gonna be stuck at home this coming weekend. I'd be more than happy to go hunting with someone if it comes up. Usually, the gf and I go but she'll be out of town with family.
  18. I feel like it's too early. Maybe, further south? I haven't even looked around to see if anyone's found any anywhere, yet.
  19. 1. Find buyer for "unguarded" AK's. 2. Turn back while tying your shoe. 3. Claim they just disappeared. You know, just like your damn lunchbag from the fridge last week. 4. Profit.
  20. ImUrOBGYN

    Bath salts?

    Well, he was in the right place for bath supplies and salt. Winter's over, though.
  21. Been waiting to dl. Love all the previous seasons. I feel like they should be running out of big, pissed fish. Little disappointed by the reviews here but will still watch it all.
  22. Is this the gold(?) one on Craigslist? Went and checked. It's deleted now.
  23. Haha Surely, you jest.
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